Dominate the world

Chapter 863 Negotiations

In the conference room, Zhao Chong, Li Chan, Zhang Chulan, and Lan Yingying all arrived. These four are the four deans of Qiluwu University, and they have great responsibilities.

After receiving the voice transmission from Jiang Xiaobai's spiritual thoughts, the busy four hurried to the meeting room.

Seeing the two sisters Wang Ling and Wang Xin, the four of them looked over curiously.

Jiang Xiaobai recounted what happened, focusing on the Seven Kills Secret Realm and the Saintess.The four also asked about the specific situation of the two sisters. After the two sisters went out, Zhao Chong immediately lost his temper.

After becoming the dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering and focusing on the students, he finally realized the connotation of those words of praise for the teachers in the past.

That is to truly regard students as their own children, and would rather be stabbed themselves than students to be injured.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly pushed Zhao Chong down, and said in a deep voice: "Two months have passed since the recovery of vitality, and I still don't know how many children have been captured by those people in dangerous places, and how many rare materials have been secretly searched by them .This matter is not only related to our Qilu University, but also affects the entire Huaguo."

The four of them nodded in unison, not because of their petty heart, but because those people were absolutely hiding evil intentions, otherwise they would stand up and announce the recruitment of genius disciples, and no one would say anything about them, but what?

Kidnapping a child secretly?

It is clearly provoking the entire secular law and morality.

"Xiaobai, we'd better keep a low profile on this matter. Tell other colleges and even the Martial Arts Department. Of course, we can investigate and find out many cases, but it won't help us find those children." Lan Yingying said calmly.

Li Chan echoed: "Yingying is right. The people in those places have not been exposed for two months. We may not be able to find them if we tell the Ministry of Martial Arts. It is better to maintain the current situation for the time being. We will watch secretly and search for clues. Come, follow the vine."

Zhang Chulan shook her head: "No, this matter must be exposed, because the level involved is too large, and too many children are in danger. We need to warn them, not use them as bait."

Zhao Chong snorted: "What are you talking nonsense about? Why are you using them as bait? Yingying is right, we have to find a way to break the situation."

Zhang Chulan glared at Zhao Chong, and said angrily: "This is talking about important national affairs, not a place for you to show your affection, and I didn't say that Yingying has any selfish intentions, why are you so anxious!"

Lan Yingying's cheeks were slightly red, and she couldn't help kicking Zhao Chong: "You are the dean now, not a student, analyze the matter carefully and reason."

Zhao Chong had a bitter face, and kept silent, he also knew that what he said just now hadn't passed through his brain.

"Xiaobai, you are the dean of Qiluwu University, what do you think?" Li Chan asked.

Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while, and said seriously: "I will pass the news to Elder Xie Guanying, and the Ministry of Martial Arts will make a decision. What we manage is only Qilu Martial Arts University, and it concerns the whole country. It is not up to the five of us to decide. However, since we discovered it first, we must pursue it to the end."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and made a face. It was the guy who called himself Jia Ming.

"When confronting me, that Jia Ming was very anxious. Maybe it was his mission. He lost Wang Xin. Maybe he went back to search for other children. He will not go back for the time being to find out any clues about him."

The four responded in unison, although the chances were slim, they had to persevere.

"I will go to the Confucian Mansion and Jixia Academy to inform them of this matter. As the guardian force of the land of Qilu, they are equally duty-bound."

"Wait!" Zhao Chong shouted suddenly, he glanced at Zhang Chulan provocatively and said, "Don't you think you missed a key point?"

Zhao Chong pointed to the place where Wang Xin's sisters were sitting before and said, "How did the so-called Seven Kills Secret Realm know that Wang Xin's talent is extraordinary? You can see it at such a young age? How do you look at it, and what method do you use? If we can get it? "

In the meeting room, the four nodded together, and Zhao Chong indeed pointed out something they had overlooked.

"Hmph, we are a modern college, not an ancient sect. We emphasize teaching without discrimination. Naturally, we didn't want to choose and quantify their talents. In my opinion, innate talents are important, but acquired hard work and chance It's more important than talent." Zhang Chulan retorted.

Zhao Chong glared at Zhang Chulan. The two of them were a bit stubborn. Now Zhao Chong is leading the Faculty of Arts, calling himself a literati. In full swing.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head amusedly, fortunately Lan Yingying and Li Chan are women, otherwise the four of them would have fought.Unable to bear it, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Li Chan and Lan Yingying. The two are not secretly competing, are they?

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai missed Liu Douer a little bit!

Maybe it happened this time, and we should go to Jiangnan to look for Liu Douer.

"Okay, you guys from the academy are here to take charge, and the secret method of the Seven Kills Secret Realm is officially defined as a goal. If it is really useful, it can also cultivate a group of elites. I will go first."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he left the academy and went to Confucius Mansion.

Three days later, Jiang Xiaobai was visiting the Confucian Mansion, and people from Jixia Academy hurried over.

This time the vitality recovered and the weather changed drastically, which had a great impact on the Confucian Mansion and Jixia Academy.

It is worthy of being a holy land school that has been passed down for thousands of years. It looks far-reaching, and the future will be full of crises. Only strong strength can survive the subsequent crises.

In the Confucian Mansion and Jixia Academy, the elders of the older generation all retired, except for those who left some to intimidate foreign enemies.

Today, Kong Xuan's cousin is in command of the Confucius Mansion. The No. 1 younger generation of the Kong Mansion has already entered the emperor-level Kong Wen.

In addition to Kong Wen, the nine people listed in Kong Xuan also shouldered the shoulders of all aspects of the Confucian mansion.But despite getting younger, the strength of the Confucian Mansion has not diminished.

Jiang Xiaobai was even more surprised by the lord of the Jixia Academy. She turned out to be a woman and Lin Xiao’s eldest cousin. Qin!

After receiving the news from Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Qin brought dozens of people from Jixia Academy and rushed over in person.Lin Xiao was also on the list, and it was obvious that his position in Jixia Academy was not low.

Just like Kong Xuan, Lin Xiao is now at the late stage of the imperial class, and his breath is mellow and condensed. Obviously, during this period of time, his skill has improved again.

"So, to be honest, there are indeed some children missing within the scope of our Jixia Academy." Jiang Qin is very beautiful, but more heroic, her pair of red phoenix eyes seem to have a sword lingering, and when she occasionally glances at Jiang Xiaobai , The fighting spirit is undisguised.

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