Dominate the world

Chapter 956 Gathering the Seven Artifacts

"Old witch, shut up." Lan Yeqing scolded unceremoniously.

At the moment, there are three of them, and Beidou Dongtian is only two, so she is really not afraid.

Yao Guang was stunned, and furious: "Little bitch, what did you say?"

Lan Yeqing snorted softly: "Old witch, old witch, old witch! If you are not convinced, then fight, the three of us, the two of you, hehe, I don't know if Tian Quanzi can make a move, as if we are afraid of you ah!"

Yao Guang's breath stagnated, and he glared at Tian Quanzi bitterly, Tian Quanzi lowered his head speechlessly, he could lie down without saying a word!

"Don't mention the topic of sacrifice. Everyone has seen the appearance of the heart of the earth today. The seal of sacrifice is useless. Let's discuss the matter of snatching the heart of the earth." Yang Yang said in a deep voice, interrupting Lan Yeqing The confrontation between Yaoguang and Yaoguang.

"First of all, the heart of the earth cannot continue to grow like this. It has been sealed twice, and it has a lot of resentment. Once it breaks the ban, it may be the time for our planet to perish. Secondly, the heart of the earth cannot be allowed to fall on the In the hands of those monsters or sea beasts, this is our initiative to be sanctified and even resist the people of the outer world, so we should hold it firmly in our hands."

Everyone and a half Sheng nodded again and again, what Yang Yang said was right.

Jiang Xiaobai also nodded, for this reason.

Yang Yang said again: "So, the most urgent thing is that we need to gather our strength. First of all, we need to return the Seven Artifacts, otherwise we may not be the opponents of some sea beasts and monsters. Moreover, I feel that if I want to pick the heart of the earth, I am afraid that I need to use the Seven Artifacts. Artifact."

"However, Tianyi Dongtian has been extinct, so I don't know where Juedao Chi is?" asked a half-sage.

Yang Yang smiled: "There is no need to worry about this. With the Nine Dragon Seal and the other five seven artifacts, we can forcibly summon the Juedao Ruler, even if the Juedao Ruler is banned."

"Oh, who dare to ask who will use this Jue Dao ruler?" A half-sage suddenly asked.

Yang Yang smiled slightly and said, "Elder Yinyang Dongtian Wangwang has high morals and high skills. I think he is the most suitable candidate. What do you guys think?"

Quite a few half-sages cursed in their hearts, bullshit has high morals and high skills, and Zhang Wang is clearly a dog from Ziwei Cave, who always looks after Ziwei Cave.

Handing over the Juedao Ruler to Zhang Wang was clearly to increase their own strength.

An old man jumped out, he bowed to everyone, smiled and said: "I am ashamed to be an old man, but this is a crisis of life and death, and this old man will definitely do his best to win the heart of the earth for our human race."

"Okay, everyone please." Yang Yang said.

He waved his hands and played the Nine Dragon Seal, his disciple Zhang Tianfeng played the Haoyang Shuo, Yao Guang played the Big Dipper Map, Fairy Qianyue sighed and still played the Feixian Stone, and Xie Kun also played the Book of Life and Death.

"Teacher Jiang, please ask Tianji Mirror." Zhang Tianfeng reminded, his expression was indifferent, and he could not see any emotions.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled slightly: "Elder Tianfeng, no matter what, you are a wise elder in my heart. Even if we have to confront each other now, Elder Tianfeng doesn't need to mind."

Zhang Tianfeng sighed softly, and cupped his hands at Jiang Xiaobai.

Yang Yang snorted softly, and he shot a beam of light, nine green dragons emerged from the Nine Dragon Seal, and then others manipulated the seven artifacts one after another, and the six rays of light merged together, turning into a five-clawed dragon.

"Please Shenlong find the Judao Ruler and return!" Yang Yang shouted.

The five-clawed dragon in the sky roared, but instead of fleeing, it stayed where it was.

"What's going on here?" The elders asked in surprise.

Yang Yang quickly calculated with his fingers and frowned: "This means that the person who controls the Juedao Ruler is a semi-sage."

"Oh, there are still half-sages who haven't come yet?" Yao Guang asked in surprise, "Could it be that the secret realm of Tianyi hasn't been completely wiped out?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Perhaps the Shenlong has already positioned it, and the Juedao ruler is here with us, maybe?"

"That's right, Master Jiang's words are right. This place itself is the heart of the earth. Back then, the Lingxu Cave could come, why couldn't the Tianyi Secret Realm not come? Maybe Juedao Chi has already fallen here." Yinyang Cave looked the most excited, He looked at the endless ancient battlefield.

Many semi-holy eyes fell on the ancient battlefield, which is indeed the most likely place for Juedao Ruler to appear.

"But it wasn't summoned by the Six Artifacts, but it was fallen into the ancient battlefield itself. Could it be that whoever picked it up..."

Before Jiang Xiaobai could finish his sentence, streams of light flew up, and the half-sages quickly rushed around the ancient battlefield, trying to find Juedao Chi.

"Little Bai, aren't you too mean?" Bai Yu asked with a suppressed smile.

Jiang Xiaobai joked: "These old guys are all human beings, but they pretended to be mediocre and forcibly suppressed their own ambitions. I just have a kind heart and help them release it."

There were not many people staying here, except for a few who possessed the Seven Artifacts, almost all of them flew over, trying to find the Jue Dao Chi.

Fairy Qianyue was secretly amused, and pulled Fairy Yun who was itching, she said softly: "Master Jiang, if my guess is right, the Jue Dao Ruler should have fallen into your control."

Jiang Xiaobai joked: "The derivation technique of Elder Yang Yang is truly miraculous and unpredictable. You are completely right. The Absolute Way Ruler is indeed in the hands of a semi-sage."

Bai Yu took out the Juedao Ruler and showed it in front of everyone: "I'm sorry, I just became a semi-saint, so I didn't realize it."

"Humph!" Yang Yang was once again able to cultivate Qi, and couldn't help snorting angrily at this moment. He frowned and said, "Call those people back."

Zhang Tianfeng gave Jiang Xiaobai a distressed look, but he had no choice but to shout loudly and summon everyone back.

"I'm sorry, I forgot, so the Jue Dao ruler is with me, seniors, please forgive me." Bai Yu said with a smile.

The angry group of people blowing nonsense and staring, and the seven orifices are so angry that there is smoke.

"Okay, Elder Jiang has played with it too, and now the seven artifacts are finally all in place, please stop joking around in the future, and take the heart of the earth first." Yang Yang said lightly.

Jiang Xiaobai responded immediately: "Naturally."

In the following time, everyone began to meditate. Jiang Xiaobai estimated that Yao Guang would not dare to sneak attack at this time, so he sat cross-legged and stepped up the time to practice.

Every time he blends in a group of top-quality dao rhyme derived from the heart of the earth, his skill can increase by [-]%. It takes a lot of time for others, but with the help of Tai Chi disc, he naturally saves a lot of time.

Soon, four hours passed, Jiang Xiaobai once again digested the two groups of top-grade Daoyun, and his strength soared again, and at this time, the voice of Third Young Master Long finally came over.

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