"That's not necessarily the case." Jiang Xiaobai said suddenly.

Stared blankly, he wondered, "What did you say?"

Jiang Xiaobai recalled some of the secret techniques he saw in the "Book of Arrays". The person who wrote the book also raised several conjectures at the end of the book, and the teleportation array was one of them.

The writer had an unbelievable guess. When he saw it for the first time, Jiang Xiaobai just took it as an anecdote, but after seeing Qian Chen's formation, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that maybe that guess was right.

Just now, he has been staring at Qian Chen's vitality strokes, each stroke is very rigorous, affecting the energy of the space, but in the end when he is about to succeed, the space shakes and the formation is shattered.

"I said, maybe Mr. Qian's formation is not wrong, but the space is wrong, and the space is not stable enough, so your formation is not stable enough." Jiang Xiaobai did not cherish his broom, this Qian Chen is a A true formation master.

Perhaps in the hands of Qian Chen in the future, the teleportation array can truly take shape.

Qian Chen looked at Jiang Xiaobai in astonishment, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he burst out laughing: "Yes, yes, the principle of my formation is not wrong, but the current space is not stable enough. Of course, I The formation method also needs to be more refined, haha, Elder Jiang, listening to your words is better than reading books for ten years, thank you for your guidance."

Jiang Xiaobai quickly said politely: "Mr. Qian is too polite. In the future, Mr. Qian may change the entire earth. We will all benefit from Mr. Qian's great invention."

"I'm going to go to the fine formation, Jiang Zhanshen won't bother you." After Qian Chen finished speaking, he went without saying hello to others.

Some of the people on Penglai Xiandao were pleasantly surprised, while others were frustrated, thinking that Qian Chen would save face for Penglai Xiandao, but they were surprised in the end.Even if Qian Chen really develops the teleportation array in the future, Jiang Xiaobai's name will have to be mentioned.

"Old man Shi Gandang, compare it with the God of War."

A heroic voice sounded just now, and Jiang Xiaobai casually raised the Tai Chi Star Sword and the Full Moon Scimitar into the air.

"This is a sword made by myself, this master might as well watch it."

A few minutes later, the old man with white beard and hair retreated back Shanshan, sighing in admiration, feeling ashamed.

"I want to compare God's thoughts."

"I am also better than the flesh."


Jiang Xiaobai did not refuse at all, as long as the people of Penglai Xiandao could speak, he dared to continue. Half an hour passed, and finally no one spoke.

Jiang Xiaobai said in a loud voice: "Everyone, when you come to Penglai Xiandao, I deeply feel the kindness of the island owner and his wife. I want to make friends with Penglai Xiandao and live in peace in the future. How about ending today's competition?"

"Jiang Zhanshen's talent is extraordinary, and he is truly an all-rounder who is rare in ten thousand years. I am convinced."

"The god of war is being polite, I'm willing to bow down."

After all, Penglai Xiandao had an extraordinary bearing, Jiang Xiaobai said it politely, but all the elders had the cheek to agree, and exchanged a few words sincerely, which greatly eased the embarrassing atmosphere of each other.

"Okay, today I have seen the demeanor of Elder Jiang Xiaobai, the number one god of war in China. It opened my eyes in Penglai Xiandao, and hosted a banquet to welcome Elder Jiang." Xu Rui took the opportunity to praise a few words, and then helped everyone An elder came down the steps.

"Okay, then let's compare the amount of alcohol with Jiang Zhanshen to see if Jiang Zhanshen is still as strong as before, hahahaha."

Many people laughed and shouted loudly to fight for wine.

Jiang Xiaobai had nothing to do, and he answered straight away, smiling all over each other.

Soon, the juniors were preparing for the banquet, and everyone was seated.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't treat himself as a guest at all, he took the initiative to take the wine glass and shuttled around the wine tables, toasting continuously, until the wine was dry, everyone praised him loudly, and the relationship was greatly shortened.

On the main seat, the island owner Xu Rui watched Jiang Xiaobai and everyone drinking together, regardless of their status, he couldn't help but nodded secretly, and said softly: "This kid really has some tricks, I have to admit, I really like it." Appreciate him."

Dongfanghong glanced at Liu Douer whose eyes were narrowed into slits in joy, and said with emotion: "Such a person is destined to be extraordinary, but unfortunately, as a child of luck, when he is brilliant, he is like a shooting star passing through the field control, attracting everyone's attention, but in the end It will burn out, leaving behind a beautiful but short life."

"Is there no way to change it?" Xu Rui hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

"The fate cannot be done, the general trend is irreversible, everything has already been predestined." Dongfang Hong shook her head, her tone paused, and added: "The times make heroes, and sometimes it is not whether he wants to or not, but everyone pushes him. He couldn't resist himself."

Xu Rui shook his head and stopped talking.

The banquet went on for a long time, and Jiang Xiaobai's skills were profound, especially after practicing the "Spirit Refining Technique", his spiritual thoughts became more and more condensed and powerful. These fairy wines could not make him drunk at all, and he just sobered up after a little exercise.

Led by Liu Douer, Jiang Xiaobai came to the residence of the island owner Xu Rui.

"Doudou, you go out first, I'll have a chat with the island owner's wife," Jiang Xiaobai comforted softly.

Liu Douer hummed lightly, turned and left.

Jiang Xiaobai set up a formation to confine the room where the three of them were, and then calmly said: "Jiang Xiaobai is taking the liberty of coming here this time, but I don't want the island owner and his wife to treat each other with courtesy all the time. Jiang Xiaobai is grateful Endless."

Xu Rui said kindly: "It's better to settle enemies than to end them. The juniors sneaked out to show off their power before, and they were also punished. Elder Jiang doesn't need to worry about it anymore."

Dongfanghong smiled and said: "Penglai, as a fairy island, has never been a domineering person. We have made friends with all forces, whether it is the major secret realms, caves, or the Martial Arts Department. We have always treated everyone equally and are impartial."

"Xiaobai admires it. This kind of mentality of indifference to the world cannot be achieved by any force. No wonder Penglai Xiandao has such a long history and has been respected by all forces." Jiang Xiaobai boasted, and then said seriously: "However, the general environment has changed. Can Penglai Xiandao really stand aloof from the world and be independent from the world? You know, if everyone in the outside world is dead, there is no point in being alone, right?"

Xu Rui was startled: "You advise us to be born?"

"It would be best if I could be born. If I can't, I also hope that Penglai Xiandao and our Martial Arts Department can form a cooperative alliance."

Dongfanghong laughed softly: "Elder Jiang, you don't need to say any more, maybe our attitude has given you some hope, but we will definitely not ally with the Ministry of Martial Arts, even if we are really born, we will be with all major The Secret Cave Alliance, this has never been a multiple-choice question."

Xu Rui shook his head slightly, sighed lightly, and his eyes were full of refusal.

"Oh, is that related to me, Jiang Xiaobai, or is it related to my martial arts department?"

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