Dominate the world

Chapter 501 Breaking the Formation, Cultivating in Place

"Place primordial stones!"

When everyone's consciousness was almost wiped out, Jiang Xiaobai's voice suddenly came out.

"Quick, place primordial stones!"

After hearing the news, those masters immediately came to their senses and urged their companions.

The Grandmasters who were reminded picked up the primordial stone one after another, exerted all their strength, and placed the primordial stone where the Scarlet Eye was before.


After the primordial stone was placed down, the scarlet eye suddenly fell to the ground, as if it had merged with the primordial stone.

And those grandmasters who were resisting the Scarlet Eye felt the pressure disappear in an instant, and everyone fell to the ground due to inertia.

"It's so relaxing, I feel like I'm going to be cold!"

"Is it over? Am I dead or?"

"Vitality, I feel vitality!"

The warrior master lying on the ground soon felt a trace of vitality, and everyone's eyes instantly showed hope.


Really energetic!

The warriors on the ground immediately used their exercises, greedily absorbing the vitality around them.

Ever since they were trapped by the Ten Thousand Monster Formation, their vitality has been eroded and assimilated by the monster energy, and the last vitality is also used to fight against the Scarlet Eye.

Now that they feel the vitality, of course they can't wait to absorb it.

Although there is only a trace of vitality, it seems like rain to these master warriors.

It's like humans who have been walking in the desert for a few days and are extremely short of water. When they suddenly see a few drops of dew, they will drink it crazily.

A trace of vitality flowed around until it was absorbed into the body of the warrior, but soon, new vitality was formed.

"Sure enough, it's done!" Jiang Xiaobai felt a faint vitality, and a smile appeared on his face.

At the critical moment just now, Jiang Xiaobai found the best time to change the operation mechanism of the Ten Thousand Demon Formation.

The monster energy is slowly transforming into vitality, so that all warriors will no longer suffer from being attacked by monsters.

"Did it succeed?" Lu Tianming's voice came from the communicator, "Jiang Xiaobai, have we succeeded?"

"It succeeded, but the maintenance time is only half a month." Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the communicator and felt the faint vitality around him.

The Ten Thousand Monster Formation, which was originally full of monster aura, has now become full of vitality. Not only will it not be harmful to human beings, but it will also benefit their cultivation.

"Half a month is enough!" Lu Tianming looked at the many warriors on the ground, and then he was relieved.

Finally, these hundred grandmasters were saved. If these hundred grandmasters were to suffer a catastrophe, it would be a great loss to the entire Martial Arts Department.

Of the hundreds of grandmasters, some of them must be able to become a king-level powerhouse. If they die just like that, no one will be reconciled to it.

Ten minutes later, the warriors on the ground stood up one after another. At this moment, they had recovered some vitality, not as weak as before.

Hundreds of grandmasters gathered together again, this time, the way they looked at Jiang Xiaobai changed slightly.

They never thought that Jiang Xiaobai really had the ability to break the Ten Thousand Demon Formation.

The formation is extremely mysterious. Looking at the entire Hua Kingdom, there are only a handful of people who can master the formation. Most of them are some family disciples, but it is indeed very few who are proficient in the formation.

And Jiang Xiaobai's status is low, how could he come into contact with such a profound formation?

However, this was Jiang Xiaobai's secret, and everyone kept silent, and no one took the initiative to ask.

"This formation won't last long." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the crowd, "You can practice well, and when the monsters are unprepared, we can launch an attack."

"In this way, the monster beast can be bombarded with lightning speed."

After hearing this, all the masters nodded secretly.

If Jiang Xiaobai said this a few days ago, they would naturally not be convinced, but now Jiang Xiaobai has used his own means to convince them.

"Okay!" Lu Tianming agreed, "Recover our strength as soon as possible, before the monsters know that we have changed the Ten Thousand Monster Formation, this is an opportunity for us."

The other masters sat on the ground one after another, trying hard to absorb the vitality around them.

Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Xiaobai practiced the Wuyun sword technique again.

Wuyun swordsmanship is learned from Du Pingyuan. The swordsmanship is extremely brilliant. It is divided into five moves: Jianfeng, Jianyu, Jianlin, and Jianlei. Each move can burst out extremely powerful when practiced to the extreme .

However, the current Jiang Xiaobai is just beginning to cultivate, and he has achieved a small amount of success with the momentum of the sword wind.

The sword energy is like the wind, and the offensive is fierce.

Jiang Xiaobai performed it with ease. This set of swordsmanship is the most powerful one after Jiang Xiaobai practiced the Nine Prisons Thunder Saber.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Xiaobai showed invincible combat power at the same level.

This kind of combat power is enough to make many people look up.

While everyone was practicing and recovering their vitality, Jiang Xiaobai started practicing Wuyun swordsmanship seriously.

Meticulous, one move at a time, the basic swordsmanship of practice.

Jiang Xiaobai had never practiced swordsmanship before, so he could only start bit by bit.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai has the help of Taiji Yuanpan. Every time he practices, the Taiji Yuanpan will record it.

"He is actually practicing basic swordsmanship?"

"Basic swordsmanship, are you sure you read it correctly? Jiang Xiaobai is already a master!"

"This is the first time for the master to practice basic swordsmanship!"

Some of the masters woke up from their training and just saw Jiang Xiaobai standing seriously practicing swordsmanship, so they couldn't help being curious.

In their view, what Jiang Xiaobai did was just the most basic thing, even if it was to practice swordsmanship, they didn't even bother to start from basic swordsmanship.

However, Jiang Xiaobai never tires of it.

After half a day, Jiang Xiaobai finally heard the sound of the Taiji disc.

Basic swordsmanship, [-]% proficiency!

"One hundred percent!" Jiang Xiaobai wiped the sweat from his forehead, although he was physically and mentally exhausted, but his heart was extremely excited.

When Du Pingyuan gave himself Wuyun swordsmanship, he didn't tell himself to start with basic swordsmanship.

However, after the analysis of Taiji Yuanpan, it was discovered that one should start from the most basic swordsmanship.

Thinking that I am a majestic master, but want to practice the swordsmanship of a basic warrior, it is tantamount to an extremely shameful thing.

Fortunately, the training has now been completed.

"Sword Wind!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly yelled violently, and the wind surged behind him, and the sword light radiated everywhere.


Dao Dao Yuan Qi condensed around Jiang Xiaobai, quickly forming the shape of a pair of divine swords.

The sword energy is like the wind!

Dao Dao Jian Qi rushed out and hit the ground violently.


The sword energy poured onto the ground and exploded instantly.

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