I don't know how long it took before Jiang Xiaobai came back to his senses.

However, at this time, the old man on the stage had disappeared, and there was no one on the high stage.

Looking around, the students around him were still immersed in it, and they never came back to their senses.

"This old man is really devilish." Jiang Xiaobai said involuntarily.

That seemingly ordinary old man never expected to have such a powerful mental power.

A seemingly unremarkable speech brought everyone into it.

This is not accidental, probably because the spirit of the other party is extremely powerful and can affect others.

What kind of person is able to bring more than 3000 people into his domain?

This kind of mental power is truly terrifying.

After 5 minutes, everyone came back to their senses, still unfinished.

"Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books. I didn't believe this sentence before, but now I firmly believe it."

"Yeah! It really made me suddenly realize, suddenly realized!"

"The old man's words are like Huang Zhong Dalu, he has benefited a lot!"

The students around Jiang Xiaobai sighed one after another, their eyes filled with admiration.

"Is it that exaggerated?" Zhao Chong couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the reactions of the people around him.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Me?" Zhao Chong thought for a while, "It's very comfortable. If I can do this while sleeping, my sleep will be much better."

"..." Zhang Chulan looked over with disgusted eyes.

"Why?" Zhao Chong curled his lips, "It's as if you understand something."

Zhang Chulan simply ignored Zhao Chong and thought about everything just now.

He has learned a lot from what the old man said just now. Although there is nothing substantial, he does feel that he has become different.

However, if he wanted to talk about specific changes, Zhang Chulan couldn't say it himself.

"Everyone heard what our old dean said just now." While everyone was thinking about it, a middle-aged man walked up to the high platform again.

"The opening ceremony of our Qiluwu University is now complete. Although it is simple, if you are a caring student, you will naturally gain something."

"The next thing we have to do is to choose our own instructors. Of course, if you don't choose, the instructors will agree, so this requires you to show your strength."

Show strength?

For a moment, everyone was at a loss.

What does it mean to show strength?

"There are a total of 3000 freshmen in Wuhan University this year, and each of you needs to show your strength." The middle-aged man continued.

"Don't we all have college entrance examination results?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"College entrance exam results?" The middle-aged man smiled, "The college entrance examination results are just your results from two months ago."

"For ordinary people, two months is nothing, but for warriors, there will be new changes every minute and every second."

After Jiang Xiaobai heard this, he nodded in agreement.

For warriors, changes are happening all the time, especially for high-level warriors.

"After a while, each of you will be awarded a jade card. This jade card is a symbol of your identity. Next, there will be a scuffle. Those who get 20 yuan of jade cards will be eligible to choose intermediate instructors and get 50 yuan of jade. Those who receive a jade card will be eligible to select senior instructors as their mentors, and freshmen who receive a jade card of less than 20 yuan, I am sorry, but you can regard yourself as the ones who have been eliminated."

The middle-aged man waved his hand, and a dozen warriors came to the square immediately, each carrying a box in his hand.

"Now, distribute the jade cards. After 10 minutes, the competition will start. The competition will last for one hour."

an hour?

After hearing this sentence, the people around immediately became vigilant and looked around.

Although they are surrounded by classmates, for them, after 10 minutes, they will all become their own competitors.

Everyone has a jade card in their hands, and everyone else is eyeing the jade card covetously.

"This is a bit ruthless!" Zhao Chong immediately became vigilant after holding the jade tablet in his hand. "Little Bai, what are we going to do?"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"If these people want jade cards, there will definitely be someone to join forces. We can't be one-on-one." Zhao Chong said quickly, "What do you think Zhang Chulan?"

"It doesn't matter!" Zhang Chulan looked extremely calm.

"Too lazy to care about you!" Zhao Chong seemed to have expected that Zhang Chulan would say this, and looked at the time, "It's almost time, there are still 3 minutes."

"There's no need to worry, there must be someone more anxious than us." Jiang Xiaobai crossed his arms.

He had checked just now, and most of the students around him were first-rank warriors, who did not pose any threat to him at all.

Even if they rush forward, Jiang Xiaobai is confident that he can handle it.

In 10 minutes, the whole square was in chaos.

Everyone started to attack the people around them, snatching the jade tokens from each other's hands.

As long as you have a jade card, you can enter and choose a powerful instructor as your mentor.

A strong mentor can make them feel like ducks in water in Wuhan University, and the road to practice will become extremely smooth.

Therefore, almost everyone tried their best to gain an advantage in this battle.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of fists and kicks collided in the square one after another.

At this time, several middle-aged people were talking, and in front of them was the old man who had just spoken.

"What do you think?" the old man asked softly.

"This year's freshmen are much stronger than the previous one. Among the 3000 students, there are 300 first-rank warriors and five second-rank warriors." A middle-aged man said, recalling the candidates' results.

"Second rank five and five people?"

People around suddenly showed surprised expressions.

Those who have not entered the Qilu Wu University practice, but have been promoted to the second-rank martial artist, there are two situations, one is extremely talented, and the other is that they have mines at home.

One way of martial arts is to rely on talent, and the other is to rely on resources.

This state coincides with the ancient poor culture and rich military.

Today's world is exactly such a society.

In the early martial arts training, family background is relatively important, but if one wants to cultivate to a very high level, talent is also an indispensable part.

"Which five people?" After hearing this, the old man couldn't help asking.

"Jiang Xiaobai, Zhang Chulan from Lei Ze City, Yang Chengbin from Xihai City, Wu Sheng from Langya City, and Wang Chuang from Lanling City." The middle-aged man responded.

"There are actually two in Lei Ze City?" After hearing this, the old man couldn't help being slightly moved.

"Lei Ze City, this city has a low presence in Qilu Province! How could there be two second-rank warriors?"

"That's true. If there are two second-rank warriors in Xihai City, I can still accept it. How is that possible in Lei Ze City?"

"I heard that it was Lei Ze who went to Lan Yingying this time, so he must have secretly helped these two people!"

Lei Ze City is not a big martial arts city in Qilu Province, and now there are two second-rank martial artists, which will naturally attract suspicion from many people.

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