Dominate the world

Chapter 594 The Indestructible Golden Body

"Which part is the difference?"

In the office, Jiang Xiaobai, Li Chan, Kong Shang, Sheng Le, Du Pingyuan, these can be said to be the best in Qilu in terms of cultivation experience and life experience. A conclusion can be reached, and the scene has reached a deadlock.

Jiang Xiaobai opened the space token, poured out the primordial stone warriors all over the floor, and saluted: "Thank you to the three seniors these days, these..."

The three of Kong Shang took out their chosen soldiers and waved them at Jiang Xiaobai. Li Chan suppressed a smile and lifted her chin, triumphantly.

"It's better if you don't. When my students make progress, I will reward them." Jiang Xiaobai collected all of them into the tokens at once, and didn't even give them a chance to repent.

"You kid, we're just being polite, you really don't want to give it?" Du Pingyuan scolded with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai threw out the body of the fish demon again, "The feast is here, do you have any good suggestions for seniors?"

"It's not for us, is it?" Sheng Le didn't care about that, and directly took off two fish scales, and tried his strength: "This is a good breast shield, thank you."

Kong Shang looked around, nodded and said: "This fish demon has a trace of dragon breath, which can be regarded as an excellent refining material." He patted the head of the fish, and it felt hollow inside, with something dripping Turning around, he took it out, and it was a pale white ball the size of a fist: "This is a half-step dragon crystal, and all the wisdom of this monster is stored in it, if it is integrated into the artifact when refining the weapon , maybe the weapon you practice will have a chance to produce spirituality, which is not comparable to those demon emperors from the outside world."

Du Pingyuan said: "That's not bad, if there is no suppression by the Yellow River Palace, this monster might have become a real god."

Jiang Xiaobai never expected that the most precious harvest would be this fish brain, the so-called half-step dragon crystal, and he looked a little melancholy.

"What's wrong?" Li Chan asked.

Jiang Xiaobai sighed: "Because of the instructor, Zhao Chongyuan went to Kunlun Mountain. He is a genius in making weapons. I don't know what happened to him. I think this piece of dragon crystal should change in his hands. Let’s stop talking, I’m going to retreat. Li Chan, you should also go to heal your wounds quickly, so as not to leave a hidden illness, and you will regret it in the future.”

"Understood." There was a hint of tenderness in Li Chan's voice, she got up and went to the practice room.

The three old men watched the two children salute and go out, they stopped joking and were very emotional.

Du Pingyuan shook his head slightly: "Jiang Xiaobai doesn't have many friends. One Zhang Chulan traveled abroad, and the other Zhao Chong went to Kunlun. He has too many worries in his heart."

Looking at the dragon crystal put into the display cabinet, the crowd secretly sighed: "You all must live well..."


The ruins of Kunlun in China.

It starts from the east of the Pamir Plateau in the west, traverses between Xiyu Province and Uzbekistan Province, and extends to Xihai Province. The total length is about 2500 kilometers, and the average altitude is more than [-] meters. This is the data before the drastic change. ancestral.

Legend has it that Kunlun Mountain is the source of the Yellow River, rich in jade, and there are phoenixes and various rare birds and animals on the mountain. However, because Kunlun Mountain is too mysterious, it is so dangerous that it is difficult for humans to set foot on it. Several king-level warriors expressed their intention to conquer this mountain range, but they never returned, which added a sense of mystery to it.

Now it is the Martial Arts Department, and it only looks up to the Kunlun Mountains.

At this moment, on top of an endless [-]-meter high mountain, a small black dot is slowly moving, and when our sight is drawn closer to a certain distance, we realize that it turned out to be a person.

The goose-feather-like snow was blowing one after another, and under the extremely strong wind, it was like a sharp little blade, almost completely covering up that figure.

Human power is as insignificant as an ant in front of the majesty of the world.

This person was Zhao Chong, his beard and hair were covered with frost, and there were two ice picks under his nostrils, like the fangs of a beast.

The strong light was reflected by the snow, and the pupils of the eyes were blurred, and it was impossible to tell where the sky was and the earth was.

He slowed down slightly, and looked back, his eyes seemed to have crossed the endless mountains, looking for the college that used to laugh.

He smiled slightly, his face was so stiff that he couldn't help but smile, but from his eyes, he could find his sincere blessing.

He continued to bury his head and head towards a higher peak.

I don’t know how long he’s been walking, he has already forgotten what time is, and only feels that there is a warm current blowing in front of him. He staggers and runs to the top of the mountain. The mist floats and flows gently, like a fairyland.

His frosty face gradually smiled, revealing his original face. He was a good-looking handsome guy. His long beard gave him a rough look, and the traces of wind and frost on his cheeks made him more determined.

Yes, the will is not firm enough, and I will never come here.

"What brought you here?"

"Is it unlimited materialism?"

"Is it a fluke?"

"Or are you exhausted?"

A woman's voice with infinite coercion contained in the ethereal, rumbled from nowhere.

Zhao Chong said: "It is exploration. It is to explore more ways under the responsibility. Along the way, I keep thinking about the reason for the existence of all things."

"My will is to seek out all the laws of operation between the heaven and the earth, and apply them to the refiner. Everything in the heaven and earth has its own power. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs."

As he spoke, a palm-sized wooden bird appeared in his hand. There was no need to place primordial stones, and no primordial energy was poured in. The lifelike wooden bird flapped its wings and flew.

"This Kunlun mountain is boundless. I collect jade and refine it into water. I take the stone from the mountain and refine it into steel. I cut off the immortal tree in the mountain and refine it into a wooden bird. During this period, a little bit of the principle of the road gradually formed a line, but I always feel that it is not enough. What, so I kept walking and thinking, so I came here.”

"What did you think of?" The female voice came rumblingly.

Zhao Chong shook his head slightly: "No, I didn't think of anything, maybe I didn't think of it at all, everything became nothingness, as if I had never done anything, and I hadn't thought of anything."

"Then you can go back." There was no emotion in the female voice.

Zhao Chong turned around slightly, and the thoughts in his mind were suddenly reversed. Countless concepts and ideas were entangled wantonly, forming new concepts one after another.

He looked at the way back, and a golden light appeared in his eyes, and the golden light gradually bloomed from the inside out of his body.

As soon as he lifted his footsteps, the whole person took off and drifted away in this endless Kunlun. Along the way, dots of golden light gradually dissipated into the invisible.

Turning around, Zhao Chong became the pinnacle of master craftsman in this vast Kunlun.

In the fairyland, the owner of the female voice appeared in a blink of an eye. She had a human head and a leopard body, and two blue birds stood beside her.

With a smile on her lips, she nodded slowly in the direction Zhao Chong left.

When Zhao Chong first came to Kunlun Mountain, she had already discovered it, but she didn't pay attention at that time, a mere low-level warrior is not worth a second look at all.

But this young man, relying on his strong will, has come to the present step by step.

Facing her test, Zhao Chong came over little by little.

"Instead of asking for magic medicine, it is better to temper yourself and achieve your dreams with your own hands."

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