Dominate the world

Chapter 964 tragic

"Let's go!" Bai Yu shouted, and just like that, he spat out two more mouthfuls of blood.

"You go first, I'll see you off."

Jiang Xiaobai directly handed over his back, grabbed the heart of the earth with one hand, sucked Bai Yu in with the other, and threw it out with all his might.

He hated so much in his heart, under Yao Guang's desperate attack, he couldn't move his hands for a while, and could only watch Bai Yu being severely injured by Young Master Long.He still underestimated the cunning of these old foxes, and even overestimated their bottom line. These old foxes kept clamoring for a confrontation between humans and beasts, but secretly reached a cooperation agreement early.

"Lan Yeqing, take Bai Yu away." Jiang Xiaobai shouted, abruptly withstood Yao Guang's full blow, and sent the Tianji Mirror out again.

He didn't know whether he should trust Lan Yeqing, but at the moment he had no other choice but to fight.Bai Yu had taken the Heaven Returning Pill, so he didn't have much time. Now that he was seriously injured, there was no further delay, and he had to be sent out first.

I believe that Lan Yeqing still has [-]% hope, if Bai Yu stays here, he will definitely die.

"Senior Brother Jiang, thank you for your trust. Even if I die, I will definitely take Senior Brother Bai Yu out." Lan Yeqing gritted her teeth and carried Bai Yu behind her back. She slashed at the semi-saint who was blocking her in front of her, and rushed out of a way.

Zhang Wang's eyes flashed with excitement, and he screamed: "Lan Yeqing, you are originally from the secret realm of the sect, as long as you return now, we will let the past go, if you continue to be stubborn, I will send you on your way! "

"Get out!" Lan Yeqing swung aside with a sharp look to make way, and quickly rushed out with Bai Yu on her back.

"Chasing!" Immediately, a crowd of half-sages chased after him.

The situation changed so quickly that the half saints present were extremely shocked.But in the current situation, there is no doubt that the Yangyang Yaoguang side has the upper hand. Even though Jiang Xiaobai's proposal is better and more beneficial to them, the situation is stronger than others, and they quickly chose to side with the Yangyang side.

Otherwise, it is not a question of becoming a saint, but a question of falling here.

"Uncle, what should we do?" In the corner, Fairy Yun from the Kunlun Secret Realm sent voice transmission to Fairy Qianyue, her uncle, and now they have become redundant people.

Fairy Qianyue doesn't care about worldly affairs, but she also understands worldly principles.Yao Guang was by her side, but bypassed her and attacked Jiang Xiaobai, just because he didn't want to involve their Kunlun secret realm, but could Kunlun side really avoid this dispute?

"Let's just wait and see what happens, Uncle Master. Yangyang may not dare to offend our Kunlun lineage. As long as we don't get involved, they won't dare to do anything to us." Fairy Yun said again, thinking of the monsters and sea beasts outside, Even if the strength of the two is extraordinary, they may not be able to resist it.

On the contrary, as long as they don't get involved, they let the anodes get the heart of the earth.As long as Yang Yi knows how to be a man, at least he will give Kunlun a place of sanctification.Comparing the two, it is not difficult to distinguish which option is most beneficial to Kunlun.

Fairy Qianyue shook her head: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Under the general trend, who can really stay out of it. Nephew Yun, remember to stick to your own way at all times. The more critical the time, the more you stick to it. It is becoming more and more important. My Kunlun lineage has been protecting the world and guarding the common people since the founding of the sect. The Yangyang Yaoguang Xie Kun and the others have gone astray. My Kunlun should stand up and set an example to fight against evil spirits, even if I die perish, but morality endures forever!"

"Yes, I am ashamed of myself, I would like to follow my uncle's instruction!"

"Go and give Lan Yeqing a helping hand. I will set things right and protect the heart of the earth."

"Yes." Fairy Yun replied again, and quickly flew out.

Fairy Qianyue drew her sword and stabbed at Young Master Long San: "Long San, look at the sword!"

At this moment, Xie Kun attacked Tong Fangyuan alone, Yangyang Longsan and Yao Guang surrounded and suppressed Jiang Xiaobai, and the fight was brutal.

Xie Kun is extremely powerful, after all, he is the Supreme Elder of the Qiankun Secret Realm. Although Tong Fangyuan's strength is extraordinary, he is only on a tie with Xie Kun, and has no idea how to rescue Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai was in a panic under the siege of the three people, and was repeatedly hit, he was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

"Hmph, you even threw the Tianji mirror out, boy, you really don't know how to live or die!" Yao Guang's eyes showed resentment, and he swung heavy hands, hitting Jiang Xiaobai again and again.

Relying on Jiang Xiaobai's tyrannical saint-level body, he could barely support it, but the blood from the corner of his mouth couldn't help but flow out, and he couldn't hold on for long.

"This time, let's see how you can escape!" Yao Guang roared, and fiercely sent the seven-star map, the seven big stars shone, turned into a seven-star sword, and stabbed at Jiang Xiaobai quickly.

At this moment, Long San suddenly let out a cry of fright and anger, and swung the tail of the dragon, swung away the sword stabbed by Fairy Qianyue, and blocked the flying dragon of one of the seven artifacts by virtue of the transformed dragon claws. fairy stone.

Long San involuntarily took a step back, allowing a little space.

Jiang Xiaobai saw it clearly, and rushed forward quickly, blocking Yao Guang's sword move with the round moon scimitar, and rushed out of the encirclement circle of the three.

Long San's figure flickered, and he stood side by side with Yangyang Yaoguang, blocking Jiang Xiaobai and Fairy Qianyue.

Xie Kun accepted the move and stood in front of the three of them. Tong Fangyuan quickly moved beside Jiang Xiaobai.

"Qianyue, you have never cared about common affairs outside the sect, are you sure you want to meddle?" Yang Yang shouted.

Fairy Qianyue sighed softly: "Yangyang, I didn't care about it before, because I trusted the major sects to protect the human race. But now you, who are supposed to be the guardians of the common people, have become their gravediggers. Naturally, I can no longer stand by. Sit and watch."

"Hmph, what will you do then?" Yao Guang asked with gloomy eyes.

It was such a good opportunity just now, to kill Jiang Xiaobai, a confidant with a sword, under the Seven Star Sword, but it was destroyed by Qianyue.

She hated Qianyue so much in her heart, she wished she could smash Qianyue to ashes.

Fairy Qianyue brandished a sword flower, her voice was clear but powerful: "Swing the sword to cleanse the rivers and lakes."

"Well said." Tong Fangyuan exclaimed loudly.

Jiang Xiaobai was in a hurry to recover from his injuries. He couldn't help being overwhelmed with pride when he heard Fairy Qianyue's words, and saluted Fairy Qianyue.

"Hmph, do you think the three of you are our opponents?" Long San snorted coldly, looking at Fairy Qianyue with fear in his eyes.

Kunlun has always been side by side with Ziwei Beidou Qiankun, but it is rare to see Qianyue make a move, who knows that a move is so sharp.The palm hit by the Feixian Stone is still throbbing.

"Jiang Zhangjiao, are you afraid that you are seriously injured now?"

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