Dominate the world

Chapter 693 is too weak

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are so whimsical. Order can only be established and maintained by the truly powerful. Who do you think you are?"

"Do you think you are an emperor-level warrior?"

"Hahaha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life..."

Ye Fan's followers were all laughing.

Jiang Xiaobai also laughed.

During this breakthrough, the spiritual level of the cosmic sea of ​​stars that Jiang Xiaobai visualized has undergone obvious changes.

After the upheaval, it is the world of warriors, the weak are fish and meat, and are slaughtered by others, and all under warriors are ants.All living beings are the fish and meat of the strong, and the road to martial arts is long and long, just to compete with the sky for ten thousand years of immortality.

At this time, another team of chariots came rumblingly, and it was the branch of the Ye family according to the logo, and they formed a formation behind Ye Fan.

This is the fourth reinforcement to arrive at the battle circle after Zhu Niu's Yang's family, and it is impossible to accurately count those who are on the road.

"Fan Shao is just a grassroots. You, just rest in the chariot. See me, Ye Liang, take care of him." Ye Liang, the son of the Jiangnan branch of the Ye family, is a 25-year-old young man with a handsome appearance. , There is always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he looks like a very confident person.

Because the Jiangnan Ye family is a branch of the Yanjing Ye family, they cannot enter the laminar flow of the family, but this does not mean that the Jiangnan Ye family is weaker than the third-rate family, but infinitely close to the strength of the second-rate family.

Ye Fan nodded slightly, and smiled lightly: "Ye Liang, you're here."

"Fan Shao." Ye Liang clasped his fists and saluted, and said: "We were shocked when we suddenly received the news of Fan Shao. We didn't expect Fan Shao to come to the south of the Yangtze River. This is a rare opportunity for our lineage to perform. Originally I was thinking about whether there would be a battle, but I didn't expect the opportunity to come."

Ye Fan said: "Don't underestimate that Jiang Xiaobai. He is a grassroots man, but he has initially gained his own power. This is not due to any charisma, it is all created by him bit by bit."

Ye Liang couldn't stop nodding: "Recently, this guy is almost a household name in Jiangnan. If it weren't for the clan rules, I would have known him a long time ago. I really want to know how much he weighs."

Suddenly, everyone in Zhu Niu's Yang family shouted.

"Fan Shao is so handsome!"

"That's right, Fan Shao, what else do you need, as long as you ask Jinkou, we will do it for you immediately."

Ye Fan waved his hand at those people, "Then, step down Jiang Xiaobai."

"Look at me!" Ye Liang jumped out suddenly, stood in the center of the battle circle, and pointed at Jiang Xiaobai: "Jiang, do you see how many people and chariots we have today? You are finished!"

"Now I'll give you a chance to challenge me one-on-one without implicating others, otherwise everyone on your side will die."

Zhao Zhenglin took two steps forward and sneered: "Ye Liang, if I remember correctly, you have only entered the King Realm for three months, who gave you the courage to single out our president's middle-stage king?"

Ye Liang smiled disdainfully and shook his head: "Have you ever heard of leapfrog challenges? That's right, that's what Ye Liang is best at. Jiang Xiaobai, dare you?"

Jiang Xiaobai stood out from the crowd, walked two meters in front of Ye Liang, and then stood still. He glanced up and down at Ye Liang, without any fluctuation in his expression, and shook his head.

"Don't you dare?" Ye Liang raised his eyebrows and smiled at the others: "Have you all seen it? He shook his head, expressing that he dare not challenge Ye Liang with me."

"What kind of Jiangnan League will be formed? If you want me to tell you, let's leave as soon as possible, otherwise it will only make people laugh."

He stretched out his hand towards Jiang Xiaobai, "Come on, use your strongest strength, I want to see what kind of weight you are..."

It's just that before he finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai's figure suddenly moved, he raised his hand and grabbed Ye Liang's wrist, then rounded him up, and smashed him heavily to the ground.

Then smash left and right.

"Bang bang bang!"

It was as if a hammer had slammed into the ground, and all one figure turned into an afterimage, flying back and forth from left to right.

On the concrete floor on both sides of Jiang Xiaobai's body, depressions continued to appear. Amidst the dust, stones splashed out, and traces of blood were thrown into the air.

A few teeth flew out, drawing a small parabola in the air, and when it fell to the ground, there were still blood stars hanging on it, spinning on the ground.

Zhu Niuyang's three warriors were dumbfounded. They had calculated that Jiang Xiaobai's strength was good, but they didn't expect that the majestic Ye Liang would be powerless against him.

How can this be?

Jiangnan Ye Liang, when he was a ninth-rank martial artist, he had already defeated a master martial artist. Leapfrog challenges are normal, but today he met Jiang Xiaobai...

They suddenly remembered that when Jiang Xiaobai first came to Jiangnan, he had killed a follower of the Cao family. At that time, he was at the peak of the master, and the follower of the Cao family was a new king.

Could it be that both are completely good at leapfrog challenges?

But whoever is strong and who is weak has already decided the winner.

Ye Fan frowned slightly, he didn't think Ye Liang was ashamed, he originally wanted Ye Liang to try Jiang Xiaobai.

He looked at Zhao Zhenglin and the others, and found that they didn't have any unusual reactions, they were just happy, as if they already knew the outcome of both sides.

No wonder the heads of these aristocratic families followed Jiang Xiaobai. It turned out that he had discovered his combat power that was different from ordinary people.

As for himself, the dignified son-in-law, why did he need to do it himself?

"Too weak." Jiang Xiaobai stood up and threw Ye Liang in Ye Fan's direction.

With a bang, Ye Liang hit the ground heavily, the solid ground cracked suddenly, and he slid backwards to Ye Fan's feet before barely stopping.

"Cough cough..."

Ye Liang coughed on the ground, and the breath he exhaled was red with blood stars, blowing away the dust on the ground and dyed it red.

"Mr. Ye Liang." Ye Liang's servants and guards were all panicked. They stepped forward to help, but Ye Liang waved him away. He stood up staggeringly, and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai, but only three or four steps away. Far away, he fell headlong to the ground.

The bright red blood, streaked with gold, soon stained the ground red, forming a small blood-colored puddle.

"Mr. Ye Liang!" Ye Liang's guards were all going crazy. They were fine a moment ago. How did this situation change in an instant?

"Jiang Xiaobai, you have to die!" A guard slammed out soldiers and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai's figure.

"Boom boom boom!"

The guard was full of vitality, and every time he took a step, a pothole would appear on the ground, and with his impact, it must have become deeper and more explosive, and his figure would have become faster and faster.

"Go to hell!" The guard jumped up suddenly, and the soldier was grabbed by his hands, and he slammed it down on Jiang Xiaobai's Tianling cover.

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