Dominate the world

Chapter 611 King Level Warrior

Wang Lin was very unconfident, a king-level martial artist could be ranked in the entire Hua Kingdom.

How many warriors have reached the pinnacle of the master, and when they are marching towards the king, they are stuck at this step, unable to make any progress in their lives, and leave with regret.

Although this martial artist named Chu Nan is over 70 years old, as long as he steps up to become a king, he should be respected.

King!King of men!

He turned to look at his brother, no, it's brother, it's...

Wang Lin straightened his waist suddenly, and shouted: "If he is Ling Yunzhi, how dare you laugh at Huang Chao as not a husband!"

Bang, a powerful aura bloomed in Wang Lin's body. Although he didn't know the way of Wenxiu, he had already expressed his attitude.

Chu Nan frowned slightly: "Think I dare not kill you!" His figure disappeared in an instant, but there was no afterimage left, and he appeared in front of Wang Lin in an instant, with a ferocious sneer: " Dare to talk harshly to me, right?"


The resounding slap under the blessing of vitality made Wang Lin spin around and fly into the air. The guards who were always on guard looked even more ferocious and terrifying than Chu Nan, attacking and killing with heartache.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the fluctuation of vitality, wave after wave, this private courtyard was almost smoothed out by the fluctuation of vitality in the blink of an eye.

These figures rushed towards Chu Nan almost crazily. Even though his realm was absolutely at a disadvantage, this kind of loyalty and sense of responsibility were unmatched.

Jiang Xiaobai's figure caught Wang Lin in the first instant. Half of the boy's face was distorted. A piece of spiritual jade on his body made a sound of shattering and turned into a ball of ashes. Wang Lin crooked. He pursed his mouth and couldn't hear what he was saying, but his fingers moved backwards very sincerely: "Zhou Zhou Zhou..."


With a piercing tearing sound, a cloud of blood rained down from the sky, but it was Chu Nan who grabbed one of Wang Lin's men and tore his body into two pieces.

"Young Master Jiang, let's go, we can resist for a while, if we don't go, it will be too late!"

"Jiangzi quickly take my young master... ah!"

In an instant, Chu Nan's palm full of vitality blasted through the vitality of the man's body protection, piercing his body, his right arm twisted violently, and the figure of the man spun along with Chu Nan's arm. The vitality was swayed, but it had no effect at all. Immediately, the body was torn apart and splashed around.

"Damn it!" Wang Lin yelled at Chu Nan who was in the air, looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and said, "Brother, you go first, I just ask you to tell my family what happened to me. What is it called Chu Nan, even if I die, I will bite off a piece of his flesh."

Wang Lin's face was full of fierceness. Although these guards had been with him for a short time, they had feelings after all. Seeing the guards die one after another, Wang Lin's thoughts of fleeing suddenly disappeared. He rolled up his arms and sleeves and sacrificed from his dantian. The natal soldier was a golden shield the size of a palm. He swung it out with one hand, and the shield swelled against the wind. When it was in the air, it could completely cover the last guard.

Chu Nan's figure was flying in the air, his vitality was flying all over the sky, and there were continuous tearing sounds in the air. He slapped the last guard's chest with his palm.


The shield suddenly appeared, trembling under the palm of his hand, and he didn't take half a step back. Chu Nan's eyes lit up: "King-level soldiers! Good stuff! Young Master Wang is Young Master Wang, and his moves are generous."

Chu Nan reached out and grabbed the shield, and was about to put it into his space token.

Wang Lin raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Xiaobai held the baby in one hand, turned his palm in the other, and pushed Wang Lin's vest. A different color suddenly appeared on his face. There was a rolling electric current in the shield. Chu Nan's hand had just grabbed the baby. Holding on to the shield, he let it go with a scream, and when he raised his hand, his palm was burnt.

Chu Nan looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

I always thought that getting rid of this grassroots was just an easy move, and the biggest gain was to win a king-level soldier, but I didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai actually had some connections, so that the palm of his king, All were injured.

Jiang Xiaobai withdrew his hand, and at the same time looked at Chu Nan. A warrior at the king level, no matter his understanding of himself or his vitality, can be regarded as surpassing the realm of a master. The most important thing is that the other party can already practice spiritual thoughts.

Wang Lin took back the shield and stood it up in front of him, shouting at Jiang Xiaobai: "Brother, hurry up, I have the Xuantian shield, I can do it, I can do it."

Chu Nan smiled disdainfully: "Young Master Wang, if it wasn't for Jiang Xiaobai's help just now, you would have been torn into two pieces by my divine sense, just like your two subordinates. It's not like you to still be brave here. Young Master Wang's style?"

Wang Lin sneered: "What do you know, the brother I Wang Lin recognizes, how could you be a slave to understand?"

Chu Nan's complexion changed, and his divine sense was activated instantly.

Among Jiang Xiaobai's five senses, he felt a sharp aura rushing towards him. He grabbed Wang Lin's shoulders and threw them backwards.


Where Wang Lin was standing just now, a fist print the size of a washbasin smashed the ground into a large hole more than one meter deep, and a wave of soil was squeezed out around it, showing radioactivity and spreading out to the surrounding until more than ten Mi Wai finally lost his last strength.

"Hiss! Could it be that this is the king-level divine sense killing method!" Wang Lin shrank his neck. If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't made another attack just now, even if he had the Xuantian Shield, it wouldn't have any effect!

Although the Wang family also has a king-level warrior, they have never made a move against him. As a warrior, Wang Lin finally knows that only when he really faces the king can he feel the oppressive feeling of the difference in realm.

At this moment, he was deeply touched. At this moment facing the king, there is no distinction between a ninth-rank warrior or a master.

Chu Nan looked at Jiang Xiaobai, with a confident smile on his old face: "Jiang Xiaobai, if you commit suicide, I can let them go."

Jiang Xiaobai said: "It's true that you are at the king level, but I am also at the peak of the grand master. I have never fought before. How can I tell the winner?"

Chu Nan smiled disdainfully, and his eyes revealed the pitiful understanding of the low realm, "If the master can conquer everything, what do you need the king for?"

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head slightly: "You have your understanding of the king, and I have my understanding of the master. The biggest natural enemy of the elephant is the mouse that is never seen by the elephant. I will be a mouse today. so what?"

Chu Nan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the realm of the king can already produce divine thoughts.

The thought of God can capture everything.

Chu Nan felt that Jiang Xiaobai's words seemed to contain a kind of truth, and his spiritual sense was activated almost at this moment, trying to capture that truth.

Of course...

Chu Nan's divine sense, but this time he found nothing, he frowned secretly, Lao Tzu is the king, even if you, a master, were playing tricks, he hadn't caught it yet.

He couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment, between his hands, vitality rolled, and as his palms stretched, a vitality balloon gradually appeared, with a diameter of more than one meter.

Jiang Xiaobai handed the baby to Wang Lin and told him to back off.

And Jiang Xiaobai faced Chu Nan directly, facing the difficulties.

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