Seeing Haruko who was getting excited and her hands getting heavier and heavier, Jiang Xiaobai coughed lightly and said, "Haruko, it's almost enough. After all, she is also a member of the Onmyoji Shrine, so I can't beat him to death. For Onmyoji Shrine, we still have to give enough respect."

Haruko's left hand, which was just about to swing down, stopped in the air, and she smiled embarrassedly.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Eguchi Hiroichi, whose face was already swollen and out of shape, and helped his forehead, feeling as if he had taught a child.

This Haruko actually hit people in the face, there were so many places on her body where she could attack, but she chose the face.

The face of Eguchi Hiroichi, who was still pretty handsome, was already swollen.

However, with this level of provocation, I'm afraid those people from the Onmyoji Shrine will not be able to help but stand up for Hiroichi Eguchi, and take them away in a wave at that time, lest these Onmyoji in the Neon Kingdom have nothing to do in their minds. of.

Huanghuang Huaxia, how can these bowlegged people get their hands on it?

"Unlock the illusion, lest this Mr. Eguchi Koichi really sinks into it, then there is really no salvation."

"Your current ability cannot perfectly control your talent."

Jiang Xiaobai said slowly.

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's order, Qingzi nodded, and the purple in her eyes quickly receded.

And He Tianshan, who was standing aside, let go of his heart that was raised in his throat.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at He Tianshan, waved his hand casually and said, "Take this Mr. Eguchi Koichi down, by the way, arrange two rooms for us, I think we may not be able to leave tonight."

Tsuruta-san, who heard Jiang Xiao's nonsense in the vernacular, sneered, and pulled Eguchi Koichi, who was still a little sluggish, to go out.

As soon as he walked out of the box, Tsuruta-san immediately picked it up and gave Eguchi Hiroichi a slap in the face, cursing in a low voice: "Damn, you think you are an onmyoji and want to dominate the neon lights, I have tolerated you for a long time !"

Koichi Eguchi, who was still delirious, just let out a low moan, without any unnecessary reaction or reaction, allowing Tsuruta-san to stuff him into the car and go straight to the Onmyoji Shrine not far away.

As soon as he arrived at the Onmyoji Shrine, Tsuruta-san immediately pulled Eguchi Hiroshi out of the car, walked to the gate of the Onmyoji Shrine, looked at the two guards and said loudly: "Eguchi Hiroichi of your Onmyoji Shrine has offended someone who shouldn't be messed with." The person in the house has been cleaned up, so hurry up and take him away, tell him when he wakes up, we will never do his business again in the izakaya!"

"The izakaya forbids him to enter and consume!"

The two guards looked at each other, and looked at Hiroshi Eguchi who was standing there sluggishly, but he didn't recognize him for a while. If it wasn't for the clothes on his body, he really couldn't confirm it.

One of the guards suddenly changed his face, and hurried into the Onmyoji Shrine. Obviously, he was calling for someone!

The other guard didn't care if Eguchi Hongichi was okay or not, so he grabbed Hetianshan and refused to let him go, looked at Hetianshan viciously and said, "Who is it?"

"How dare you hurt the people in our Onmyoji Shrine!"

"Who gave him such courage!"

At this time, the Onmyoji of the Neon Kingdom is proud and proud.

There are seven emperor-level powerhouses in a country, and they all come from the Onmyoji Shrine. How can they not be proud or complacent?

But what they didn't expect was that there were only two of the seven emperor-level powerhouses left.

One is in the capital of the Neon Kingdom, and the other is in Sakura Mountain. If the two want to support each other, it will not be able to resist in a short while!

Soon, a group of people rushed out from the Onmyoji Shrine, shouting loudly, and headed towards the izakaya.

He Tianshan looked at the people who were gradually going away, stomped his feet fiercely, and cursed loudly: "It's over, these people have arrived at the izakaya, how can I do my business!"

After all, he turned his head and glanced at Eguchi Koichi who had been left where no one cared about him, and raised his foot like a flying kick.

"It's all your fault!"

Inside the pub.

The old god Jiang Xiaobai held a glass of sake and sipped it comfortably, waiting for the people from the Onmyoji Shrine to arrive.

His trip here is simply for the sake of establishing prestige. He wants to completely empty the high-level combat power of the Neon Nation, and even make the Neon Nation's military force appear to be broken. This situation, I am afraid that it is absolutely impossible not to have more than ten years!

Dozens of master-level onmyojis and several king-level onmyojis came in succession, standing in front of the izakaya and shouting loudly.

"Who moved the people from our Onmyoji Shrine!"

"Get out and lead us to death!"

Jiang Xiaobai slowly put down his wine glass, stood up, looked out the window, stretched out his hand to open the window and jumped.

Seeing this scene, Haruko didn't care about her status as a lady, so she jumped down.

It landed firmly on the ground.

Jiang Xiaobai stood in front of the izakaya, looking at the backbone of the Onmyoji Shrine in front of him, and several of them had the potential to become emperor-level powerhouses.

Jiang Xiaobai was looking at these onmyojis.

The people from the Onmyoji Shrine were also looking at Jiang Xiaobai at the same time.

A king-level onmyoji jumped out of the crowd and looked at Jiang Xiaobai calmly and said, "Is that Eguchi Koichi you beat?"

He said with a gloomy face: "If you don't deny it, come back to the Onmyoji Shrine with us, otherwise, I can't guarantee that you can continue to live!"

Before Jiang Xiaobai could speak, Haruko walked out from behind Jiang Xiaobai and faced the crowd, raised her head and said, "Eguchi Koichi was hit by me, as an Onmyoji, he used the prestige and reputation of the Onmyoji Shrine to bully ordinary people." people!"

"You still want me to follow him and go home!"

"This kind of scum, even if it dies, there is nothing to regret!"

"It's you, who still stand up for this kind of person, it's really disgraceful to the Onmyoji Shrine."

Hearing Haruko's words, the faces of all the onmyojis turned dark, and their hearts were even more embarrassing.

They are very clear about the virtues of Eguchi Koichi. If it weren't for his talent, how could they stand up for him again and again?

The king-level onmyoji Jing Chuan who jumped out of the crowd looked at Haruko with an unchanged expression, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "This is a matter between men, women, go away!"

Haruko's pretty face suddenly seemed to be covered with frost, and a chill appeared all over her body.

"Why, do you think I'm just a good-looking woman?"

The eyes glowed purple in an instant, staring at the people opposite.

at this time.

Jiang Xiaobai walked forward slowly with his hands behind his back.

"Qingzi, there are five king-level onmyojis on the opposite side, and you are not their opponent. This time, let me do it."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the people opposite him.

"Apologize for mistakes."

"If you are beaten, you must stand at attention."

"If you don't accept it, you will all die!"

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