Su Yong'an knew he was wrong, of course, the more he owed was the lack of combat power.

Although Jiang Xiaobai fought with Su Wanqing, his vitality never showed signs of exhaustion, and he deeply remembered Jiang Xiaobai's words: "Do you know about infinite chaos?"

That kind of self-confidence is definitely not pretending, and at this time he is clearly on the sidelines, he is still unscrupulous, obviously Jiang Xiaobai does not pay attention to all the fighting power of the Su family.

The most important thing is that Jiang Xiaobai is no longer a lone wolf. There are three third-rate families behind him, Zhao, Ma and Li. They are all powerful, and the Su family is unstoppable.

All he wants now is that Su Wanqing's injury will not be fatal, that Su Mufeng's foundation will not be ruined, and that the rest of the children can live as long as possible, so that the Su family will not be defeated.

After all, there are too many offline families of third-rate families who want to jump up and occupy the magpie's nest, which represents huge resources.

"What exactly do you want?!" Su Yong'an pondered for a long time, and decided that it is better to fight or not to fight, and to pass this level first.

Jiang Xiaobai said: "I just want to go to Sun's house smoothly to ask for an explanation. You are blocking my way and wanting to kill me. Now you ask me what I want?"

Everyone in Zhao Zhenglin couldn't help but nodded. There was nothing excessive about what the president said, and it was completely telling the truth.

But just stating the facts, the Su family has already fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

This is not a challenge, but a direct general.

Those aristocratic families and those who watched the excitement felt extremely embarrassed. They really wanted to become invincible warriors and save the goddess from the fire and water. Nothing works.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you can't treat the Su family like this. After all, they have seen injustice. Now you have taken advantage of it. You..."

These people were yelling at Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Zhenglin's figures rushed over from behind, and the heads of the three aristocratic families led five or six elders. The power and power made these people shut up immediately.

They knew that Jiang Xiaobai had no time to take care of them, but people like Zhao Zhenglin were willing to show their loyalty in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Su Yongan pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind: "I will cut off my own arm, I just ask you not to embarrass the Su family again."

As soon as Su Yongan's words came out, the audience was in an uproar, and many people were extremely shocked. They didn't expect Su Yongan to make such a determination.

Everyone in the Su family was even more stunned, and immediately persuaded: "Old Ancestor, the big deal is to die desperately, why do you need to break your arm?!"

"That's right, Patriarch, but you must not follow the ways of the wicked!"

"Old Ancestor, break, break mine..."

"shut up!"

Su Yongan roared, making everyone shut their mouths, with a look of determination in his eyes, he thought to himself, do I want to do this, if I don't, the Su family will perish.

All of this was the decision he made, and he should take the responsibility. He knew that he was old enough and would not make any progress in martial arts. As long as these children survived, there would still be room for improvement. It's time to call back.

But he can't say such words. Once he speaks out, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely target the younger generation. Now he can only use his own identity and status to make Jiang Xiaobai make a wrong judgment.

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "As long as the Su family no longer becomes an enemy of me, Jiang Xiaobai, I promise not to do anything to the Su family."

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Patriarch of the Sun family, please."

Su Yongan frowned a few times, his left arm exploded into a ball of powder, and flew away.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded expressionlessly.

"Jiang Xiaobai, there will be a time later." Su Yongan snorted coldly, and was about to turn around when he suddenly felt a wave of fluctuation, not from Jiang Xiaobai, but from his proud granddaughter Su Wanqing. A vigorous air flow attracted it and swallowed it into the stomach.



"what's the situation?"

Everyone was shocked and looked at Su Wanqing in disbelief. She inhaled Su Yongan's severed arm powder into her body, and a sickly flush appeared on her whole face. , and even stand up.

"Grandpa, since you are willing to pay so much for those useless members of the Su family, why don't you dedicate your body to me."

Su Wanqing's voice was still pleasant to hear, but the words she uttered made everyone's hair stand on end.

Su Yongan's complexion changed drastically, and he said hastily: "Wan Qing, let's talk about it when we go home. It's inconvenient to say more here."

"Is there anything you can't say?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Su Wanqing's mouth: "Actually, you already knew, right? You must have known that I was not Su Wanqing when I returned to Su's house, right? You pretended everything I just turned a blind eye to my talent, right?"

Su Wanqing lowered her head slightly, her voice was still pleasant, but her tone became colder and colder.

"You just want to use my talent to lead the Su family to a higher level, so you don't care who I am at all, as long as I admit that I am the Su family, that's fine, right?"

A series of questioning made everyone want to pull back the curtain, and finally saw behind the scenes. That feeling was completely different from before.

"Goddess, what happened?"

"Isn't she just Su Wanqing? Why do you say that?"

Su Yongan shook his head, then nodded again, and said helplessly, "Wan Qing, I am my favorite junior, but what can I do? Since you replaced her, you have also become a member of the Su family. Enjoy With the resources of the Su family, shouldn't we do something for the Su family? Even if we do business, it's fair, isn't it?"

"Fair? In a world where warriors run rampant and power is paramount, you tell me it's fair?"

Su Wanqing raised her head and laughed, and immediately threw herself into Su Yongan's arms, biting the neck of the ancestor of the Su family, sucking blood desperately.

Su Yongan's eyes were full of disbelief, his remaining right hand had turned into a knife, and finally gave up, he whispered in Su Wanqing's ear: "From now on, you will protect the Su family... Pfft!"

The sound of the sharp blade entering the body made Su Yongan's eyes widen. He could feel the moment the sword pierced through the body, releasing the majestic sword energy instantly, invading all the meridians and acupoints.

He looked up and saw Jiang Xiaobai's expressionless face. What he was holding in his hand was the three-thorn sword of a king-level soldier. It was extremely sharp and mighty. Even in the realm of a king, he was caught off guard. , the body's muscles, bones, and even internal organs, under the instinctive contraction, tried to stop the sharp blade, but there was no half reaction.

"Good sword." Su Yongan reluctantly opened his mouth.

However, in his arms, Su Wanqing, who had already been severely injured and was pierced through Jiang Xiaobai's heart with a sword, became hunched over, and many horny cells gradually appeared on the surface of her body.

In an instant, it turned into a huge snail.

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