Dominate the world

Chapter 528 Yanjing, Here I Come Again

The concept of thunder is the supreme skill of the Liu family's spiritual power cultivation method. Only the direct disciples of the Liu family can practice it, and it must be approved by the senior members of the Liu family.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know the preciousness of Lei Tingguan's ideas. If it weren't for the extraordinary relationship between him and Liu Douer, Liu Zongyuan would not have brought out such a precious spiritual power cultivation method.

Even in Qilu Martial Arts University, there are only simple scrolls, which are the most basic spiritual power cultivation method.

Jiang Xiaobai tried to practice for a few days, but he didn't feel any improvement, so he stopped practicing altogether.

When Liu Zongyuan came up with the idea of ​​Lei Ting Guan, he dismissed it at first, but he just glanced at it and felt that this picture scroll was much stronger than Qilu Wuda's picture scroll.

Two hours later, Jiang Xiaobai withdrew from the idea of ​​​​Thunderstorm.

"Wonderful, really amazing." Jiang Xiaobai praised, "This is the most wonderful spiritual power cultivation method I have ever seen. It is so vast that I couldn't comprehend it for a while."

"It will be impossible for you to comprehend it for a few years." Liu Zongyuan saw Jiang Xiaobai waking up, and withdrew his divine thoughts, "This is a visualization method created by the emperor, you are just a master, how can you do it?" Can you comprehend it thoroughly?"

"A strong emperor?" Jiang Xiaobai said silently.

"Okay, if there is anything you don't understand, feel free to ask me." Liu Zongyuan said inscrutablely. "This idea is not something that can be understood overnight. While I have time now, I can teach you a few points. After I leave, it will be difficult to see me."

"Not for the time being!" Jiang Xiaobai said frankly, "This idea is not as difficult as imagined."

"..." Liu Zongyuan looked at Jiang Xiaobai speechlessly.

Is this guy embarrassing himself on purpose?

Need no pointers at all?

Is he really that powerful?

Or is it a deliberate pose?

Countless thoughts flashed through Liu Zongyuan's mind. Although there were so many scruples, Jiang Xiaobai's mental strength would not lie.

In the past two hours, Jiang Xiaobai's mental strength has actually improved a lot.

"Senior Liu, I really don't need your help." Seeing Liu Zongyuan's expression, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help scratching the back of his head, "How about I make one up to satisfy your vanity?"

"Get lost!" Liu Zongyuan frowned when he heard that, "You boy, don't be the same age as me."

Although he cursed Jiang Xiaobai with his mouth, Liu Zongyuan was very relieved in his heart.

Before that, he thought that Jiang Xiaobai would not be able to match Liu Douer, but now it seems that relying on Jiang Xiaobai's evil talent, within a few years, he can become a powerful figure.

At that time, it was completely possible to marry into the Liu family.

It is true that everyone in the family loves Liu Douer, but they don't want Liu Douer to find a boyfriend who is too weak. After all, Liu Douer's marriage does not represent Liu Douer alone, but the whole family. The face of the Liu family.

"You always tell me, do you like Doudou?" Liu Zongyuan asked Jiang Xiaobai seriously.

"I like it!" Jiang Xiaobai replied simply.

After seeing Liu Zongyuan, Jiang Xiaobai knew that Liu Zongyuan would definitely ask such a question one day.

So when he saw the other party asking a question, he didn't avoid it in any way, but admitted it generously.

Indeed, he had a crush on Liu Douer and liked it.These didn't happen in one day, but after a year of getting along, Jiang Xiaobai could feel the other party's heart.

"Just like it!" Liu Zongyuan was very satisfied with Jiang Xiaobai's performance, "But you have to know, you are too different from our family, if you want to be with Liu Douer, even if I, an old man, agree, I'm afraid you will suffer. To the opposition of everyone in the family."

"So what if they object?" Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, "It's good that Liu Douer and I are consensual, and we don't care what other people do?"

"There's nothing wrong with what you said, but isn't that cruel to Doudou?" Liu Zongyuan didn't refute, but said patiently, "For example, our Jiangnan Liu family's family prejudice is lighter. An existence like the Shengli family, according to your background, will not let them look at you at all."

"Whether in ancient times or now, the vision of the aristocratic family is far beyond what you can imagine."

"Senior Liu, do you think I can do it?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Zongyuan and said seriously.

"That depends on how high you have grown." Liu Zongyuan said lightly, "If you are just a grandmaster, then even if you like Liu Douer, you can't be together."

"Then what about my promotion to the king? What about the promotion to the emperor?" Jiang Xiaobai continued.

"If you are a king, you still have a chance. If you are an emperor, you can choose from the beauties of the major families in Huaguo." Liu Zongyuan said with a smile, "If you are promoted to the king, I don't think it's a big problem, but you have to You should know how difficult it is to be promoted to the emperor."

From master to king is a hurdle!

From the king to the realm of the emperor, there is a gap.

After all, warriors have already surpassed the scope of mortals since they were masters. Forging a golden body and condensing spiritual thoughts are all differences between heaven and earth.

"Yes! The road to martial arts is long and difficult." Jiang Xiaobai sighed, but then changed the topic, "But for me, Jiang Xiaobai, no matter how difficult and dangerous it is, I will overcome them one by one."

"Grandmaster, it's just my starting point, not my focus. My Jiang Xiaobai's goal is the stars and the sea."

The sea of ​​stars?

Liu Zongyuan gave Jiang Xiaobai a helpless look, this guy... is hopeless!

"Okay, you've already remembered the idea of ​​Thunder View!" Liu Zongyuan stretched out his hand, "The scroll should also be returned to me!"

"So you want to go back?" Jiang Xiaobai asked helplessly.

"Of course, this scroll is the treasure of my Liu family. Now that you have memorized it, visualize it slowly!" Liu Zongyuan said solemnly, "Remember, this visualization idea cannot be passed on to others, otherwise I will directly send you kill."

"..." Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but tremble all over.

In the sentence just now, Liu Zongyuan was not joking, because he felt a murderous aura.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly returned the idea of ​​Thunder View to Liu Zongyuan. He had already memorized the content on the scroll, and it was useless to keep this scroll.

After Liu Zongyuan put away the scroll, he left the office directly.

A few days later, a family of martial arts fighters appeared in the sky above Los Angeles, exuding a powerful force.

The martial arts fighters from the Ministry of Martial Arts descended on Los Angeles again. This time, the fighters in Los Angeles did not cause any shock. After all, they were used to big scenes in the past few months, and this was no surprise to them.

Du Pingyuan personally sent Jiang Xiaobai to the martial arts fighter.

"Xiaobai, you must restrain yourself when you enter Beijing this time!"

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