Dominate the world

Chapter 536 What?What else?

After Fan Xi returned to the Fan family, he went directly to the training place of Fan Sixian, the Patriarch of the Fan family, and excitedly sent the Demon Emperor level soldiers to him.

"Father, look, what have I brought?" Fan Xi fawningly placed the Demon Emperor level soldier in front of Fan Sixian, unable to conceal his excitement.

"What good things can you have?" Fan Sixian responded coldly.

The next moment, he saw the Demon Emperor-level soldier, and his eyes suddenly became eager.

He is already at the peak of the king's cultivation, and he is only one step away from the emperor-level powerhouse. Sending the demon emperor-level soldiers at this time is completely timely.

The demon emperor-level soldiers are used by the demon emperor, and they are naturally tainted with the demon emperor's aura. Being able to have a demon emperor-level soldier to assist in his cultivation will allow him to be promoted to the realm of the demon emperor very quickly.

Therefore, the Demon Emperor-level soldier is the treasure he needs most urgently at this moment.

Originally, Fan Sixian was still distressed because of this matter, but he didn't expect that Fan Xi would help him solve this problem in the blink of an eye.

"Where did you get it?" Fan Sixian stroked the Demon Emperor-level soldier in his hand, full of joy.

Of the top ten families in Kyoto, only the top five families have emperor-level powerhouses, and the others are warriors at the peak of the king-level. If he can use the demon emperor-level soldiers to advance to the imperial-level realm.

Looking at the entire capital, who would dare to look down on their Fan family?

At that time, the status of the Fan family will be greatly improved, at least it will be ranked sixth among the Kyoto families.

"Do you still remember Jiang Xiaobai who made trouble at the Jingdu Hotel earlier?" Fan Xi said quietly.

"Yes! I've heard of this person." Fan Sixian nodded.

"A few days ago, he came back from Taishan and gained a lot, and I got this demon emperor-level soldier from him." Fan Xi explained with a smile, "Father, he is just a master-level warrior. What qualifications do you have to use this soldier?"

"Jiang Xiaobai?" Fan Sixian couldn't help thinking, "He is willing to give it to you? This is a demon emperor-level soldier, how could he be willing to give it to you."

This is too illogical.

"How could it be that he gave it to me willingly." Fan Xi said mysteriously, "At the beginning, Jiang Xiaobai tricked our Fan family disciples, but this time, I beat him hard, and beat him hard once."

"This demon emperor-level soldier is what I have gained this time. I thought Jiang Xiaobai would resist, but I didn't expect this guy to admit he was cowardly when he heard about our Fan family."

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai this time, Fan Xi's evaluation of Jiang Xiaobai was greatly reduced. He thought that Jiang Xiaobai was really as strong as others said, but he didn't expect to admit that he was cowardly when he saw him.

The dean of the Martial Arts Academy of Qilu University is nothing more than that.

"It's just the dean of the Martial Arts Academy of Qilu Martial Arts University. Now he can't protect himself, so naturally he doesn't dare to provoke us." After hearing Fan Xi's words, Fan Sixian felt relieved.

As long as it wasn't forcibly snatched, it would be fine, even the Martial Arts Department would not tolerate the use of force to snatch the Demon Emperor's soldiers near the capital.

"I'll give you a credit this time." Fan Sixian patted Fan Xi's shoulder, "You are the one of my many children who is not a good one, but this makes me admire!"

Fan Xi is the third son of Fan Sixian. In terms of talent and ability, Fan Xi is always inferior to his two elder brothers.

It was precisely because of this that Fan Xi also felt the pressure. He felt that he had to do something to show his status in the family.

This time, he just took advantage of the opportunity of the Demon Emperor's soldiers to let Fan Sixian take himself seriously again.

Just as Fan Sixian turned around and was about to take the Demon Emperor-level soldier to enlightenment, a person rushed out from outside in a hurry.

"Patriarch, Patriarch, go slowly!"

An old man with the appearance of a butler ran over out of breath, stepped forward and said loudly.

"What's the matter?" Fan Sixian was obviously in a good mood, instead of blaming the other party, he asked with a smile.

"The Ministry of Martial Arts wants to invite Patriarch to come over." The man said with a breath.


Fan Sixian frowned when he heard these three words.

What will happen to the Martial Arts Department?

Although the Fan family is Yanjing's family, there are no warriors in the martial arts department, and the entire Fan family and the martial arts department have no contact with each other.

And now the Martial Arts Department actually came to invite him to come over?

What is the reason for this?

If you want to talk about the specific reason, maybe it is...

Fan Sixian looked at Fan Xi, it must be Jiang Xiaobai's business!

"Father, I will go with you." Fan Xi took a step forward and said, "If Jiang Xiaobai really complained, then I can testify for you about this matter."

"Okay!" Fan Sixian did not refuse.

The Fan family didn't rely on the Martial Arts Department, and it was only because of his extreme care that they were able to grow up to the present, which is why they have achieved today's brilliance.

Now that the Martial Arts Department suddenly let him go, there must be something strange in it.

Fan Sixian and Fan Xi went out of the house and flew directly towards the Ministry of Martial Arts. In Yanjing, the strong are forbidden to fly. This is only for ordinary warriors. Family warriors like the Fan family have special abilities. license.

The two fell down when they were 500 meters away from the Budobu and started walking towards the Budobu.

When the two of them came to the Martial Arts Department, they happened to see Jiang Xiaobai.

"It sure is him!"

After Fan Sixian recognized Jiang Xiaobai, he cried out inwardly.

Fortunately, Fan Xi is following him now, otherwise he would not be able to explain why.

"Jiang Xiaobai, this is Fan Sixian, the head of the Fan family." Tang Shanhai introduced.

"Fan Sixian?" Jiang Xiaobai quickly memorized this person's appearance, and then when he looked at Fan Xi, he couldn't help being excited, "It's him, Fan Xi!"

"Fanxi old thief, do you still have the face to come here?"

Fancy old thief?

When Fan Xi heard Jiang Xiaobai insulting him like this, his face suddenly became ugly. If it wasn't because he was in the Martial Arts Department, he would have stepped forward and taught this kid a lesson.

"Senior Tang, why did Jiang Xiaobai insult my son?" Fan Sixian asked with a frown.

"Fan Sixian, do you really not know?" Tang Shanhai asked coldly.

"You are pretending to be stupid. Fan Xi is your son. You must be the same as dogs. You are treating me like this in the important place of the capital, at the foot of the Martial Arts Institute." Defending Los Angeles to the core and defeating monsters, is this how you treat your compatriots?"

Jiang Xiaobai's scolding became more and more fierce every time, even Fan Sixian felt a little harsh.

After hearing this, Tang Shanhai and Miao Ju looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

How much resentment is this?

"Jiang Xiaobai, you're spitting blood, I don't know what you're talking about!" Fan Xi couldn't hold it any longer, and yelled back.

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