Everyone was immersed in the joy of victory, the injured Ye Tiannan, Qi Nanshan, Tang Shanhai and other emperors came to the ground and smiled happily.

Tang Shanhai came to the crowd and spread his voice with his divine thoughts and said: "Everyone, the victory in this battle is hard-won, let us cheer for our hero Jiang Xiaobai, and at the same time all the dead heroes will be recorded in the annals of history. "

"The dead are gone, and we living must carry their part to live. Now all the warriors are disturbing the battlefield, trying to retrieve the bodies of all the sacrificed comrades as much as possible, and others quickly set up a defense line on the coast."

Jiang Xiaobai fell silent when he heard Tang Shanhai's words.

No matter how many comrades they died in the battle, they would get such a victory.

On the devastated land, there are not a single warrior brought by the Cao family. This is the result of Liu Qian's protection. What if there is no protection?

The Liu family's situation is also good. Because of fighting with monsters all year round, their losses are the lowest, and there are also casualties from different small families.

The entire battlefield was disturbed for three full hours, and when a form counting casualties was presented to Tang Shanhai, everyone fell silent.

When Jiang Xiaobai came to Tang Shanhai and saw the heavy expression, he felt a little out of breath.

Tang Shanhai took the watch and gave Jiang Xiaobai a copy: "Let's see, the casualties this time..."

While talking, Tang Shanhai became silent, and let everyone see for themselves.

Jiang Xiaobai took it slowly and began to read it, only to see the death toll written on it:

An emperor died of serious injuries due to a sudden attack by a monster in the sea area!

Nearly a hundred kings died!

There are countless masters, and according to incomplete statistics, there are tens of millions of ordinary people who died! ! !

It can be said that the population of the entire Jiangnan area has suddenly become inferior to that of an ordinary county, and the strong ones, except for some top powerhouses from the Liu family and the Cao family, the rest of the families are basically broken, and even survival is a problem.

There are also dozens of families that have been completely wiped out. There is no survivor, not even a child, and their bloodlines have been cut off.

"I will do my best to drive the monsters out of our home, and I will make the monsters pay a terrible price!"

Jiang Xiaobai kneaded the information in his hands into a ball, and a fire appeared to burn it to ashes, and said in a heavy tone.

Liu Rufeng and Liu Zongyuan quietly came to Jiang Xiaobai, and finally they patted Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder without saying a word.

No one spoke in the battlefield, some people silently came to the coast to build a human line of defense, some people searched among the piles of minced meat, even a little clothing would be good, even if it was just a name.

But more people don't know. Some ordinary people in the rear began to cry and came to the battlefield to identify their relatives.

An old couple came to the battlefield and burst into tears. They saw the corpses of their loved ones on the battlefield, which had been torn to pieces by monsters. At this moment, all they could recognize was a familiar arm with the ribbons wrapped around them.

Walking out of the battlefield, a man knelt down in front of the old couple and said, "I'm sorry, my elder brother was killed by a monster to save me. From then on, your two elders are my parents. I will take care of you until your death. I am your son." !"

"We are your sons!"

There are still the same people saying the same thing behind them, even if they don't know each other at the moment, even if they have nothing to do with each other, but they are willing to take this responsibility because they are the elders of the hero!

And they are just a microcosm of those family members who died. More people are looking for and coming to the battlefield in great pain.

The families in the Jiangnan region finally woke up. Even if it was a first-class family like the Cao family, they realized that the Liu family was not afraid of them, nor could they defeat them, but because they used all their main forces to fight against monsters.

Cao Wenlong slowly came to Liu Rufeng and said, "I'm sorry, but I will still do this. We are comrades on the battlefield, but we are still opponents after the war is over!"

Liu Rufeng was stunned, but Liu Zongyuan came out from behind and said:

"Then we are allies so far. I hope we are all still alive after the end. If we are all dead, who can seek revenge?"

This time it was Cao Wenlong's turn to be stunned for a moment, and said cautiously: "Yes, if we are all dead, then who will know who?"

The figure of Cao Wenlong who left was particularly thin, asking himself along the way, did he do something wrong?No!He did nothing wrong.

Suddenly, a message came from the Cao family headquarters:

Cao Ying went out of the customs again, and immediately challenged Jiang Xiaobai by name!

A warrior from the Cao family came to the battlefield and said recklessly: "Which one of you is Jiang Xiaobai, come out quickly, I tell you that Cao Ying, the genius of the Cao family, has come out of closed-door training, and now officially challenge Jiang Xiaobai! He comes out."

This shout echoed across the battlefield like thunder, but no one responded to him, not even the Patriarch of the Cao family said a word at the moment.

Seeing that no one spoke, the warriors of the Cao family began to curse arrogantly.

"What about you? What about you? Are you all dead?"

"Where are you Jiang Xiaobai? Hurry up and tell him the news, so I can go back and deliver the message!"

After speaking, he kicked the old man standing beside him.

This series of actions completely irritated everyone present, and everyone stared at him and started to get angry.

Another person came to Cao Wenlong and said, "Is this from your Cao family?"

Everyone heard the voice of anger, and the Cao family's son panicked immediately, but when he thought that he was from the Cao family, he couldn't help but become a little more courageous.

Looking at the people close to him, he said tremblingly: "What do you want to do? I am from the Cao family. If you dare to touch me, aren't you afraid that the Cao family will kill you?"

Cao Wenlong turned around and said, "I don't know him!"

Regardless of whether you heard Cao Wenlong's words or not, someone has already made a move, and coming in front of this person is a fat beating.

Then he came to the kicked old man with his legs disabled and kowtowed to make amends.

The old man had never seen such a scene, and he closed his eyes and said, "Son, you can go at ease, your friend is fine on my behalf."

With tears in the corners of his eyes, he passed away peacefully.

The others felt puzzled, so they simply threw this person into the sea, and the monster swallowed him in one bite, and a stream of blood appeared on the surface of the sea.

Jiang Xiaobai heard the commotion outside, did not stop what was happening before him, and then came to Cao Wenlong and said: "Cao Ying wants to challenge me, welcome anytime, but I hope this will not happen again, I hope that the members of the Cao family are not all idiots!"

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