Dominate the world

Chapter 861 Rescue Qin Feng

"Elder Jiang, well done. We used to fight with humans and beasts, and now we fight with immortals. Flame and yellow are immortal, and blood will last forever!"

A figure flew down from the sky, it was Xie Guanying, the chief elder of the Martial Arts Department.

"I have met the Great Elder." Everyone from the Martial Arts Department greeted him together.

Emperor Cang of the Northwest let out a long cry, and shouted: "Flame and yellow are not extinguished, and the blood lasts forever. That's a good point. My old guy has been lonely all his life, and he thought he looked down on everything, but today he found that the blood in his heart is still not cold. I want to worship today." The Martial Arts Department, please take it in with the Great Elder."

With that said, Emperor Cang of the Northwest bowed to the Great Elder.

Xie Guanying was overjoyed, he hurriedly stepped forward to support Emperor Cang of the Northwest, and said gratefully: "Brother Cang joins, my Martial Arts Department is full of glory!"

Northwest Emperor Cang smiled modestly: "Where, where, I'm here to rub the light of the Martial Arts Department!"

The two laughed together.

"Great Elder, are your injuries healed?"

Xie Guanying shook his head: "But it's been suppressed, and it will be recuperated slowly in the future. The proposal of the second elder just now is very good. Afterwards, you will come up with a charter and open the warehouse. Right now is an important period for the transformation of the world, and our Martial Arts Department also We must seek change, and if we want to survive, we must improve our own strength, and we cannot always rely on Elder Jiang."

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly said politely: "You are welcome, Great Elder. I am also the elder of the Martial Arts Department. It is only natural to resist foreign enemies."

Everyone exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then dispersed.

Jiang Xiaobai asked for the soul-suppressing pearl from the second elder, and quietly entered the Yuxu Palace. He also put away the giant epee sword, and returned it to Shu Tao after the next meeting.

"Boy, you did a good job." Tong Fangyuan was staying at the entrance of Yuxu Palace, and when he saw Jiang Xiaobai coming in, he praised him unceremoniously.

Gongsun Long asked: "How do you feel about Penglai Xiandao's martial arts?"

Jiang Xiaobai said seriously: "Very powerful!"

Although everyone in Penglai Xiandao was defeated by him, Jiang Xiaobai could tell that Penglai Xiandao was really extraordinary. Whether it was skills, combat techniques or even weapons, all of them showed the power of Penglai Xiandao. The profound heritage of the island.

After all, all his exercises were brought by Taiji Yuanpan, which surprised even the holy gods, and it is only natural that he surpassed Penglai Xiandao.

Gongsun Long nodded: "It's true that you are not arrogant in victory and not discouraged in defeat. You can also tell that those people are just fledglings, who don't understand anything and have no experience. If you give them some time, they will become stronger when they mature. Up, I won’t let you play with me anymore.”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "I understand, but the next time I meet again, my strength has already reached the emperor level, and they are still being played by me."

"That's true!" Tong Fangyuan and Gongsun Long laughed loudly.

"You are here to give the beads, right? Qin Feng is lucky to have such a good brother like you." Tong Fangyuan smiled, "With that soul-suppressing bead, the risk of him becoming an emperor will be greatly reduced. It’s really able to force out that divine sense.”

When they came to the place where the two elders practiced, Tong Xiaoyu was watching over Qin Feng. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai coming, Tong Xiaoyu ran over happily.

"Brother Xiaobai, as long as you are fine, Xiaoyu is so worried about you."

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed Tong Xiaoyu's head, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to me, I am the God of War in China."

"Okay, kid is about to wake up." Gongsun Long said, hooking Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly took out the soul-repelling pearl and handed it over.

Coincidentally, Qin Feng opened his eyes, and his eyes were clear, but they were about to change almost instantly.Gongsun Long's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he moved his fingers repeatedly on Qin Feng's body, calming down Qin Feng who was about to roar.

Seeing that Qin Feng's eyes had recovered, Gongsun Long smashed the soul-suppressing pearl into Qin Feng's eyebrows with one palm.

The soul-suppressing bead flashed for a while and disappeared, but the monster aura on Qin Feng's body suddenly subsided a lot, and his body size quickly became smaller, regaining eighty to ninety percent of his human appearance.

"Well, it's almost like this, and it would be too much to force it." Gongsun Long said.

Qin Feng felt his long-lost body, his eyes were red, and he cried.

"Thank you two seniors, the younger generation is very grateful."

"Don't thank us, please thank Xiaobai." Tong Fangyuan said.

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile: "We don't need to be polite, just practice hard in Yuxu Palace, and you should be able to come out after reaching the emperor level. Now that the world is changing, maybe there is a secret recipe to completely relieve your crisis."

"Xiaobai, thank you." Qin Feng solemnly bowed to Jiang Xiaobai three times.

Jiang Xiaobai accepted it carelessly. He knew Qin Feng's temper, so it would make Qin Feng feel better.

Gongsun Long suddenly said seriously: "Boy, it's time for you to break through to the emperor level. I recently deduced the astrology and found that this world is becoming more and more weird. There are dances and dances, and all kinds of mysteries will gradually revive. It's dangerous. If you don't reach the emperor level, you will end up as an ant. Become an emperor as soon as possible."

Jiang Xiaobai firmly believed in Gongsun Long's words.

"Brother Gongsun, I understand, I will become emperor as soon as possible."

After leaving Yuxu Palace, Jiang Xiaobai went to look at the warehouse of the Martial Arts Department, and found some good things, but they were useless to him.Declining the invitation of the elders, Jiang Xiaobai flew towards Qilu Wuda.

After the Battle of the East China Sea, he agreed to Kong Xuan and Lin Xiao to go to the Confucius Mansion and Jixia Academy to have a look.

It's already midsummer, the weather is a little hot, and another batch of graduates has graduated.

When Jiang Xiaobai came to Qilu Wuhan University, he saw that the college was full of voices again, and there were as many students and mentors as crucian carp crossing the river.

"It's Dean Jiang who's back." Jiang Xiaobai grabbed a student casually, and the latter explained after seeing Jiang Xiaobai shout out excitedly, "Principal Li Chan canceled the summer vacation, and she said that there are no monsters." We all felt right about the summer vacation, so we stayed in the academy to continue studying."

"As a result, many graduates came here, and they joined our Qilu Wuhan University, so there are so many people."

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized, Li Chan did the right thing, have a holiday?Under the eyes of monsters, sea beasts and dangerous places, vacations are too extravagant, and today's human beings simply can't afford them.

"However, today's students are really getting stronger and stronger. Thanks to the recovery of vitality, I am also fortunate to become an eye-catching strong man."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, he had already noticed that few of the students today are still warriors, and some of them are newcomers or advanced warriors.There are masters everywhere, and there are many kings, even the emperors have dozens of them.

However, most of them are still in the early stage of the imperial class. After all, without talent and hard work, it is useless to have sufficient vitality.With the strength of the current vitality, it is enough to become a king step by step, but to achieve the emperor level, or even the emperor level, it also requires a lot of effort.

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