High death rate?

After Zhao Chong and others heard it, everyone showed puzzled expressions.

How is this going?

"My method of teaching students is different from other people's. I don't just blindly practice hard work. I pay more attention to actual combat." Seeing the expressions of several people, Lan Yingying continued, "Actual combat is not only carried out in the virtual training room, but also It is to go out for a trial."

"Fight with monsters, and improve your strength in the battle with monsters."

Fighting with monsters?

After Zhao Chong thought of this, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Sister Lan, we are still children!"

"Child?" Lan Yingying looked at Zhao Chong with a slight smile, "Who isn't a child?"

"Do you think it's natural to enjoy so many rights after becoming a martial artist? Actually, it's not!"

"When you enjoy your rights, you also need to fulfill your obligations. Your obligation is to fight monsters. For any warrior, the rights he enjoys are all in exchange for his own achievements."

"Yes!" Zhang Chulan nodded in agreement.

"What's right? This is fatal!" Zhao Chong gave Zhang Chulan a white look.

This guy is a stick, iron Hanhan.

Although it looks like an idol, spotless, but if you have been in contact with him for a long time, you will find that this guy is no different from ordinary people.

"Damn it?" Lan Yingying stared at her almond-shaped eyes, "Do you think you came to university for enjoyment? Why do you feel at ease when you spend so much resources?"

"I..." Zhao Chong couldn't say a word, his face turned red.

"If you want to enjoy it, you can choose other instructors. With me, you can only fight hard." Lan Yingying's expression gradually cooled down, and she exuded a faint murderous aura.

"Sister Lan, I was wrong!" Zhao Chong lowered his head and whispered.

"Instructor Lan, Zhao Chong is just a freshman, there is no need to reprimand him like this." Jiang Xiaobai said with a frown.

"It is precisely because of the new students that I say this. If you are old students, the consequences will be disastrous." Lan Yingying's momentum remained undiminished, "Only in this way can you go further."

Looking at the expressions of the three people in front of her, Lan Yingying said again: "This is the end of today's class. Tomorrow you need to choose your own college."

After speaking, Lan Yingying left directly.

The remaining Jiang Xiaobai and the other three looked at each other with puzzled expressions in their eyes.

"Is this showing us off?"

Zhao Chong stared at the little ignorant eyes and asked puzzledly.

"It's for you to show off." Jiang Xiaobai corrected.

"Come on!" Zhao Chong replied, "By the way, what does Sister Lan mean by choosing a college?"

"I don't know." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, then looked at Zhang Chulan.

"It is to choose the students you want to enter. All universities are basically divided into several students such as martial arts colleges, alchemy colleges, weapon colleges, and liberal arts colleges." Zhang Chulan said calmly, "Generally speaking, everyone will choose Martial Academy, because the fighters of the Martial Academy are unparalleled in combat power, followed by the Pill Academy and the Artifact Academy, after all, pills and weapons are also an indispensable existence for warriors, and even the most important foundation."

"Where's the School of Literature?" Zhao Chong asked anxiously.

"College of Literature?" Zhang Chulan's eyes showed confusion, "College of Literature is the weakest among several colleges. After graduation, he can only participate in clerical work."

"However, some people once said that if the cultivation of the Academy of Arts reaches a certain level, it will not be weaker than the Academy of Martial Arts."

"College of Literature?" Jiang Xiaobai muttered.

Although he is already a second-rank martial artist, he doesn't know much about the branches of Wuhan University, and he only knows about Wuyuan.

After all, the name of the Martial Academy is too famous.

Almost all the masters are from the martial arts academy, as for the other several branches, few outsiders know about it.

This also created an illusion that among the martial arts universities, only the Martial Academy exists.

"Then it's definitely the Martial Arts Academy!" Zhao Chong said with a radiant look after hearing this.

"Yes, other people think the same way, which is why there are so many students in the martial arts academy." Jiang Xiaobai said, "Comparatively speaking, it is more intense."

"I thought that being able to be promoted to a warrior would be considered a relatively powerful existence, but now it seems that the reality is very cruel!" Zhao Chong said pessimistically, "I feel like I am out of the bottom of a well, and what I can see is only a few feet away. "

"So what is your choice?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Martial Academy, do you need to talk about it? After all, I am going to be a master." Zhao Chong replied without any hesitation.

"I suggest you go to the Academy of Instruments or the Academy of Pills." Jiang Xiaobai said seriously. "The competition between these two branches is relatively small. If you can become the master of the Dan Academy or the Martial Arts Academy, your sister Lan will definitely agree to you."

"Really?" Zhao Chong looked at Jiang Xiaobai suspiciously, "Are you sure it's not because I'm not talented enough?"

Jiang Xiaobai: "..."

Zhang Chulan: "..."

After the students dispersed, Jiang Xiaobai and the others also returned to the dormitory.

The pace of life at Qilu Wuhan University is not fast, and there are not so complicated courses.

After choosing a branch school, apart from practicing with the instructor, he will attend classes in the branch school, and the rest of the time is at his own disposal.

Either choose to practice in the training room, or choose to go out for trials.

Of course, for freshman students, very few people choose to go out for trials.

The environment of Los Angeles City is different from that of Lei Ze City, and it is more dangerous in comparison. Even in the surrounding towns, there are level [-] or even level [-] monsters.

Such an environment would never appear in Lei Ze City.

The reason for this is that the vitality of Los Angeles is relatively strong.

The vitality of the entire Hua Kingdom is not evenly distributed, some places are relatively rich, while some places are relatively thin.

In rich places, Huaguo invested all kinds of resources to vigorously develop and became a first-tier city in China. A city like this will also attract monsters to gather, so the surrounding towns or suburbs have become the territory of monsters.

Los Angeles is such an existence.

"Are the [-] points credited?" After Jiang Xiaobai returned to the dormitory, he found a message on his communicator.

The communicator prompts that your credits have arrived in your personal account, please log in to the personal center on the official website of Qilu Wuhan University to check.

Basic credits: 1000!

Jiang Xiaobai logged into Huaguo Wuda.com, clicked on his personal homepage, and saw the credit status.

Huaguo Martial Arts University Network is the official website of all martial arts universities in Huaguo. The information of more than 100 martial arts universities can be seen on this official website. Then, each martial arts university has its own official homepage.

Jiang Xiaobai lay on the bed, turned on the holographic projection, and browsed the official website of Qilu Wuhan University.

When he jumped to the forum, he found a post, which immediately caught his attention.

"Shocked! Qiluwu University's new ruthless man is coming!"

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