Dominate the world

Chapter 865 Kong Wen's Domain

Jiang Qin's eyes flashed, and she felt a strong evil spirit, impacting on the literary energy she played, making the literary energy and poetry sword crumbling.

But instead of being surprised, her fighting spirit became more and more high. She was indeed the number one God of War in the Hua Kingdom, and she was really powerful. She even discovered the true essence of her move in a short time. It is really a good way to use evil spirit to target Wenqi!

Without even thinking about it, she continued to bless her literary spirit, and she sternly shouted: "The water of the Yellow River comes from the sky, rushes to the sea and never returns, and the literary spirit becomes the sea!"

Zhan Qing's literary spirit gushed out, almost enveloping Jiang Qin in it.And as her sword energy was attracted, the surging literary energy quickly merged into the surroundings, and was blessed into the previous sword.

Jiang Xiaobai let out a long laugh: "Master Jiang is very confident, and her writing style is indeed rich and extraordinary, but unfortunately I also have a lot of evil spirit, volume!"

With a whistling sound, like the roar of a hurricane, a streak of gold suddenly shone from the blue sky dyed by cultural energy, like a war knife, cutting everything out of thin air.

"Look at my Ba Dao's first strike, Fengyun's first strike." Jiang Xiaobai shouted loudly.

Following Jiang Xiaobai's voice, the golden saber grew louder and its light became more dazzling, like a sun shining in the sky, making people afraid to look directly at it.


Amid the rumbling sound, everyone flew up into the sky involuntarily. The vibration of their souls made them feel the feeling of the sky falling apart. After they landed on the ground, they realized that the earth was shaking, and the sky had never been broken. It was just that their souls were crushed. affected.

Jiang Qin's body flew upside down, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

Lin Xiao quickly stepped forward to support Jianqin, worried: "Cousin, are you alright?"

Jiang Qin smiled wryly and said, "It's okay, God of War Jiang finally withdrew his strength, I'm just a little out of breath, and I'm not injured."

Jiang Xiaobai walked out from the dust and smoke, smiled and cupped his hands at Jiang Qin and said, "Accept!"

"Jiang God of War really lives up to his reputation, and the name of God of War complements you perfectly." Jiang Qin said, full of admiration.

Jiang Xiaobai said politely: "It's just that you don't want to use the domain, so let me take advantage of it. Once the domain is released, you will naturally be invincible."

Jiang Xiaobai told the truth, and everyone understood the truth, the emperor-level domain was too domineering.

Jiang Qin was a little moved, but after thinking about it, she gave up. They were just sparring, they didn't necessarily want to win, and there was no need to use domains to suppress others.

"My level of cultivation is about the same as that of Master Jiang. Since Master Jiang is defeated, I am probably not as good as Jiang Zhanshen. However, I am confident that I have some experience in the field, so I want to experience Jiang Zhanshen's supernatural power to break the field. Let's do it in 10 minutes." How about the limit?"

Jiang Qin gave Kong Wen a white look, and her cheeks turned red. She knew that Kong Wen was helping her in disguise, so she couldn't help but also looked at Jiang Xiaobai expectantly.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled calmly: "Alright."

Knowing more about the field will also be of great help to condense and control the field in the future. It is also a competition, and Jiang Xiaobai has nothing to do.

Kong Wen cupped his hands and said, "Please, Jiang Zhanshen, be careful."

Suddenly, a field of literary energy emerged, sweeping towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai's figure flickered quickly, and there was a bang, and afterimages burst. After the illusory figure disappeared completely, Jiang Xiaobai's body was trapped at the corner of Kong Wen's domain.

Jiang Zhanshen has a movement method called Liuguang Xianying, which is famous far and wide. It is rumored that the speed is comparable to the emperor-level movement method.

It turned out to be only a little slower, almost rushing out of the envelope of the domain.

"I admire it." Kong Wen said, "My field is a bit different, Jiang Zhanshen, be careful."

Kong Wen waved his big sleeves, and the rich literary air in his comprehension gradually became fantastic. Pavilions, towers and pavilions appeared, and then courtyards and cities appeared. In just a few seconds, a fantasy world evolved.

Jiang Xiaobai saw clearly in the field, Kong Wen's field did not force his body down, he can still move freely, but the surrounding scenery is self-generated and constantly evolving.

He tried to fly high, and the sky rose directly. He tried to fly far, and the city quickly became bigger, which was amazing.

"Isn't this the palm of the Tathagata Buddha? I have become Monkey King." Jiang Xiaobai laughed at himself, knowing the magic of Kongwen's field, Jiang Xiaobai no longer flew around like a headless chicken, he sat quietly On the ground, think about it.

Outside the field, Kong Wen had a smile on his face, very satisfied.

When he achieved the emperor-level condensed domain, he ingeniously evolved such a fantasy domain.Since the purpose of the domain is to control, forcing the enemy in the domain is certainly control, so why is it not a kind of control to trap the enemy in the domain?

Moreover, compared to force, his control over the domain is much easier, and he faintly senses something mysterious.

After the emperor level, it becomes the holy level, so how to become holy?

Kong Wen looked through all the classics of the Confucian Mansion, but unfortunately because they were too old and the classics were seriously damaged, there were only a few points recorded on them, which were not systematic.

But just from those one-sided words, Kong Wen keenly noticed that the path to holiness seems to be related to the domain, and perhaps if he continues to evolve like this, he can find the path to holiness from his mutated domain.

The crowd around the audience, even those from the Confucian Mansion, were a little dazed. Is this still possible in the domain?The eyes of some knowledgeable people shone brightly, and they also faintly saw something.

Feeling the changes around him and the influence on him, Jiang Xiaobai gradually realized something in his heart.

This is indeed a field, not suppression, but control.It seems that Kong Wen didn't suppress himself, but he did trap him, which is definitely a kind of control.

Compared with other people's domain suppression, Jiang Xiaobai felt that this kind of control was much better.

With a thought in his mind, Jiang Xiaobai grabbed a cloud of air with his hand and savored it carefully. There was vitality, literary energy and a trace of spiritual power in it.

The proportions of the three are quite strange, and it feels that they are not in harmony with each other, and they are even crushing each other, but because of the respective attributes of the three, the current balance has been achieved by chance.

It takes shape because of vitality, becomes a thing because of literary spirit, and changes countlessly because of spiritual thoughts.

Hey, a warrior generally cultivates three kinds of power, the power of the physical body, the power of vitality, and the power of spiritual thoughts. The three together create the realm and strength of a warrior.

So, what if some physical strength is added to the field?

Jiang Xiaobai opened his mind, the strength of the body lies in strength, so showing it outside is a strong pressure, which is the domain of those emperor-level masters, who can imprison people in the domain.

That will inevitably require vitality and spiritual power, so it is only the power of the main body to be able to build the domain and perceive everything in the domain.

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