The catfish man is the housekeeper of Liu's other courtyard, so to speak he is Liu Qian's number one confidant. Seeing him come in like shit, Liu Qian frowned: "You are a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River, how decent are your words and deeds!"

"Crack!" The catfish man slapped himself immediately, and then said: "Third Master, I can't help it. Mr. Xu and the others went to make things difficult for Jiang Xiaobai. Not only did they fail, they even lost."

"Losing?" Liu Qian was slightly taken aback. To be honest, he thought of many possibilities, even if the news leaked, Liu Dou'er came over to stop him personally. Jiang Xiaobai cleaned up all by himself.

"What's going on? Tell me in detail!" Liu Qian slammed his cane, his face stern.

The catfish man failed to punch Liu Ming, Liu Ling'er couldn't break the opponent's protective vitality, Liu Xu gesticulated, but was kicked away... During this process, he didn't dare to add fuel and vinegar, carefully Say it again.

"Unexpectedly, that grassroots actually has some skills."

After pondering for a long time, Liu Qian finally spit out the words, "If you don't care about your wealth, even Mr. Cao Ying will be like this when facing Liu Xu and the others. The most important thing is, Liu Xu and the others failed to find out the other party's bottom?"

The catfish man immediately slapped his thigh: "The third master is worthy of being the third master. You can grasp the essence just by listening to the small talk. That's right, I am a bystander, and I always feel that if Jiang Xiaobai is an adult, Mr. Xu and the others will Like a child, Huan is tossing around, but he doesn't even have the ability to hurt the other party."

"Of course, it's nothing. After all, Mr. Xu and the others still have a lot of room for growth. The future is limitless. The most important thing is..."

"Then Jiang Xiaobai entered the other courtyard. He didn't care about the prestige and reputation of the third master. He beat up the children of his own family. I don't think that guy takes you seriously, the third master!"

Hearing this, Liu Qian narrowed his eyes, his face was full of gloom, "It's unreasonable, there is no distinction between senior and junior! This son is in vain!"

Liu Qian suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have said that Jiang Xiaobai was invited by him, but until now, he didn't think about it at all, because he had already seen Jiang Xiaobai's strong side.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid it won't go so smoothly if we insist on marrying Liu Dou'er to Cao Ying."


"Third Master." The catfish man hurriedly bowed down to salute.

"Pass my order, open the side door of Liu's house, and set up a formation of swords, mountains, fires and seas!"

"If he, Jiang Xiaobai, can go through the mountains of swords and seas of fire, then I, Liu Qian, will stop talking!"


Liu Ding's heart suddenly gasped. The formation of the mountains of swords and seas of fire was not a real uphill battle, but a series of arenas set up by the capable disciples of the Liu family. The challengers had to succeed all the way to be recognized by the Liu family.

There are twelve seats in that arena. Once challenged to enter the arena, a life-and-death agreement must be signed, and life and death are at your own risk.

At this moment, Liu Ding could see that the third master was already angry and really wanted to get rid of Jiang Xiaobai.

Liu Ding took the third master's seal with a heavy hand and a heavy heart, not because he really cared about Jiang Xiaobai, but because of a sense of ritual.

When a famous family does something, it must be methodical and not sloppy.

Liu Ding used Liu Qian's seal, and a ray of light flew up from the courtyard, and the entire Liu family could see it clearly.

"Tell the words of the third master, and open the formation of mountains of swords and seas of fire."

After a short period of silence, the Liu family became active in an instant. For a while, the flags were unfurled, the drums and gongs were loud, and the lion dancers began to fly up and down in front of the gate of the Liu family.

Liu Douer was slightly startled, and called the maid: "Who is here to challenge? How dare you come to Liu's house to find yourself uncomfortable?"

"Miss, wait a moment, maidservant is going to inquire about it now." The maidservant was also very excited, she hadn't had such an activity for a long time, she trotted fast, and flew back after a while, if it was because of family rules, she would show her body It's over, "Miss, it's not good, I heard that it's Jiang Xiaobai who is about to start a challenge."

"Ah?" Liu Dou'er was shocked and jumped up, "When did brother Xiaobai come? Why didn't I know? But how did you set up the formation?"

The maid shook her head, "The maid doesn't know about this either. It seems to be an order from the third master."

"Third Grandpa?" Liu Dou'er thought for a while, and suddenly understood, her pretty face turned cold: "The letter calling me back to the family is also written by Third Grandpa, right?"

"The servant girl doesn't know."

"Hey!" Liu Dou'er also knew that these maids were only in charge of daily life, although each of them was going to gossip, but after all, the network was limited, not everything could be inquired about.

The maid was surprised and said: "Miss, isn't Jiang Xiaobai your boyfriend? Now you are going to challenge the mountain of swords and fire, why don't you worry about him at all? Did you break up? No, why are you here after breaking up? "

Looking at the maid who kept adding drama to her, Liu Dou'er really didn't want to talk to her, but she shrugged, "Why are you worried about him? He's so powerful. Now I'm only worried that he won't hit too hard, so that I won't have to deal with those brothers and sisters in the future." Uncles and aunts are not easy to get along with."

"Is that so..." Looking at the eldest lady who was worried about the aftermath, the maid really couldn't believe that her self-confidence was so strong.

In the other courtyard opposite, Liu Ding announced the rules to Jiang Xiaobai, and then said: "It's too late for you to regret it now, otherwise, there is no regret medicine. If you leave like this, no one will laugh at you. That's right, it's the Liu family."

Jiang Xiaobai said: "Isn't there no king-level fighters among the ring guards? Why should I regret it?"

"You are really a toad blowing a balloon, what a big breath!" Liu Ding sneered, "If that's the case, please~!"

Jiang Xiaobai stepped out of the gate of the other courtyard. The street was already full of people, not only the Liu family, but also the Liu family's relatives and neighbors. More than a dozen people in charge kept passing on orders, and the messengers shuttled back and forth.

In these years, apart from weddings and funerals, the Liu family has not had such a lively scene for a long time, just like a grand ceremony.


A duck-like laughter just passed the voice-changing period. The young master Wang Lin walked out with square steps under the service of a dozen followers. When he saw Jiang Xiaobai on the way, he immediately Standing still, hugging his shoulders, a smug smile appeared on his face: "Hey, look, look, isn't this Jiang Xiaobai?"

Jiang Xiaobai searched for the sound, and it turned out to be Wang Lin, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He was also a little surprised: "Young Master Wang Lin, that wind brought you here? Do you want to invite me to dinner?"

"Don't talk nonsense! I don't want to watch it today because I want to watch you!" Wang Lin heard the word "dinner", and thought of being tricked by Jiang Xiaobai in the Jingdu Hotel before, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

It's ridiculous that he thought Jiang Xiaobai was helping him, but later all the disciples of the aristocratic family in the capital made trouble for him, and he realized that something was not right.

But later, he heard that Jiang Xiaobai went to Beijing again and returned in full glory, which made him give up the idea of ​​seeking Jiang Xiaobai's revenge.

Until Jiang Xiaobai came to Jiangnan, Wang Lin immediately realized that the opportunity had come.

"I just want to watch you today and be beaten to death!"

"Then you have to pray hard." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and walked into the gate of Liu's house.

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