Dominate the world

Chapter 622 Little White Dragon

The mouth of the old dragon is huge and deep, with jagged rocks and strange shapes. The passage is extremely dry, without any water vapor, and there is a bloody smell.

Since the upheaval of the world, such places have increased countlessly all over the world, and there are too many strange places among them.

However, the sudden laughter that was completely inconsistent with this environment made Jiang Xiaobai extremely alert. According to the data, this place has reached the known end point.

Do you want to move forward?

Could there be an overwhelming danger waiting?

Jiang Xiaobai still didn't know. He saw the appearance of Liu Zhenyuan and the others, and he was shocked. Coupled with the voice, he couldn't help but think that the people in Liu Zhenyuan had been confused.

He quickened his pace, his body was full of vitality, and he was finally able to see the situation in front of him. It was a room built in the shape of a cave, and the space was not very large. It was more than 20 square meters, and a big bed almost occupied the entire space. .

On the bed, a young woman dressed in extremely simple clothes was lying sideways on the bed, black hair scattered all over her body like a waterfall, and only a thin pale pink silk scarf was draped on her body. Her slender legs and slender waist outlined her An amazing arc.

"Pfft!" A middle-aged man next to Liu Zhenyuan suddenly spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and immediately lost all vitality.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai's five senses 'saw' the middle-aged spirit come out of his body, and threw himself into the embrace of the gentle country without hesitation, and then fell into the shady scene that the five senses could not detect, and completely lost his trace.

But the strange thing is that the small room, which is not that big, has suddenly expanded a bit, and there is even an extra coffee table, with steam from the teacups on it, and the scent of tea wafting over.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that his spirit was in a trance. He saw the courtyard of the Liu family. Many people were welcoming him. The flags were flying, the lion dance and the dragon danced. It was a joyous and peaceful scene, very enthusiastic...

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai's eyes gradually became dizzy, the woman lying on the side of the bed showed an extremely charming smile on her face.

As one of the darlings after the upheaval of the world, this woman who was originally just a centipede got a spiritual fruit. After taking it, her cultivation base skyrocketed, and she had reached the level of a half-step king, and she could transform into a human form.

She calls herself Little White Dragon, and she is good at arranging illusions, seducing the soul, and making the prey die in the obsession in her heart.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to provide some benefits when the monsters attacked the whole world, so as to completely promote his cultivation to become a king.

Unexpectedly, the struggle on Hua's side was particularly fierce, so she had to lurk here with her subordinates, throw out some benefits, and attract human warriors to improve her strength.

Gradually, the old Longkou of Heifeng Mountain gradually became famous. The young man who came here last time, according to the souls of those who died, was called Cao Ying, and his strength was definitely not low.

But Cao Ying knew how to advance and retreat very well. When he found out that the situation was not good, he turned around and ran away without any delay.

Today's handsome young man is more cautious and sensitive than that of Cao Ying, but there is still a gap in cultivation, but he didn't leave for some reason.

In any case, what was brought in was all meat.

A look of joy appeared on Xiao Bailong's face, he hooked his fingers, and the dead man sitting cross-legged on the ground moved.


In a daze, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly remembered something. When he walked out of the gate of Liu's house, wasn't Dou'er still seeing him off in the distance?she

How would it appear here?


Jiang Xiaobai's mind was instantly gathered, and his soul power firmly guarded the Lingtai, resisting such a charm.

All the scenes about the Liu family in front of him disappeared, replaced by a dead middle-aged man in front of him, who was bringing a teacup to him.


Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly, and the momentum of his whole body burst out in an instant following his shout.

The vitality flashed out suddenly, and the already dead man flew backwards in shock, and the tea splashed out, jet black and shining, splashed on the ground, and instantly dissolved potholes one by one.

"Thunder concept!"

Jiang Xiaobai's mental power was displayed in an instant, the Tai Chi disc gradually rotated, and the nine-day thunder rolled like a thunder dragon. In an instant, lightning flashed and thundered in the entire cave, countless boulders collapsed, and the original wooden bed fell apart into tattered pieces. board.

"Ah!" With an exclamation, the little white dragon fell down, and immediately stopped in mid-air.

She looked at Jiang Xiaobai in amazement who escaped from the blur in the blink of an eye and became alive and well, "Impossible! You are only at the peak of the master, how can you break the illusion I carefully arranged?"

"And, deep down in any man's heart, there will be one or more women who he wants but can't get. Why are you so clean? I don't believe it!"

Xiao Bailong was frightened and angry, "I don't believe that the deepest part of a man's soul, what he wants is to improve his strength!"

"Unless you're not a man!"

Looking at the smug woman who seemed to see through everything, Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly: "If you don't believe me, you can try it yourself."

"You! You actually took advantage of me?" Xiao Bailong's expression changed extremely richly, and at the end it seemed that he would rather die than surrender.

"Bah!" Jiang Xiaobai yelled angrily, "Don't be so smug there, take off the cover, God knows what kind of bastard you are."

Xiao Bailong's eyes became extremely vicious in an instant, and he said coldly: "If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

The woman immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, making dozens of finger strikes with both hands, dazzling people, vitality spread out from her body in an instant, and an incomparably bright white light was even brighter than Jiang Xiaobai's side.

She smiled triumphantly, and her fingers were constantly changing. The broken boulders that were impacted by Jiang Xiaobai's mental power immediately rolled back, and the fragments of smoke and dust flew back one after another, re-condensing into their original shape...

In an instant, everything returned to normal, the cup of tea still wafted with fragrance, as if everything had never happened.

It's easy to make a mistake.

It's like when you see something, you will suddenly think of it, as if you have a deja vu feeling.

In Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, behind the little white dragon was an extremely huge white centipede, waving its claws on the shadow wall of the cave.

The most important thing is that each claw can make different moves, which is why the little white dragon can make so many commands in an instant.

With this hand speed alone, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he was at a disadvantage.

However, he didn't come here to hang out, so he sat cross-legged on the ground immediately, and between the changes of his fingers, the giant thunder beast in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly appeared, roaring at the huge white head.


This loud roar shook everything in the cave, and cracks appeared in those boulders immediately.

"Competing for mental strength, my little white dragon has never been afraid of anyone!" Little Bailong put up his sword fingers with both hands and pressed them against his temples.

There was a wicked smile on her delicate face.

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