Dominate the world

Chapter 79 Ascension, 45 Jin

For several days, Jiang Xiaobai spent his time practicing.

He is not like Zhao Chong and Zhang Chulan, except for practicing, he has to go to the School of Instruments and the School of Arts.

Ever since Zhao Chong entered the Institute of Equipment, he seemed to be a completely different person, full of energy, and no longer as lazy as before.

Normally, Zhao Chong would chat with himself nonsense.

But now he almost always runs back and forth in the dormitory or the equipment academy, and when he is free, he will practice in the training ground.

Zhang Chulan is even more strange. Since entering the Academy of Arts, he has purchased a large number of books, almost all of which are ancient classics.

Sometimes, he could even hear Zhang Chulan reading three hundred Tang poems aloud in the dormitory.

"These two seem to be stunned." Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly.

Fortunately, Liu Douer was with her in the Martial Arts Field, otherwise Jiang Xiaobai would feel isolated.

"Xiaobai, have you made a breakthrough recently?" On this day, after Liu Dou'er finished her training, she came to Jiang Xiaobai to chat proactively.

"It should be!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded, "The strength has improved!"

"Is it just that the strength has improved?" Liu Douer blinked, "I have good news for you."

"What good news?" Jiang Xiaobai asked subconsciously.

"I have broken through to the realm of a fourth-rank warrior." Liu Dou'er said with a smile.


Rank four martial artist?

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Dou'er in surprise, and his whole body suddenly became ill.

I am the second rank, and Liu Douer is already the fourth rank, which is two ranks behind.

You know, Liu Douer in front of me is only 17 years old!

She is one year younger than herself, but her strength is so terrifying!

"This is really good news!" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Liu Dou'er resentfully.

The next moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly asked: "Doudou, who asked you to tell me?"

"Ah?" Liu Dou'er was startled, her smiling face became nervous.

"This doesn't look like your style." Jiang Xiaobai stared at Liu Dou'er.

Liu Dou'er had seldom talked to herself all this time, but now she actually told herself that she had been promoted to the fourth rank.

There is something tricky here...

"Yes, Sister Lan asked me to tell you." Liu Dou'er said timidly, "After she told you, you will take me to a big meal."

Miss Lan?

Lan Yingying?

After Jiang Xiaobai heard the name, his teeth itched with hatred.

Is this bitch hitting herself on purpose?

"Xiaobai, will you take me to a big meal?" Liu Dou'er raised her head and asked pitifully.

"Eat, eat!" Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his temples.

The loli girl in front of her turned out to be a fourth-rank warrior.

If it was on the street, seeing such a beautiful loli like Liu Douer, I am afraid that more than [-]% of men would not be able to control it.

White, small skirt, teasing any man's nerves.

"Hee hee, the elementary school boy is so good." Liu Dou'er jumped up and patted Jiang Xiaobai's head.

Jiang Xiaobai: "..."

"After the training is over, I'll take you to a big meal." Jiang Xiaobai began to practice again.

As the vitality of heaven and earth entered his body, it continuously tempered his body.

The vitality washed the muscles and turned into the most primitive power in his body.


Jiang Xiaobai's body made a crisp sound.

"Huh!" Jiang Xiaobai exhaled heavily, "It's reached the limit!"

After getting up, Jiang Xiaobai walked into the testing room.

Didi! 4500!

Four thousand five hundred catties?

After Jiang Xiaobai saw his strength, he nodded in satisfaction.

The half month of training has allowed him to increase his strength by a thousand catties, which is considered a relatively top existence among the freshmen.

"The strength of a second-rank martial artist can reach six thousand catties, and there is still a gap of fifteen hundred catties." Jiang Xiaobai was thinking secretly.

Whether it is a second-rank warrior or a third-rank warrior, in the world of martial arts, they are always regarded as the lowest existence.

Only after being promoted to the fourth-rank martial artist can one have the power to protect oneself.

When Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the training room, he found Liu Douer eagerly waiting for him.

"I'm hungry..." Liu Dou'er looked aggrieved.

"Hungry?" Jiang Xiaobai picked up his coat and put it on his body, "Tell me! What do you want to eat?"

"I'm going to Hongfu Tower!" Liu Dou'er's eyes lit up, and she said it quickly.

Hung Fook Building?

Jiang Xiaobai asked suspiciously, "What kind of place is this?"

"Their food is delicious!" Liu Dou'er turned into a greedy cat and said eagerly.

"It's delicious, then go eat it." Jiang Xiaobai didn't think about anything else, but directly notified Zhao Chong and Zhang Chulan.

Zhao Chong naturally readily agreed, but after Zhang Chulan heard it, he asked back: "Are you sure it's Hongfulou?"

"Yes, it's Hongfu Building, come here directly when the time comes!" After Jiang Xiaobai sent a message, he took Liu Dou'er and walked out.

Qilu Wuhan University is not a closed management, allowing students to come in and out.

However, when Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Douer walked on the campus, they once again attracted the surprise of others.

"Then, isn't that our goddess Liu Douer?"

"It's her, she is the perfect goddess in my heart! Who is next to her?"

"Why does that person look familiar? But I can't remember."

"Liu Dou'er was taken down by someone? Or are they just friends?"

Soon, the news spread throughout the school.

Liu Douer, when she first entered school, was liked by many people, because she was petite and cute, and her appearance was impeccable, so she was immediately named the goddess of new life.

Liu Douer can definitely rank in the top three of Qiluwu University's list of female goddesses.

After Liu Douer entered school, many people tried to pursue her, but without exception they all ended in failure.

Despite being rejected, there are still many people in Qilu Wuda University who are still unwilling to give up.

Because Liu Douer's dressing style is extremely unique, many warriors have become his fans.

Someone even took photos of Liu Douer and made a picture book of Liu Douer's daily outfits, which were then fired at sky-high prices.

A picture album of Liu Douer is as high as 3 yuan!

Thirty thousand!

What kind of concept is this? It can be compared to half a year's income of an ordinary family.

Despite the high price, it is still in short supply.

As a result, Qilu Wuhan University publishes a picture album of Liu Douer every month.

There is no other reason, just because Liu Douer is so beautiful.

Now, they did see Liu Dou'er walking intimately with a young man, and immediately made those who saw her cry silently.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't notice anything unusual, especially since he was so close to Liu Dou'er, he didn't have any other feelings.

There was even a little bit of unhappiness in his heart.

This guy has reached the realm of the fourth rank!

How can a short man with a height of only 1.6 meters be a fourth-rank martial artist?

After the two walked out of Qilu Wuda University, they took a taxi directly and headed towards Hongfu Restaurant.

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