Dominate the world

Chapter 733 A Different Pan Yan

"Don't you want to break through the emperor and go back and be admired by thousands of people? You are also a warrior. Thinking about being able to break through the emperor at your age, it must be something that many people dream of."

Pan Yan began to persuade him continuously, and even he himself became agitated.

Listening to the other party's persuasion, Jiang Xiaobai felt more and more that there was something weird about it. If other people heard this, they might get over it in a flash.

But he is not an ordinary person. He has experienced many dangers, so he will naturally be on guard.

He showed a lukewarm attitude.

Seeing the other party's expression, Pan Yan also began to feel depressed, why is this person so reticent.

"Are you going or not? If you really don't want to go, I will go, and all the harvest will be mine."

Seeing that it was useless to persuade the other party, Pan Yan simply played the trick of playing hard to get.

But it's clumsy but effective.

"Yes, but if there are other gains in it, I need to choose first." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's sudden agreement, Pan Yan started to laugh out loud, and he was really fooled.

One more person should be able to fully open it...

Pan Yan began to make his own calculations.

Little did he know that Jiang Xiaobai just wanted to see what kind of tricks the other party was playing, and he was using his spiritual thoughts to start communicating with the Tai Chi disc, letting him see if there was a formation in this place.

It didn't go far, and along the way, Pan Yan talked about the treasure land in various ways, and even revealed that there might be a hidden inheritance here!

Pan Yan saw that Jiang Xiaobai had a reaction when he heard the inheritance, and kept saying something in his ear, and even said that when he went back, he would say a lot of good words in front of his father, let him hang out with him after going out, and be popular Drink spicy or something.

Jiang Xiaobai replied one after another. After exploring the Taiji disc, he found that there was indeed a formation in it, but it was just for concealment. The real big formation only had a few corners and there was no way to find out specific information. .

Not far away came the sound of the waterfall, rumbling.

Pan Yan came to the waterfall and pointed to it and said, "That treasure land is just behind this waterfall. I found this place by accident to avoid the pursuit of monsters. Otherwise, who would have thought that there is a Nanhuang God here..."

Unknowingly, Pan Yan slipped his tongue, and hurriedly stopped in his tracks.

"Southern Desolation God?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Pan Yan meaningfully, wanting to hear what he said.

Pan Yan also realized that his mouth was broken just now, but it was not important. He took a little medicine from Jiang Xiaobai along the way, and his injuries have almost recovered. Even if Jiang Xiaobai fights with him again, he still has the strength to fight.

Being watched by Jiang Xiaobai, Pan Yan knew that he couldn't hide, but his strength had recovered, so there was no need to be afraid of him, and he said:

"Actually, there is indeed a place where one can improve one's cultivation, but at the same time, he also has a protection. As for the innermost thing, I don't know. I also wonder if there is any way for you to enter."

Pan Yan seemed to be honest this time.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't fully believe him, he still felt that Pan Yan's behavior before and after was a bit strange.

The two looked at each other, but did not stop, and continued to walk forward.

After passing through the waterfall, Jiang Xiaobai saw some scattered fragments of organs with blood stains on them. It seems that Pan Yan had to waste a lot of effort to get the things inside.

However, as it walked more and more inside, the Tai Chi disc slowly began to heat up, indicating that there was a sacrificial formation and a protective formation inside.

Walking to the deepest point, a stone plate of the Eight Diagrams Formation appeared before the eyes, and behind the stone plate of the Eight Diagrams Formation was a stone gate, which seemed to require some special methods to open.

The bottom of the eight trigrams array stone plate is connected to the stone gate.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized what kind of place it was, and the array sacrificed power to open the stone gate, and behind this stone gate was probably a kind of inheritance.

There was nothing written on the door, but there was a smooth spot under the stone door, as if it had been deliberately erased to prevent him from getting important information.

Jiang Xiaobai began to check other places, and saw the coldness in Pan Yan's eyes from the corner of his eye. When he came to the stone plate of the Bagua Formation, Pan Yan moved.

Pan Yan approached a corner with a peek, his hands were still gesticulating, and it seemed that he was about to make a move.

Jiang Xiaobai knew it was time to make a move, and just after Pan Yan made a successful gesture, Jiang Xiaobai made a sudden move, and Jiang Xiaobai flew away from the stone plate.

The stone plate shone brightly, and a power of refining began to permeate. This scene fell in front of Jiang Xiaobai, which surprised him endlessly.

"What? How did you know there was a trap here?" Pan Yan said with gloomy eyes.

Pan Yan still didn't believe it, he thought the plan was perfect, as long as he refined Jiang Xiaobai, he could start the inheritance, but...

"What's the matter, my Young Master Pan, what are you doing? Why is this place full of refining power? What is behind the door, can you tell me?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Pan Yan playfully, his gritted teeth made Jiang Xiaobai very happy, and he was also curious, what is behind Shimen?It can make the son of the elder of the Martial Arts Minister take action by murdering his own clan.

"Well, since you found out, I have nothing to say."

"Yes, there is the inheritance of the Southern Wilderness Temple, but so what? I also want to thank you for the medicinal materials you gave me along the way. If it weren't for your medicinal materials, my injury would not recover so quickly. I lost to you before It's just because I was injured, and now that I've recovered from my injury, why are you so arrogant in the later stage of the king?"

"Give me death!"

Pan Yan roared angrily, and after finishing speaking, he started to take out a magic weapon, looking at the magic weapon, he smiled triumphantly.

"Let you, a country bumpkin, see it. This is the Gengjin sword obtained from the ruins! This is a weapon that can only be used fully in the realm of the emperor. How about it? Letting you die in the hands of this sword is not an insult to you Bar."

"Then let me see it." The Gengjin Sword that Jiang Xiaobai had obtained from Cao Ying before was suddenly thrown out by the Tai Chi disc, which surprised Jiang Xiaobai very much.

Obviously, since Jiang Xiaobai got the Tai Chi Disc, he began to refine it still in the Tai Chi Disc, and now he has finally succeeded in refining it. I don't know how powerful it is?

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai did not expect that the other party also had a Seventh Gold Sword.

Will the Tai Chi disk give me a surprise?

bang bang bang

The two weapons began to collide, because they were all weapons forged by Geng Jin, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

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