Dominate the world

Chapter 496 Ten Thousand Demons Formation

However, what they saw before was a golden giant ape, while Yuan Hong was a white ape, and the two monsters were not of the same species at all, which also made Jiang Xiaobai slightly suspicious.

"I know what you're thinking. After all, the legend of the white ape has been passed down for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years. How could the bloodline be pure during these ten thousand years?" Lu Tianming laughed at himself, " Like us humans, who used to be the leader of all things, did they just fall down later?"

"Indeed!" Jiang Xiaobai agreed, "Back when the saints created humans, the first batch of humans were born strong, and now humans have fallen to this point."

"Human beings, if you keep striving for self-improvement, you will become stronger sooner or later." Lu Tianming said with compassion, "Jiang Xiaobai, if there is really danger, you can retreat."

"Are you helping me?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in surprise before he could react.

"Forget it!" Lu Tianming looked at the gray Mount Tai, "It's not exactly what I mean, just follow suit."

"Don't be so sad!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "Although I have a premonition of danger, it's not necessarily true as you said."

While talking, several people came near the Foguang Liuli. Although they were not close to the Foguang Liuli, Jiang Xiaobai sensed the powerful power of Dao Dao.

That force was like Huang Zhong Dalu, knocking on his mind.

"This..." Jiang Xiaobai looked ahead and asked hesitantly.

"That's right, this is the Buddha Heart Glazed Glass!" Lu Tianming's face was extremely calm, without the slightest joy and excitement of getting the treasure, instead, there was a haze surrounding his calm face.

"Brother Lu, what are we waiting for?" The Grandmaster standing beside Lu Tianming said urgently, "This is the Buddha Heart Glaze, the Buddha Heart Glaze of real value!"

"That's right! It's really the breath of Buddha Heart Glazed Glass. From now on, it seems that there are not only many Buddha Heart Glazed Glasses, but also extremely pure."

"Brother Lu, what are we waiting for? Hurry up!"

The other masters around talked one after another, with fiery eyes showing in their eyes.

Facing Zhu Yuanguo, he was able to remain calm, but when facing the Buddha Light Liuli, he made it impossible for them to calm down.

This is an opportunity for them to be promoted to king-level powerhouses.

For any master, the Buddha's light colored glaze is a treasure-level existence.

"Wait!" Lu Tianming looked in front of him and said cautiously.

"What are you waiting for? The treasure is right in front of you!" One of the fighters couldn't help but rushed forward.

He had practiced for decades before he entered the realm of a master. After entering the realm of a master, their goal was to become a king-level powerhouse.

But now, the opportunity for a king-level powerhouse is in front of them, how can they give up?


After seeing a grandmaster rushing out, the other grandmasters also started to move.

"Be careful!" Jiang Xiaobai didn't have time to remind, most of the masters rushed forward impatiently.

"I can't control that much anymore!" Lu Tianming rushed over.

Lu Tianming also felt the danger when he got close to the Buddha Light Glass, but these masters didn't believe it at all.

Completely dazzled by the immediate interests.

After all, the opportunity to be promoted to the king is at hand, and it is impossible for anyone to remain calm.

"Aren't these masters out of their minds?" Jiang Xiaobai scolded, "You are still so reckless at this time, treating the Buddha Heart Glass as a display?"

Jiang Xiaobai scolded and scolded, but he didn't stay idle, and directly chased after him.


When Jiang Xiaobai just arrived near the Hundred Grandmasters, he suddenly heard an explosion in the air.

Looking up, the Grandmaster who was in front suddenly turned into a cloud of blood and exploded in the air, raining blood.

A master dies!

"Everyone be careful!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly shouted.

In fact, there was no need for Jiang Xiaobai to remind, after the master died, everyone stopped immediately.

In just a moment, the master died.

Like a thunderclap on the ground, no one noticed anything unusual.

"Welcome everyone to the Ten Thousand Monster Formation!" A loud voice came from the sky.

Then, two figures appeared above the heads of the hundred grandmasters.

The Scarlet Flame Leopard King and the Golden Giant Ape, two demon kings, stood in the air, looking at the master below with a playful expression.

"Is there an ambush?"

The surrounding masters reacted instantly and looked at the two demon kings in the air.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush!"

Lu Tianming looked around cautiously, and his mind tightened.

"Myriad Demon Formation? It turned out to be Ten Thousand Demon Formation?" Jiang Xiaobai frowned when he heard the name Ten Thousand Demon Formation.

This formation was too familiar to him.

At the beginning when Qilu's king-level powerhouse suppressed Mount Tai, he was eventually trapped in the Ten Thousand Monster Formation, and his life and death were unknown.

Especially Du Pingyuan, who is very familiar with the Ten Thousand Demon Formation, every time Du Pingyuan talks about the Ten Thousand Demon Formation, he shows a little fear.

King-level powerhouses can't break this formation yet, even though they have a hundred grandmasters, it's probably useless.

"Myriad demon formation? What is this?" Lu Tianming asked in a low voice.

"This is a formation that the monster race found on Mount Tai. It is extremely powerful. When the king-level masters of Qilu Province suppressed Mount Tai, they were once trapped in the formation of ten thousand monsters." Jiang Xiaobai said slowly. . "I had already guessed that there was danger, but I didn't expect that the other party would use the Ten Thousand Monster Formation to deal with us."

This is a formation to deal with king-level powerhouses, and it will be used on several of them.

This is a bit of a big deal!

"I advise you not to struggle. After entering the Ten Thousand Monsters Formation, even struggling is useless." Yuan Li's voice was slightly mocking, "It's just a mere hundred masters who want to conquer Mount Tai?"

"Don't you think it's ridiculous? My three brothers have occupied Mount Tai for many years, and they already know everything about Mount Tai. This is our territory, not the place where you humans set foot."

"It's really shameless!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the golden giant ape in the sky, and responded unceremoniously. "Mount Tai is the treasure of my humanity. When did it become your territory? You said that Mount Tai belongs to you. Have you ever entered Yuhuangding?"


After Yuan Li heard it, his expression changed, and he stared at Jiang Xiaobai fiercely.

"I'm a little familiar with your breath, you are from Luocheng!" Yuan Li stared at Jiang Xiaobai and shouted sharply.

"Good memory, I thought Dean Du made you stupid?" Jiang Xiaobai countered, "It seems that you are quite healthy now!"

"The king of Los Angeles you were talking about?" Yuan Li sneered after hearing this, "Is he not dead yet?"

"However, I believe he won't live long. He was injured in the first place, and was seriously injured by me later. When he dies, it will be the day when your city of Los Angeles falls."

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