Dominate the world

Chapter 899 Victory without force?

Outside the majestic meeting hall, the people from Penglai Xiandao had not yet left. They were in groups of three or four, two or two, discussing about Jiang Xiaobai and asking about the latter's past deeds.

But seeing Jiang Xiaobai flying out, followed by elders who used to be unattainable, stewards, and then even the island owner and his wife flying out, they couldn't help getting excited, this is something big is going to happen!

Although Penglai Xiandao is large, beautiful and mysterious, but staying on the island for a long time will inevitably make people bored.Especially as the news from the outside world kept coming, one by one Tianjiao was born, and their hearts also floated.

Soon, everyone knew what was going to happen, and Jiang Xiaobai actually wanted to compete with Elder Pang Dongliu to settle the grievances related to Pang Le.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Pang Dongliu glanced at the crowd and said with a sneer, "This is the best place."

"Oh, Elder Pang is really confident. It's a pity if you don't stumble, it will be very ugly." Jiang Xiaobai teased, he didn't know what the latter was thinking, and he clearly wanted to humiliate him in front of everyone.

Pang Dongliu said proudly: "It depends on whether you have the ability, let's do it."

Jiang Xiaobai was no longer polite, and began to perform the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu, his whole body glowed with a trace of gold, as if a god was coming to the dust, and everyone on Penglai Xiandao was extremely surprised.

"Punch me!" Jiang Xiaobai punched out, his body turned into a stream of light, and bombarded Pang Dongliu.

Pang Dongliu's pupils tightened slightly, he saw the power of Jiang Xiaobai's punch at a glance, and couldn't help but secretly startled, this kid has such a strong body.However, as the elder of Penglai Xiandao, and his realm is as high as the sixth stage of the emperor, he naturally has his self-confidence.

He casually threw a punch, pretending to be calm, but still released all his strength.


There was a loud bang, the space shook, and the air waves hit the surroundings, and some disciples with weaker strength were blown back again and again.

Jiang Xiaobai took three steps back, and Pang Dongliu also took three steps back. It seemed that the two were evenly matched.

But everyone watching the battle exclaimed in unison, how is it possible?Elder Pang Dongliu is at the sixth-level emperor level, but he can't suppress a fourth-level emperor-level kid from outside?

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help giving Pang Dongliu a high look. Penglai, known as the head of the Three Immortals Island, really has its own subtlety and mysteries.With that punch just now, he had used all his strength, relying on the power of the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu and the fifth volume of the Taoist scriptures, and the blessing of the holy golden bone, this punch was so powerful that Jiang Xiaobai was confident enough to fight the emperor Level seven.

Unexpectedly, it was blocked by Pang Donghai.

But at this moment, Pang Donghai suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood: "Pfft!"

The blood was like a rain of flowers, spraying high and far away.Pang Dongliu's body shook, and he couldn't control his body anymore, and fell from the air.

"Elder Pang!"


The two figures rushed forward, one on the left and the other on the right, supporting Pang Dongliu, helping the latter push the palace to pass.

It took a while before Pang Donghai's face returned to rosy. He took a long breath and waved his hands: "I'm fine."

In the huge open space in front of the main hall, no less than 3000 monks could be accommodated, but there was no sound at the moment.

Elder Pang was actually defeated, and the opponent only punched him.

"Elder Pang, let me go." Jiang Xiaobai said softly.

Pang Dongliu looked at Jiang Xiaobai bitterly, his eyes still brimming with crazy fighting intent, but in the end he just snorted in annoyance.

"You won without force!" Pang Dongliu was full of dissatisfaction, but after all, he relied on his status and it was difficult to argue, but his son couldn't help it, and shouted bitterly.

Pang Dongliu didn't speak, but the contempt for Jiang Xiaobai in his eyes acquiesced to his son's sophistry.

"My father's seniority is extremely high. He saw that you are a junior, so he deliberately let you do three tricks, but you kid just took advantage of this to attack and used all your skills. You are clearly doing mental calculations without intention, despicable!"

The words of Pang Dongliu's son, Pang Shanli, aroused a lot of approval. They were also amazed at Pang Donghai's failure. In their view, Jiang Xiaobai, no matter how talented he was, definitely did not have the strength to seriously injure Pang Dongliu with one punch. Pang Shanli's explanation made sense!

Jiang Xiaobai let out a hehe, and said contemptuously: "Your Excellency wants to protect your father's face, there is nothing wrong with it, but it is your fault if you make unreasonable words and talk nonsense. I was still wondering how Pang Le could be so frivolous. Now, it seems that It's not only his grandfather's credit, but also your father is too incomprehensible."

"What did you say?" Pang Shanli yelled, he pulled out the long sword on his back with all his might, and pointed the tip of the sword at Jiang Xiaobai, trying to stab him.

"You want to play swordsmanship? No problem, I'll accompany you, so you don't have to say that I'm invincible." Jiang Xiaobai took out the Tai Chi Star Sword and hooked his hand at Pang Shanli.

Pang Shanli's eyes lit up, he really meant to invite a fight when he drew his sword.Although his realm is not high, he is also in the fourth stage of the Emperor Realm, but his attainments in swordsmanship can be ranked among the top ten on the entire island.

"Hmph, boy, practice the spear for a hundred days, practice the stick for a thousand days, and practice the sword for ten thousand days. You can't play a sword well with only one strength." Pang Shanli said with a proud face, pretending to be instructive.

Jiang Xiaobai played with the sword flower casually, and said with a light smile, "I don't just have strength."

"Look at the sword!" Pang Shanli shot out a sword, as fast as a phantom, covering Jiang Xiaobai's whole body in an instant.

Jiang Xiaobai felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the sword energy was approaching, which actually gave him the illusion that there was nowhere to hide.

"Good swordsmanship." Jiang Xiaobai called out. This set of swordsmanship is also uncertain, but it is more mysterious than Shu Tao's Longjiang swordsmanship before.Of course, Pang Shanli's seniority is relatively high, and his understanding of swordsmanship is naturally higher.

"Break!" Jiang Xiaobai swung his sword casually, drawing an afterimage, as if splitting the space, blocking all the sword light and cold stars in front of him.

Today's Taiji Star Sword incorporates some stars and iron from the broken sword, and the Taiji Star Sword that fills the gap is even sharper, and it has a magical effect on breaking gangsters.

It was as if a curtain had been cut, and all the subtleties in Pang Shanli's swordplay were lost with just one strike.

Pang Shanli was taken aback, he predicted all Jiang Xiaobai's backhands, but he didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to break through all the subtleties of his sword moves with a single strike.

"Oops!" He was startled, and was about to back away, lest Jiang Xiaobai would rush forward.

But Jiang Xiaobai was still standing where he was, smiling slightly: "Don't worry, I'm the best at gaining experience, I dare not chase you, otherwise wouldn't it be invincible again?"

Pang Shanli blushed embarrassingly, and some people in the crowd immediately burst into laughter. This was clearly Jiang Xiaobai's satire of Pang Shanli's previous sophistry.

"Hmph, sharp teeth and sharp mouth, take another move!" Pang Shanli shouted, and stabbed again with his sword.

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