Dominate the world

Chapter 780 Blood and Fire

The sea breeze howled.

Kimura Tadao suddenly issued an order: "Attack!"

Countless warships and soldiers flocked towards Jiang Xiaobai's boat.

Aso Yamato, who had been waiting in the distance, immediately led his subordinates to attack Jiang Xiaobai.

Without Jiang Xiaobai commanding the battle, Li Daqiang immediately gave the order with a smirk: "Every cadre, in pairs, kill them all! Attack!"

The five thousand elite fighters immediately stood up from the deck, jumped into the endless sea with an order, and rushed towards the attacking pirate ship.

Jin Baoguo and Qingzi looked at each other, boarded a battleship, and joined the battlefield.

Li Daqiang turned around and looked at Aso Yamato not far away: "Then, let me deal with you!"

General Tadashi Kimura of the Neon Kingdom flew into the air with another unknown strongman wearing a mask, and they both came to Jiang Xiaobai.

"It's still too late for you to let your subordinates retreat." The unknown strong man took off his mask and looked at Jiang Xiaobai expressionlessly, and said slowly.

When Jiang Xiaobai saw the face of the unnamed strong man, he was stunned for a moment, and he was a little puzzled: "Are you and Beicun Yidao brothers?"

His expression changed, and he immediately rushed to Jiang Xiaobai: "You're looking for death!"

What he hated most in his life was when someone put him and Beicun together. Although the two of them were indeed brothers, how could such a person have the right to be his Beicunchen's brother!

The sound of artillery bombardment resounded on the vast sea.

The bloody and cruel battle of life and death has officially begun.

On the edge of an extremely hidden island, a warship parked there quietly. The people on the warship quietly observed the battle in the distance, and at the same time kept telling the people and things they saw, Beside him, there are dozens of cameras, taking pictures of scenes in the distance.

As soon as [-] elite fighters entered the crowd, they exploded with powerful combat power.

The two warships collided with each other with a bang, and countless shouts and screams suddenly sounded.

From the very beginning, the artillery had no intention of stopping at all, and for a while, the artillery fired continuously.

Li Daqiang clasped the saber in his hands tightly, and looked at Aso Yamato with a calm face: "Despicable and shameless, wait until I kill you, and then kill Nihong!"

Pulling out his saber suddenly, Li Daqiang suddenly shouted: "Kaishan!"

Afterwards, Li Daqiang stomped on both feet and rushed towards Aso Yamato. The deck cracked and was torn apart!

Aso Yamato drew out his sword and roared wildly, and strode towards Li Daqiang who was rushing forward!

The blade tore through the space, and there were bursts of piercing sounds.


The sound of gold and iron clanging suddenly sounded!

The two collided heavily, and then quickly separated.

Li Daqiang looked at Aso Yamato with a solemn expression, put the saber back into its sheath, then sighed, raised the saber, and his figure suddenly swelled: "The sky is cracked!"

The whole sky suddenly seemed to be burned, and it was blood red.

Li Daqiang stepped on the broken deck under his feet and slowly flew in the air, looking at Aso Yamato indifferently in front of him.

Huge meteorites quickly rushed towards Aso Yamato with huge flames, and rushed towards every enemy warship below, destroying and killing them! "

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobai immediately raised his hands to applaud Li Daqiang. He didn't expect that Li Daqiang would still explode, so he looked at Kimura Tadashi and Kitamura Chen playfully: "Do you two think you can beat me?"

Kimura Tadashi said coldly, "How will you know if you don't try!"

Jiang Xiaobai swung lightly with one hand, and the horizontal knife suddenly appeared in his hand, and with a touch of his foot, it immediately flew towards Kimura Tadashi.

"Let me kill you!" Jiang Xiaobai laughed wildly, raised the horizontal knife and slashed at Mucunzhong fiercely.

Bei Cunchen didn't rashly intervene. With people of their strength, it doesn't matter whether it's one-on-one or one-on-two.

He can feel that Jiang Xiaobai is indeed stronger than the two of them, but his strength is limited. As long as Kimura Tadashi consumes him, and then he does it himself, it is entirely possible to keep Jiang Xiaobai here!

The same is true for the orders from the higher-ups, kill Jiang Xiaobai!

The most dangerous battle on the sea is not the long-range bombardment of cannons. The most dangerous is the boarding battle. The casualty rate is the largest and the most terrifying.

When two parties fight, as long as one party has a strong military advantage and strength advantage, it is a one-sided battle.

But here today, where the sea is soaring to the sky, in the sea of ​​the Neon country, the Neon country with its superior military strength, and the Yanhuang organization with its superior strength, no one knows who will win in the end.

A total of 200 elite fighters have fought until this moment, and [-] of them have already died.

And the navy of the Nihong country also lost two thousand people in an instant, and the casualties were heavy, which can be described as heavy.

in the sky.

Kimura Tadashi rushed to Jiang Xiaobai again like a beast: "Blood poison!"

Streams of blood immediately rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai from the warship below.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, held the horizontal knife tightly, and shouted: "Lei Guang!"

A purple light flashed past.

Instead of dodging, Jiang Xiaobai rushed straight at the blood, slashing at the blood with a wave of his hand.

The majestic blood seemed to have lost its soul, and immediately poured down like rain.

Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly, and looked at Kimura Tadashi: "Spiritual thoughts are like knives!"

Kimura Tadashi suddenly fell into endless confusion. Before he could break free, Jiang Xiaobai immediately flew towards him and kicked him away.

It wasn't that Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to kill Kimura Tadashi directly, it was that Kitamura Chen was staring at him. At that time, as long as he raised his hand to attack, he would definitely show his flaws. He will seize this opportunity, because Jiang Xiaobai just kicked Kimura Tadashi away with one kick.

Although he didn't kill him, this blow was enough for him to take. For a while, Tadashi Kimura wouldn't even try to get up.

Down below, Aso Yamato suddenly roared and sheathed the sword: "Shikigami, possessed by an elephant demon"

An ancient golem appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

A loud roar sounded.

Aso Yamato immediately rushed towards Li Daqiang.

Every time he rushed forward, the warships and warships in front of him would be destroyed and torn apart by his brute force, and his body was constantly twisting, knocking the pirate ship apart from time to time.

For a time, the blood completely stained the sea area red.

The killing became more intense, and everyone stopped holding back.

Li Daqiang snorted coldly, pulled out his saber in an instant and slashed forward heavily: "Tiger!"

A slash that contained gravity suddenly flew towards Aso Yamato slowly and heavily.

Before the slash flew to Aso Yamato, Li Daqiang took a deep breath, put the saber on the scabbard, and began to return it inch by inch: "Slash!"

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