Dominate the world

Chapter 636 Kill You

Amidst the humming sound, that figure was like a star arrow crossing over, dragging a beam of vitality, breaking through the clouds and the ice layer, like a long rainbow sword, enveloping from beyond the sky The majestic breath came in with an extremely arrogant posture.

His hair was flying back, and his clothes were rattling in the swing.

There was no expression on his face.

"Jiang Xiaobai?!" Liu Xu jumped up immediately, his eyes full of disbelief: "His aura, why..."

"That's Jiang Xiaobai?" He Feipeng followed the prestige, but only saw the tail flame of vitality. He tried his best to catch it, but the speed of turning his head was almost the same as that of that figure. Such a handsome posture, such a strong breath!"

The three neutral family sons looked in astonishment, and there was a daze again: "Didn't you say that Jiang Xiaobai is the pinnacle of the master? Why is he exuding the aura of a king now?"

"This! It's unbelievable!"

"Is this true?"


The saber in Ma Zhanfang's hand instantly turned into countless fragments. He wanted to grab his fist and punch Wang Lin's throat. As long as he smashed Wang Lin's throat, everything would come to an end.

However, he found that the entire palm of his hand had been cracked. When he clenched his fist, the entire palm seemed to be clenched into chicken feet. Numerous wounds were opened like a baby's mouth. He was shocked to find that his right arm was shattered into pieces. One cut after another, just because it was too fast, if he didn't use his strength, he still couldn't react.


The figure quickly stopped in front of Ma Zhanfang, grabbed his palm, and flew from a rapid flight to a stationary figure, but in the blink of an eye, the strong wind brought Ma Zhanfang's hair up, and he almost stood up. Unsteady, he turned his head in amazement: "Are you Jiang Xiaobai?"

"Yes!" Jiang Xiaobai said.

"What are you going to do?!" Before Ma Zhanfang could finish his sentence, Jiang Xiaobai pulled his hand and tore off his entire arm. The veins and muscles of the broken arm were exposed to the air, and his pale The bones seemed to react to the blood that splashed out after a while, and he was so frightened that he couldn't speak immediately.

A bone-piercing cold enveloped Ma Zhanfang, and he felt that a tiger stood in front of him, and he was like a rabbit.

"kill you."

It wasn't until this time that Jiang Xiaobai's voice came over.

"Hiss." Another arm was torn off by Jiang Xiaobai.

"..." Ma Zhanfang was in so much pain that he was so frightened that he was dumbfounded, his eyes were full of horror, and he wanted to speak, but he couldn't.It can only be like a two-way faucet, spraying blood on both sides.

This scene stunned and frightened everyone. Ma Zhanfang, a peak master martial artist, was as weak and powerless as a chicken shredded by hand in front of Jiang Xiaobai, at his mercy.

Jiang Xiaobai's punch pierced Ma Zhanfang's heart, and when he retracted his palm, he seemed to have caught something. Ma Zhanfang was terrified, and as Jiang Xiaobai withdrew his hand, he fell limply to the ground and died instantly.

And everyone suddenly discovered that Jiang Xiaobai was holding a heart in his hand.

"Today, one counts as one, and those who hurt my brother will be killed without mercy!" Jiang Xiaobai's figure immediately disappeared in place, and only five colors of light flashed in the air, and among them, there was a little bit of gold star.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai appeared next to Wang Lin, supported him, and slowly fell to the ground.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

As if the sound of countless water pipes breaking at the same time, in the splash of plasma, those aristocratic families and their followers, like collapsed building blocks, melted into pieces and gradually fell to the ground.

A dozen peak masters were killed by Jiang Xiaobai in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

It was only now that Wang Lin came to his senses. He had exhausted all the strength to stand upright. He raised his head unsteadily, and said in astonishment, "Brother Bai?"

"Don't talk." Jiang Xiaobai made Wang Lin cross-legged on the ground, cut off a piece of fruit with his sword finger, stuffed it into his mouth, then turned around to go to the king, raised his hand and flicked on the hilt of the sword , The soldier was instantly turned into powder, and the iron filings and vitality remaining in his shoulders were forced out with a bang with Jiang Xiaobai's palm, and Jiang Xiaobai also stuffed a piece into his mouth.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you very much." Uncle Jiu was also very weak, but he was the body of a king after all. He waved his hand and declined Jiang Xiaobai's kindness: "Leave it to the young master, I'm fine."

"These are enough for him." Jiang Xiaobai showed Uncle Jiu that there were still more than half of the blue-purple green fruit, which made him feel at ease to eat.

Uncle Jiu's complexion suddenly changed, like an old glutton who tasted the delicious food, but dared not speak, and immediately sat cross-legged.

Jiang Xiaobai searched back and forth on the ground. He has seen Wang Lin and these subordinates, and brought them back one by one. Except for the fourth-order grandmaster who was too seriously injured and died, the rest were only serious injuries. If treated in time, his life would be fatal. As for whether he can practice in the future, it depends on good luck.

Jiang Xiaobai gathered all of them together to help them heal their wounds, as if he didn't see anything around him.

After being stunned, Liu Xu and Liu Linger finally came to their senses and shrank their necks suddenly. Liu Linger's eyes widened: "Did you feel it? The breath of the king! But how is this possible? He was still the same in the morning. At the pinnacle of the master, before nightfall, he is the king?"

Liu Xu only felt that his mouth was dry and cracked, as if he had stayed in the desert for a year without a drop of water.

Completely speechless.

A look of hope appeared on his face, he stood up, and walked towards Jiang Xiaobai: "Isn't this my brother-in-law? When did you come here? I just got here, what happened? I can help, after all we We will be a family in the future."

"Yes, yes, I can help with anything. You see, I have prepared a lot of healing medicine here." Liu Linger had a flattering smile on her face, and her heart was full of regrets. Bai can be like this, he should have won him over in the first place, at that time, he only needed a little kindness, and he would be grateful to him, why bother to get to this point?

"Get lost." Jiang Xiaobai didn't even look at them.

"Okay, let's get out."

This time without Jiang Xiaobai's instructions, the two kept rolling out with obsequious smiles on their faces. Liu Xu was still saying, "Brother-in-law Xiaobai, how do you think I'm doing?"

But it is destined not to get a response from Jiang Xiaobai.

He Feipeng took a fancy to the fruit in Jiang Xiaobai's hand at a glance, but he didn't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts. He killed a dozen or so peak masters in an instant. What kind of strength would it take to do this?

But he regretted it a bit. If he had chosen to stand on the same front with Wang Lin, even if he couldn't become brothers with them, at least he would be grateful!

"There was once a piece of spiritual fruit in front of me, but I didn't cherish it..."

He Feipeng was extremely annoyed.

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