Dominate the world

Chapter 695: Determination to Fight

"Boom!" The vitality cannon exploded.


Ye Fan yelled violently, and his figure flickered to the side for an instant, but when he stopped, his hair was disheveled, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. Just at the moment Jiang Xiaobai spoke, three gun barrels were pointed at him , Even if he held the divine weapon in his hand for a moment, he still couldn't retreat completely.

"You grassroots are simply hopeless."

Ye Fan was speaking, but there was a click, and the nine-ring gold knife in his hand suddenly had many holes, as if it had been eroded by countless corrosive substances, and even the light dimmed a lot.

But at the stage of his rage, many vitality cannons attacked at almost the same time.


Ye Fan snorted suddenly. These people's attacks had completely locked on him. He didn't expect this. He suddenly looked at Jiang Xiaobai's figure. It turned out that this guy was not trying to fight him when he approached. It's for those gunner alignment coordinates.

Ye Fan was slightly staggering, and he wasn't that surprised, but in the eyes of everyone in Zhu Niu and Yang's family, he looked very strange.

The Ye family, the top family in Huaguo, would be injured here?

At this moment, even if Ye Fan said that my son is a mortal, the people in those aristocratic families would also say, you are Mr. Ye Fan!

Ye Fan is too lazy to argue with these people, the reason is that his family has been a myth for too long, and he sacrificed many secret treasures.

But in an instant, an extremely small silver snake came silently, like a silent bat at night, but it was a small silver sword aura.



Ye Fan's body suddenly burst into incomparable brilliance of vitality, as if there was a flying sword constantly flying around his body.

There was hardly any free space around Ye Fan, but there was blood splashing in the countless radiances, and several secret treasures fell and disintegrated in mid-air.

"This is……"

"What's the situation? How is it possible, Mr. Ye Fan?"

Seeing this scene, these aristocratic families were all shocked. They didn't think about anything else. They only knew that he was the son of the Ye family in Huaguo.

The most important thing is that the opponent is not crushed by a strong warrior, but a bombardment by a vitality cannon.

These people couldn't imagine that the direct descendants of the Ye family would be so miserable in this kind of vitality cannon. If they were bombarded again, they might lose their lives!

"Jiang Xiaobai, what do you mean!"

"Whether you want to fight, or want the people around you to fight, you should make it clear."

Everyone in the Ye family in Jiangnan couldn't help shouting, but a burst of brilliance rushed over in an instant, and the man's body only reacted slightly, and most of his body was bombarded by the brilliance of vitality and turned into powder, most of his body disappeared in a blink of an eye, and was still there in an instant. Showing off his might, the expressions of everyone nearby changed.

"Damn, the firepower over there is obviously weak, but why do they seem to be shot with chicken blood, but the aim is so scary?"

"Why does it feel like we're surrounded even though our firepower is superior?"

"Damn, it's over, we're over..."


The man was slapped flying.

Although the voice was silenced, the thoughts of despair spread in everyone's hearts, and many people even felt hopeless, as if no matter how strong their side was, they couldn't beat the opponent.

It was an unfounded feeling.

At this moment, Ye Fan's figure flew up again, slightly staggering, although he seemed to be in a mess, he looked more and more heroic.

Zhao Zhenglin's voice exploded in the night sky: "Anyone who surrenders tonight will not be killed, but we can return to our own family, and we will never mention this matter."

However, Zhu Niu and Yang's family listened to it, and the meaning inevitably changed. This meant that they did not have to fight to the death, but had an additional choice.

"Mr. Ye Fan!" Someone roared, very unwilling, and wanted to find a way to win.

After all, there are a lot of people on my side, a lot of equipment, and Ye Fan is going to fight in person, how can I lose?

But at this time they discovered that Jiang Xiaobai's figure was very close to the front of the formation, and all his actions seemed to be well-thought-out, but they didn't know where his confidence came from.

They don't understand at all.

But in Ye Fan's feelings, he fully understood how terrifying the Liu family's Silver Snake Sword Qi was, even if it was just a little bit of Sword Qi, he could hardly bear it at all, and almost exploded to death.

He looked at Jiang Xiaobai staggeringly, and said in astonishment: "I didn't expect that what the Liu family said to you were all perfunctory words. Otherwise, how could you have cultivated the Silver Snake Sword Qi?"

Jiang Xiaobai was slightly stunned: "I didn't expect you to be a knowledgeable person."

"Hahaha." Ye Fan laughed miserably: "Jiang Xiaobai, you look down on me too much. Although I, Ye Fan, said that the foundation of martial arts has been damaged, it does not mean that my vision has been damaged. Jiang Xiaobai, at this time, You can sneak attack me, you really are not easy."

"What?! Sneak attack! Jiang Xiaobai, you are shameless!"

"The two armies are fighting against each other. Jiang Xiaobai, you still use sneak attacks. You are simply hopeless."

"As expected of a grassroots, I won't mind any despicable means."

Everyone in Zhu Niuyang's family kept roaring.

But Zhao Zhenglin sneered: "You scolded the neighbor next door, as if we took the initiative to attack. If you bastards hadn't attacked my Zhaojiazhai, this scene would have happened?"

"What's wrong with sneak attacking you? Sneak attack is also a tactic." The Zhu family said confidently.

Ma Hongwu sneered: "It's reasonable to put it in your place, but it's shameless in our place. Fuck, you really put yourself at the center of everything."

"Stop talking nonsense and bomb him!"

"What the hell, I even threw the weight in, so I'm afraid I won't be able to kill him?"

A group of people shouted and screamed, how could they have the slightest reluctance to give up, wishing to invest the last bit of family wealth in it.

Boom boom boom!

Under the guidance of Jiang Xiaobai's figure, the continuous bombardment sounds almost without exception. In an instant, these people screamed like ghosts, crying for their father and mother.

At this moment, the chariot convoys of the Ma family and the Li family occupied the heights on both sides, and continued to bombard the bottom. Although it can be seen that the number of primordial stones used is not large, it does not mean that it is a slingshot. Even if the chariot hits, a hole will still be made, at most it will be much less powerful.

Jiang Xiaobai was expressionless. For these people, no matter who they were, he planned to kill some, beat some, and scare some. As long as the first person surrenders, there will be a second one.

Finally, someone couldn't bear the threat of death, climbed out of the chariot, and shouted: "Don't kill me, I surrender!"

This kind of thing immediately triggered a chain reaction. If there is the first one, there will be a second one.

Everyone was collapsing, and they didn't even know how they lost.

But Ye Fan knows that the loyalty of these peripheral families is much lower, but it has a great relationship with Jiang Xiaobai's guidance coordinates.

It is a determination to fight.

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