"Okay, then let's have two competitions, let us teach you a lesson first, so as to save you from going in and losing your life." Tuoba Jun waved his fan, still extremely arrogant.

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were fixed on the woman. This woman was also at the second stage of the emperor's level, but Jiang Xiaobai found it a little hard to see through.

"This is my cousin, Tuoba Ying, you mountain villagers have never heard of it." Tuoba Jun introduced.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Bai Yu, who smiled slightly: "No problem."

Among the seven, Bai Yu became famous the earliest, and his strength was strong enough. Jiang Xiaobai felt that Bai Yu hadn't exploded to his full strength yet.Although Bai Yu is at the level of the emperor level, he may not lose to Tuoba Jun.

"Okay, junior sister, go invite the elders." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Li Chan responded and hurried away.

The rules of the three major factions including Ziwei Cave and Heaven do not matter before the auction, but after the auction, private fights are not allowed, and those who violate it will have the Dragon Market Order confiscated.Of course, the three major forces will not do things to maintain law and order with good intentions, but to bid a higher price for the Dragon Market Token.

The only way to get the Dragon Market Token is through the auction, otherwise you can rob it at will later, and it is completely useless to spend a lot of money on the auction.

Of course, it is allowed to compete with each other, but it requires the consent of both parties, and the lottery will undoubtedly be the Dragon Market Token.There are many people with few orders, especially when you need one when you come out, the supply of Dragon Market Tokens is naturally in short supply, and there are many people who want to win Dragon Market Tokens through competition.

However, the competition requires the witnesses of the elders of the three major forces. Of course, witnesses are expensive, one time is five hundred yuan stones. It can be said that the three major forces have made a lot of money through this auction.

Li Chan quickly invited an elder from the Qiankun Secret Realm to come over. Under the witness of the latter, Jiang Xiaobai and Tuoba Jun each took out two Holy Ruins Tokens and handed them to the elders of the Qiankun Secret Realm, and the competition began.

Jiang Xiaobai made a look, and Bai Yu and Tuoba Jun came out.

"Haha, are you going to admit defeat? Send someone from the first stage of the Emperor Realm to deal with me, sister, I will take advantage of it." Tuoba Jun laughed loudly, he hooked his fingers at Bai Yu, and did not move Bai Yu at all. Put it in your eyes.

Bai Yu took out a long sword, and in a flash, he appeared next to Tuoba Jun.

"Hmph, small tricks." Tuoba Jun sneered, and a tyrannical field whizzed out, trying to trap Bai Yu in it.

Bai Yu also rushed out of the domain, only to find that the domain had been compressed sharply, obviously suppressed by Tuoba Jun's domain.

"Hmph, the ninth stage of the Emperor Realm, each stage is a huge gap, you want to fight with me even at the small emperor stage, you are beyond your control." Tuoba Jun proudly boasted, raising his hand is a saber energy, Spinning and chopping at Bai Yu.

Bai Yu's expression was indifferent, and he didn't panic in the slightest. He swung his long sword towards Tuoba Jun's saber aura.

Using a tangible sword to provoke an invisible saber energy?

The elder of Qiankun Secret Realm raised his eyelids and suddenly became interested.

The Sword Destruction that Tuoba Jun had hoped for did not appear. His saber energy was picked up and attracted by Bai Yu's long sword, and it was actually swung away, bombarding his own domain, causing his domain to tremble slightly. shock.

Tuoba Jun blushed, and he said angrily: "Okay, you have some skills, but I think you can provoke a few things."

He waved his hand and slashed out the saber air repeatedly, and in an instant more than a dozen saber airs rushed towards Bai Yu at the same time.

Bai Yu's expression was still calm, but his hands suddenly moved several times faster, making afterimages one after another, making it hard for people to see how many arms he had.

Chi Chi Chi chirped repeatedly, and Bai Yu aroused all the dozen or so saber qi that Tuoba Jun fired, and even reversed and turned back to attack Tuoba Jun, which made him flustered for a while.

Bai Yu took the opportunity to rush forward, sword after sword, not resisting at all, but constantly attacking Tuoba Jun's vitals.Tuoba Jun blocked the top, revealing the bottom, blocked the bottom, and exposed the top again.

Bai Yu's offensive is not very fierce, but it is extremely precise, and he is often able to catch the slightest opening without delay, and stab the sword energy into Tuoba Jun's opening.

The blood flowed wildly, Bai Yu had completely controlled the situation, and Tuoba Jun was already a little bit exhausted, he just resisted in embarrassment, unable to fight back at all.

A burst of powerful vitality roared, but Bai Yu easily dodged it, as if he had anticipated Tuoba Jun's actions long ago.

Five minutes later, Tuoba Jun had turned into a blood man, while Bai Yu was dressed in white, still elegant.

Bai Yu's long sword stopped suddenly and hit Tuoba Jun's throat. Tuoba Jun collapsed on the ground, unable to move, and completely lost the strength to resist.

"Okay!" Zhao Chong and the others praised loudly, they couldn't believe that Bai Yu really won.

"What a beautiful technique. Practice has been to strengthen oneself and consolidate vitality since ancient times, but my little friend, you have embarked on the path of being close to the Tao. It is very rare. Little friend, what is your name?" The elder of Qiankun Secret Realm praised Dao, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't expect that it was just a simple competition, and the strength of the two sides was average, so he discovered a genius.

Bai Yu cupped his hands to the elder of the Qiankun Secret Realm: "Senior, you are absurdly praised, and this junior is Bai Yu from Linlangdongtian."

"Linlang Cave?" The elder of Qiankun Secret Realm frowned after thinking carefully, apparently he had never heard of Linlang Cave.

"Looks like I'm getting old, hehe, I believe that Linlang Cave Heaven will definitely flourish in this little friend's life. Let's start the second round." He was a little embarrassed, so he stopped talking and started the second round directly.

Jiang Xiaobai came out, facing Tuobaying with a solemn expression, she didn't expect her cousin to lose.She had to win to have a chance of turning the tables, otherwise she would suffer heavy losses.

"Girl, please." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Tuobaying snorted, raised the saber and slashed, a gorgeous saber light pierced the sky, and slashed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai could see clearly that, like Tuoba Jun, both of them were using the short saber, with a huge arc, and the aura of the saber they drew was also quite strange, constantly swirling in the air.

"I don't believe that you can push away my saber energy like your junior brother." Tuoba Ying said, his expression full of confidence.

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly and said, "Why should I pick something that can't hit anyone?"

Facing the whirling saber aura, Jiang Xiaobai stood still without changing his face, but saw that the saber aura swirled around Jiang Xiaobai when it reached Jiang Xiaobai's side.

From the heavenly mirror, he saw the trajectory of the saber energy, so he was naturally not afraid.

The onlookers were stunned, and Tuobaying's eyes were serious, astonished. Could it be that this person has already seen through his own saber energy?

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