Dominate the world

Chapter 805 Revenge

Everyone rushed into the room aggressively, and the lights in the room were turned on immediately.

Jiang Xiaobai sat up leaning against the head of the bed, looked at the crowd rushing in with a livid face, and asked, "Is this how your Holy See treats guests?"

Pope Albert said apologetically: "I'm sorry, something happened suddenly, and I want to ask you, Mr. Jiang, about something."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a cold face: "What do you want to ask, hurry up, I still have to sleep!"

War Priest Bruce's expression changed suddenly, he took a step forward suddenly, looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a livid face and said, "Jiang Xiaobai, show some respect to the Pope!"

"This is not your Huaguo!"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, got off the bed, dressed slowly and stood in front of everyone, then stared at War Priest Blue and said, "What?"

"You want to kill me?"

"Or is your Holy See planning to kill me?"

"I'm dead, I want to see who else dares to believe in your Holy See!"

Pope Albert sat down in front of Jiang Xiaobai unhurriedly, and said calmly, "You misunderstood, Mr. Jiang, we just want to ask if what happened tonight is related to you."

"Some outsiders have come to the holy city, and their accents are a bit crappy."

"I don't know if it's Mr. Jiang's subordinate?"

Pope Albert stared closely at Jiang Xiaobai's eyes and face, trying to see every subtle change.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his head, looked at Pope Albert calmly, and said, "No, don't you all know my whereabouts clearly, how could I have time to do those things."

War Priest Blue sneered and said, "From the moment I came to the Holy City, the Pope was assassinated first, and then there was the change tonight."

"Jiang Xiaobai, do you dare to say that all this really has nothing to do with you!"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, stood up abruptly, stood in front of Bruce, and said coldly: "Why, you are still asking me about the internal affairs of the Holy See?"

"Is there no one to blame?"

"If I had known that there was still such a big dispute within your Holy See, I shouldn't have come here!"

"It's ridiculous to want to control the whole world! The Arabian Nights!"

The atmosphere in the room changed suddenly, and many people looked at Jiang Xiaobai gradually with sharp eyes, as if they would rush to Jiang Xiaobai as soon as Pope Albert gave an order.

The chief inspector, Skochi, looked at Jiang Xiaobai with gloomy eyes, and said gloomily, "Jiang Xiaobai, my people saw with their own eyes that Chinese people other than you appeared in the Holy City. How do you deal with that? explain?"

"If you want to disturb the Holy See, then I advise you not to think about it, otherwise, you won't even know how you died!"

Facing the people's repeated questioning, Jiang Xiaobai didn't bother to explain any more, sat down in front of Pope Albert, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, I think you'd better give me an explanation for today's matter! "

"Otherwise, I can no longer trust you."

But with a few words, the problem was thrown back to Pope Albert. Jiang Xiaobai leaned on the sofa, looking reassured, as if everything outside really had nothing to do with him.

Pope Albert smiled, stood up calmly, glanced at everyone, then sat down slowly and said: "Until this matter is not completely cleared, I will not make any judgments lightly. I hope Mr. Jiang Xiaobai will forgive me a lot."

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands, shrugged, and said indifferently: "Then let the facts prove it."


Outside the church, the East Side of the Holy City.

In the dark night, Alansman quietly looked at the extravagant silver-wrapped floor-to-ceiling windows opposite him, put on a black hoodie, and stepped forward step by step.

Raise your hand.

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door.

Voices came from the door soon: "It's so late, who is it? What's the matter?"

"Even gods need rest at night."

The door slowly opened, and a middle-aged man in a white priest's robe stood at the door, looked at Alansman suspiciously and asked, "Who are you?"

Alansman lowered his head, let out a horrific sneer, and stabbed forward with the dagger in his hand.

Alansman took a step forward and slowly grabbed the middle-aged priest who was falling backwards, and then gently placed him on the floor.

"God says, you are guilty!"

After succeeding, Alansman did not intend to stay where he was. He still had one goal to accomplish, which was the crusader who killed his wife and children.

Killing the enemy with his hands is more important to him than anything else.

Along the way, the Holy City, which had begun to gradually become chaotic, did not spread to the East District. There were not many pedestrians on the streets late at night, and the original patrolling Crusaders had already been removed by the officer on duty tonight.

Alansman stood silently in front of a house on the corner of the street, and rang the doorbell.

Soon there were footsteps in the door, the door opened, and Alansman suddenly raised his head and bumped into it: "Good evening, Mr. Master Chief."

The Crusaders were also very vigilant. The moment Alansman bumped into him, they immediately backed away, looked at Alansman with a cold face and said, "Another wanted black dog?"

"Could it be that among the people I killed today, is your child? Is your wife?"

"If not, I'm sorry, but it doesn't matter, there will be tomorrow."

Hearing what the crusaders said, Alansman lowered his head and roared, drew out the dagger from his waist, and rushed towards the crusaders fiercely.

The knife flashed, and Alansman, who struck with anger, completely violated the assassin's attack creed. The body of the crusader was cut in half with a single knife, and the front half of the crusader, who was still conscious, was unconscious Scratching the ground, the pupils began to gradually dilate.

He looked at Alansman and said painfully, "Please let my family go, please."

It wasn't until his consciousness died and his body could no longer move that Alansman stood up from the side, took out the lighter in his arms, and threw it towards the curtain beside the window.

Walking out of the room step by step, Alansman glanced back at the flames in the room, which began to gradually increase, then turned and left.

In the dark night, tongues of fire began to spew and dance in the room, until there was a bang, and the whole building was completely ignited, illuminating the night sky.

At the same time, there are more people looking for their enemies, killing all the staff in the Holy See, playing almost every role and every identity.

A series of hurried steps sounded in the church. The visitor took a look at the overcrowded room, then lowered his head slightly, and whispered in Pope Albert's ear: "I tell His Majesty, more than half of the cadres have been killed. Those who are still alive are now in the great council chamber of the church, awaiting your order from the Pope."

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