Dominate the world

Chapter 701 Expulsion from the Family

Liu Qian never expected that Liu Zongyuan would leave the customs at this time.

"Liu Qian, in front of Jiang Xiaobai, does he think our Liu family is so cowardly?" Liu Zongyuan questioned.

"Elder Supreme, I don't mean that, it's because the Ye family is too big." Liu Qian argued, "What's more, Jiang Xiaobai is not our best candidate. Cao Ying is better than Jiang Xiaobai in terms of status and talent." Xiaobai is more suitable."

"What's more, our Cao family and Liu family join forces, who is our opponent?"

"The entire Jiangnan Province will be under our rule."

After Liu Qian finished speaking, he looked at Liu Zongyuan quietly.

Liu Qian believes that Liu Zongyuan can clearly distinguish the relationship between the stakes.

In the past, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't compare to Cao Ying, but now that Jiang Xiaobai has provoked the Ye family, he couldn't compare to Cao Ying.

"Is this the pursuit of my Liu family?" Liu Zongyuan asked again, "My Liu family has risen all the way, never relying on others, let alone fearing others."

"Liu Qian, how much benefit have you received from the Cao family? Originally, I didn't plan to pursue this matter. I wanted to make you confess, but I didn't expect that you didn't know how to repent."

"Elder Supreme, I don't have one!" Liu Qian said loudly, "I don't have one!"

"No?" Liu Zongyuan stretched out his hand, and a jade slip appeared in his hand, "Look for yourself."

Seeing the appearance of the jade slip, Liu Qian's face changed drastically.

Jade slips are used to store images or data. Compared with memory, it is more real, because it is not easy to be tampered with and can restore the real appearance as soon as possible.

Generally speaking, as long as the things recorded on the jade slips are basically true.

"What? You dare not take it anymore?" Liu Zongyuan asked with an accentuated tone.

"I..." Liu Qian took the jade slip tremblingly, his face turned pale as soon as his mental power entered it.

As early as a few years ago, Liu Qian had been in close contact with the Cao family, and even secretly accepted the support from the Liu family, which made his cultivation progress by leaps and bounds.

In return, Liu Qian provided family information to the Cao family, and even asked Liu Douer to become Cao Ying's wife.

All kinds of dirty activities are recorded on the jade slips.

Clearly, exactly.


After Liu Qian finished reading, the whole person knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowing to Liu Zongyuan continuously.

"Elder Supreme, I was wrong."

Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobai, Wang Lin and the others were taken aback.

Liu Qian actually knelt on the ground directly. How can he say that he is also an emperor-level powerhouse. Although he is just a first-time emperor-level powerhouse, he should have the airs of an emperor-level powerhouse.

Kneeling suddenly in front of Liu Zongyuan now, this made them unable to accept it for a while.

The emperor-level powerhouse should stand proudly and suppress one side.

It's not this submissive look that shocked everyone.

"This time, the status of the emperor-level powerhouse in my heart suddenly dropped!" Wang Lin sighed softly, "As a emperor-level powerhouse, it shouldn't be."

"Emperor-level powerhouses are also divided into three, six, and nine grades. Although the third uncle and the Supreme Elder are both emperor-level powerhouses, if the Supreme Elder wants to kill the third uncle, it will be as easy as pie." Liu Rufeng explained.

The emperor-level powerhouse is divided into the early stage, the middle stage, the late stage, and the peak emperor-level powerhouse.

Liu Qian was just a fighter at the early stage of the imperial class, while Liu Zongyuan was already at the late stage of the imperial class, the two were two realms behind, even if Liu Qian tried his best to resist, he could not escape his life in front of Liu Zongyuan.

As for why Liu Qian begged for mercy, it was entirely because Liu Qian's way of doing things had exceeded the tolerance limit of the aristocratic family.

As a member of the family, one must not betray the interests of the family.

Liu Qian informed the Cao family of the Liu family's information in exchange for the resource support of the Cao family, which has already touched the bottom line of the Liu family.

"Liu Qian, your Silver Snake Sword Qi is as high as three feet, and it is very likely that you will go further and further on the imperial road in the future, but now it seems that your mind is no longer above martial arts." Liu Zongyuan sighed, A trace of reluctance flashed in his eyes, "If a clansman betrays the family, he will be expelled from the family, but since you are the first offender and a pillar of my Liu family, you will be fined to be imprisoned in the Liu family's ancestral land for ten years."

ten years?

When Liu Qian heard it, he was ashamed and locked up in the middle of the Liu family's ancestral land for ten years?

This is equivalent to wasting ten years of his time, unable to use resources to cultivate.

After being promoted to the realm of the emperor, he must spend a lot of cultivation resources to stabilize his realm, but he cannot practice for ten years, which will inevitably prevent his cultivation from improving.

"Elder Taishang, I'm doing this for the sake of the Liu family." Liu Qian argued, "You can't treat me like this, and I'm an emperor-level powerhouse of the Liu family, so I should have the right to pardon."

"Family law must not be violated." Liu Zongyuan said incredulously.

"The Supreme Elder insists on this?" Liu Qian slowly stood up from the ground and stared at Liu Zongyuan.

"Yes." Liu Zongyuan replied coldly.

"The Supreme Elder doesn't give me face, so I don't have any worries. From today on, I, Liu Qian, ask for a separation." Liu Qian shouted coldly, "We are not in the same line, but for the growth of the Liu family. , this is how to integrate into the Liu family."

"Now the Liu family can't tolerate a loyal person like me, so I will ask for a separation."

Split up?

This was very common in the past, but among super families, it is very rare.

Any first-class family gathers people from the same clan together, or if people outside the clan are talented, they will inevitably be recruited into the family and entrusted with heavy responsibilities.

But it is almost never happened to be separated from a powerful family.

Liu Zongyuan was quite surprised when he heard Liu Qian's decision.

"are you serious?"

"Yes!" Liu Qian replied solemnly, "I'm serious, since the Liu family can't accommodate me, there's no point for me to be here."

"Third Grandpa." Liu Dou'er stepped forward to dissuade him after hearing this.

"Doudou, from today onwards, I am not your third grandfather." Liu Qian looked at Liu Dou'er without a trace of nostalgia. "The whole thing is your fault. If the Liu family is gone this time, you will know my hard work."

"Your good intentions are only for yourself." Jiang Xiaobai said lightly, "In your opinion, being in collusion with the Cao family is like being next to a towering tree, but you don't know that you are just It's just a dog."

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't get carried away, you're just a king. In the huge Jiangnan Province, you have to be careful." Liu Qian threatened.

"Well, I will be promoted to the emperor level as soon as possible to kill them." Jiang Xiaobai nodded nonchalantly, "Trust me, this day is not far away."

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