The resource allocation has already been issued a notice to each Wuhan University a few days ago.

Du Pingyuan came to the capital at this time, so there must be some demands in it.

"To be honest, we Los Angeles City suffered heavy losses this time. Although the Ministry of Martial Arts distributes resources according to previous years, it is really not enough for my Los Angeles City!" Du Pingyuan complained.

When he came, Du Ping originally intended to follow what they discussed, but Jiang Xiaobai put forward a different suggestion. If he used the resources allocated by the Martial Arts Department to exchange for the elixir, it would not make much money at all. The worse the strength of the city and the strength of other cities, the greater.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai proposed to ask the Ministry of Martial Arts directly for resources.

Du Pingyuan has always behaved well, but when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, he was shocked.

The Ministry of Martial Arts has always been a very sacred existence in their hearts. Except for a few super first-class martial arts universities, very few martial arts universities ask for resources.

Qilu Martial Arts University is not a super-class Martial Arts University in China, if you ask for resources.

This is something that Du Pingyuan can't even imagine.

However, Du Pingyuan couldn't stand Jiang Xiaobai's persuasion, and wanted to give it a try, maybe he could win some benefits for Luo City.

"Uh, do you want more cultivation resources?" Chen Huan looked at Du Pingyuan and asked in surprise.

Chen Huan and Du Pingyuan have known each other for a long time. When Du Pingyuan was still in the Martial Arts Department, they had known each other and had a good relationship.

According to his understanding of Du Pingyuan, Du Pingyuan is not the kind of person who can take the initiative to ask for resources.

What is the reason for this?

"That's right!" Du Pingyuan replied bitterly, "This time I lost too much in Los Angeles, most of the warriors were casualties. We need resources to improve our strength."

"But the allocation of resources has been fixed a long time ago!" Chen Huan said in embarrassment, "This is a unified regulation of the Ministry of Martial Arts, and I am only in charge of notification and distribution."

"Can't you give me some advice?" Du Pingyuan winked at Jiang Xiaobai, "This time it's not my Martial Arts Institute, but for Qilu Martial Arts University."

"That's right! Minister Chen, the number of strong people in our Qiluwu University has dropped sharply, and the current cultivation resources can't meet our needs at all." Jiang Xiaobai took the opportunity to say, "Although the resources of my Qiluwu University are sufficient, the strong The loss is not comparable to these resources."

Chen Huan nodded, what Jiang Xiaobai said was not unreasonable.

"So although the resources are the same as usual, the resources needed by all warriors are relatively much more, but this is far from enough for our Wuhan University." Jiang Xiaobai became more and more excited as he spoke, "After all, I am Qilu Wuda University. The Wuhan University has been passed down for a long time, and as the president of the Wuyuan Academy, I must not bury the reputation of Qilu Wuda University, so we need strong support. We want to make Qilu Wuda University stronger than before, and build confidence for Wuda University across the country. Let them know that although monsters can smash through cities, they can't break my Wu Da's desire to kill monsters."

If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai and Du Pingyuan's sympathy, it is estimated that Du Pingyuan is now moved by Jiang Xiaobai.

Chen Huan's expression was also high when he heard it, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm when he looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Minister Chen, do you think I should strengthen Wuda, enhance the strength of warriors, and fill all Wuda with confidence and strength?" Jiang Xiaobai asked Chen Huan when he saw that the heat was coming.

"Yes!" Chen Huan replied without hesitation.

"So I need training resources, and I need to fight for training resources for the entire Qilu Wuda University, so that Qilu Wuda University will be stronger, and those monsters will not dare to set foot on our territory easily." Jiang Xiaobai said solemnly.

"Yeah!" Chen Huan said in agreement.

Not long after Chen Huan finished speaking, he quickly came back to his senses: "You are trying to cultivate resources in a different way!"

"That's right?" Jiang Xiaobai said seriously. "If there are no cultivation resources, how can I bring Qilu Wuda to stand up again?"

"Monsters attack the city. I, Qilu Wuda, actively participate in the battle. We would rather not have military rewards, as long as we have enough cultivation resources."

"Jiang Xiaobai, I really can't do anything." Chen Huan said bitterly, "Although he is the head of the Martial Arts Department in charge of resources, his authority is very small, and it needs the signature of Elder Fei."

Elder Fei?

Fei Yuming?

Du Pingyuan frowned slightly. Fei Yuming, an elder of the Martial Arts Department, was a powerhouse at the early stage of the imperial rank, and was one of the twelve elders of Huaguo.

"Where is Elder Fei?" Jiang Xiaobai asked eagerly.

Now that Chen Huan let go, as long as Fei Yuming can be dealt with, he will be able to obtain cultivation resources.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai's purpose is not to cultivate resources, but to elixir seedlings and seeds.

Naturally, the cultivation resources that should be allocated cannot be moved, and the others are additional compensation.

"Hey, Jiang Xiaobai, I can understand your difficulties, but Elder Fei is not such a talkative person." Chen Huan looked at Du Pingyuan, "President Du, you should understand this!"

"En!" Du Pingyuan nodded lightly.

"Besides, you and Elder Fei still have some misunderstandings." Chen Huan continued.


"Dean Du, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suspiciously when he heard it.

"I once injured one of his disciples." Du Pingyuan said, "But that was a long time ago."

"Forget it, as long as you can get Elder Fei's consent, then I won't say anything more, just come and get it." Chen Huan ended the conversation.

Du Pingyuan and Jiang Xiaobai didn't stop there either, and left the resource management office directly.

"Principal Du, why did you offend Elder Fei's disciple? Isn't this making it more difficult for us?" Jiang Xiaobai complained as he walked.

"I was hurt because he took action against ordinary people." Du Pingyuan explained slowly, "At that time we were on a mission together, and he didn't hesitate to hurt ordinary people in order to save his life."

"That's it!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized, "President Du, you are too upright. If you save ordinary people, it will be so cool after the incident."

Du Pingyuan gave Jiang Xiaobai a sideways glance. Even if this guy was promoted to the realm of a master, he still had this kind of virtue.

As an elder, Fei Yuming naturally had his elders' house, but Du Pingyuan and Jiang Xiaobai did not go directly to Elder Fei, but went to Pang Ji first.

Pang Ji glared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily after learning of the two people's intentions: "It must be your idea again this time!"

Du Pingyuan couldn't think of such an idea at all, and I'm afraid only Jiang Xiaobai could be so bold.

A few days ago, it was this brat in front of him who asked his disciple to come over, and I heard that he is still working as a coolie in Los Angeles.

Now come to ask for cultivation resources again?

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