In front of the main gate of Liu's house, there was a crowd of people. In just a few ten minutes, thousands of people gathered here.

From the din of people, to the sudden silence when they noticed the unusual behavior in the arena, and then to the time when Young Master Wang Lin suddenly hugged the Liu family's son-in-law's thigh and called out for his brother, everyone felt like they were petrified in an instant.

Before Jiang Xiaobai stepped into the arena, young master Wang Lin could vividly remember all his actions and words. How long has it been since then? What kind of plane is this young master doing?

Everyone can't understand, but everyone can see clearly the pride and negligence of the rich and powerful in the Liu family.

From the words of others, it was known that Jiang Xiaobai was indeed a son-in-law with rough feet, but it was so old now, and the Liu family had set up such visiting rules. It was obvious that they didn't think highly of this son-in-law, so it was so embarrassing.

Wang Lin stood up from the ground, pointed at the young warrior from the Liu family, and said coldly, "You alone dare to block my brother's footsteps? How about it! You don't even dare to expel your vitality, do you feel the greatness?" pressure?"

The young man who was questioned by Wang Lin was a relative of the Liu family who was in a very good state, and he was proud of the fact that the Liu family had been stationed in the arena all year round.

However, after he has gained a lot of experience in defending the ring several times, he felt a lot of pressure when he faced Jiang Xiaobai for the first time, which made him dare not make mistakes, as if if he didn't handle it well, his life would be in jeopardy. will be completely erased.

He admires Jiang Xiaobai from the bottom of his heart. There are not many fighters in his class who can make him feel so pressured, but facing Wang Lin's ridicule, he is very unconvinced. He immediately raised his eyebrows and shouted: "Who said that just now?" To see Jiang Xiaobai's excitement, and bring a big cart of firecrackers?"

"I, I'm... what do you know!" Wang Lin said viciously, "I'm called breaking the boat for my elder brother. How can you understand the relationship between us?"

He said and hugged Jiang Xiaobai's thigh tightly: "Brother, tell me, don't you?"

Jiang Xiaobai: "..."

God knows which song you sang, but Jiang Xiaobai took a closer look at Wang Lin's face. This kid had a look of 'I'm fine with being blackmailed' all over his face. nodded.

"This..." The warrior from the Liu family was speechless, but Wang Lin's expression was obviously wrong!

Wang Lin snorted coldly: "My brother just came to your Liu's house to recognize you. What's the matter with your aggressiveness? You want to give my brother a big blow and let him go back to Qilu on his own, don't you? "

Wang Lin said, pointing to the many elders on the high platform, "You, all of you, are just relying on my brother's feelings for Liu Douer to act recklessly here, but in fact, all of you are thinking in your heart, no matter what, you little Jiang Bai didn't dare to break his face, otherwise he would end up breaking up with Liu Douer, right?"

The elders looked at each other in silence for a while, although Wang Lin is not very old, he still sees things very clearly.

Liu Qian paused on his crutches, and said coldly: "What? How does the Liu family consider their son-in-law? Do you still need your Wang family to point fingers here?"

Wang Lin bared his teeth and smiled: "Although I, Wang Lin, come from a powerful family, I feel that this is nothing more than that, and I dare not point fingers at anyone, but relatives like Senior Liu Qian, who are so motivating to a son-in-law with poor feet, don't know why. How much benefit did you receive from Cao Ying?"

"You! Talking nonsense!" Liu Qian was furious. If it weren't for the fact that the other party was the son and grandson of the Wang family, he would have slapped him to death with one palm to avoid future troubles, because this brat's guess was so damn right.

Cao Ying?Jiang Xiaobai frowned darkly. This was the second time he heard this name, but he had no contact with him from the beginning to the end. Who is this person?

What role did it play in this matter?

Jiang Xiaobai vaguely felt that it was time to inquire about this Cao Ying.

Wang Lin bared his teeth and smiled, "I'm just saying something casually, don't take it seriously, the third master. You know, I, Wang Lin, are the most unreliable people."

"..." Wang Lin's rascal appearance made Liu Qian wonder if he should take it seriously.

He snorted coldly: "You had an enmity with Jiang Xiaobai back then, and now you have such a face. God knows what is going on in your head."

Liu Qian's words made many elders of the Liu family frown secretly, thinking that Liu Qian was tantamount to uncovering old accounts, turning their stomachs, deliberately destroying the relationship between Wang Lin and Jiang Xiaobai, and bringing it up under so many people, It can be said to be murderous.

"Jiang Xiaobai and I are half-brothers, what do you care about!" Wang Lin sneered at Liu Qian, "Today my brother enters Liu's house, and I must accompany him, so as not to cause any accidents to my brother. In the end, he said that he drank too much and fell into the lake."

"What nonsense are you talking about here!" Jiang Xiaobai glared at Wang Lin: "If the Liu family is as bad as you say, how can they cultivate such excellent juniors as Dou'er? Hurry up and apologize to the elders, otherwise I won't recognize you Brother, have you brought all my meeting gifts? Hurry up and present them."

"Ah..." Wang Lin almost bit off his tongue. He did have enough pocket money, but no matter how much he had, he couldn't reach the level of a bride price, right?

Do you want to hand over your natal soldiers?Is the price too high?Will this wave of transactions be lost?

Just as the little Jiujiu in Wang Lin's heart was constantly calculating, a space token appeared in front of his eyes. He couldn't help grinning, walked towards many elders with his head held high, opened the token, and several objects flashed out of it. Wang Lin just glanced at it. Then I felt that my breath was a little smooth.

"Essence stone, 500 yuan!"

"King-level fighters - a pair of Nether Gloves."

"Soul Cultivation Stone, one piece."

"How many spiritual materials..."

For the four betrothal gifts, Wang Lin felt that his background was not low, otherwise he would not be able to name these treasures.

"Brother, there is a younger sister in my family who is 15 years old this year..." Wang Lin turned to look at Jiang Xiaobai, the surprise in his heart can be said to be undeniable. This is the reason why he was able to blackmail him for ten Zhenjin. Guys, now this handwriting...

It was just these words that shocked everyone present. In recent years, they have never heard of such a big hand. This Jiang Xiaobai has such a wealth?

"Being able to go through mountains of swords and fires willingly for my girlfriend, without any complaints, but still have such a wealth, I love it, I really love it!"

"Yes, yes, if you have a son-in-law like this, what can the old man ask for?"

And in front of the high platform, the complexions of many elders couldn't help but all changed slightly. King-level soldiers, soul-raising stones, whichever one you take out, and go to the auction house for auction, it is definitely a sky-high price. Even everyone here, no one can produce such a large amount of Yuanshi in stock.

As for those spiritual materials, all of them are scarce items, and their value should be more than 500 Yuan stones.

Didn't it mean that this Jiang Xiaobai is just a grassroots, and he can take out the gift money before he asks for it?

Many elders couldn't help whispering to each other, and finally decided on the policy.

"The Liu family returns the gift..." Someone yelled loudly: "1000 yuan for yuan stone, 888 yuan for Zhenjin."

"Woo..." There was another exclamation, and the Liu family's return gift was also astronomical!

Jiang Xiaobai nodded secretly, finally he didn't feel ashamed, otherwise Dou'er would have a hard time doing it.

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