
Xiaolong’s new book is in Cairo, buy out the text, and update [-] words every day. I think it’s OK to click, bookmark, comment, and vote. As for the others, I’ll say nothing...


"Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way..." On the bustling street, there was a sudden rush of shouts that covered the cries of small vendors along the street, and successfully attracted everyone's attention.

Following the prestige, I saw a carriage coming from far to near, galloping on a rampage.

At the moment, the coachman in the carriage had an anxious expression on his face, while vigorously lashing his whip at the horse, trying to speed up, while shouting at the top of his voice.

That appearance, as if the eyebrows were on fire, was very anxious.

And on the most conspicuous place on the roof of the carriage was a big red "Zhang" word, which should be the car of a certain big family surnamed Zhang.

Seeing this, the neighbors who were still walking on the street stopped, and spontaneously gave way to a wide road for the carriage to pass.


A horse neighing sounded from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, the carriage galloped across the road, and disappeared in the street in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, something must have happened to the young master of the Zhang family again. Really, such a kind-hearted young man, why is his life so bad?" The passers-by on the street did not feel angry and angry because of the rampage of the carriage. Showing a little regret.

It can be seen that this is certainly not the first time something like this has happened, and they also know what happened, otherwise, they would not have shown such an expression.


The carriage reached the end of the street, turned a corner, and stopped in front of a government office.

The coachman stopped the carriage, threw the whip, and hurried into the mansion, shouting as he ran: "Master, master, the young master has fainted again, come out and have a look..."

After the coachman entered the mansion, the curtain on the carriage was lifted by a pair of small white hands, and then a beautiful little girl with steady steps came out of the carriage.

This girl is dressed in a strong outfit, her wrists and ankles are wrapped with cloth straps, she looks capable and decisive. If it wasn't for the "ponytail" behind her small head and her white and tender skin, she would have been thought to be a wild boy.

After the girl jumped out of the carriage, she poked her little hand into the carriage again, and after a while, she pulled out a thinner little boy.

The little boy's face was pale at the moment, his eyes were slightly closed, his brows were furrowed, and he looked very uncomfortable.

The girl quickly got him out of the car, put him on her back, and then took a step forward, crossing the distance of more than ten meters, and ran into the mansion in a few steps.

At this moment, it can be seen from the outside that there is a plaque on the top of the government office with the word "Zhang's House" written on it.

Many people in the mansion were alarmed because of the coachman's hard-working yelling, among them a few teenagers walked out slowly from a room, the leading man frowned and said, "It must be that sick boy who had an accident again." gone."

"Does it need to be said, that guy has to come here every three to five times, and every time he needs the Patriarch to send his true energy to him. After so many years, if the Patriarch loses all the true energy lost to him to me, I'm afraid I would have already lost it." It is really a waste to reach the cultivation level of a second-rank martial artist."

"Who says it's not? Besides, I also heard from my father that the Patriarch had already reached the peak of the seventh-rank martial artist five years ago, and is expected to break through to the peak of the eighth-rank within three years. But it is because of the existence of this oil bottle , so that the Patriarch has not made any progress in cultivation in five years, it is really exasperating." A fair man next to him said.

"Yes, if the Patriarch hadn't been dragged down by this little guy, our Zhang family would have had an eighth-rank warrior two years ago. Moreover, at that time, the Wang family and the Li family had no eighth-rank masters at all. At that time, if the head of the family could break through to the eighth rank, then our Zhang family would definitely destroy these two big families in one go. But now, after several years of development, the two major families have already had several eighth-rank warriors in charge, and Our Zhang family hasn’t come out yet, I believe it won’t be long before our Zhang family will be kicked out of Shaoyang City.”

"I really hate it. It would be nice if there was no kid like this. In this case, we don't have to be bullied by those guys from the Li family and the Wang family and dare not fight back. No, sooner or later we have to find a chance to beat him up and vent our anger. "

"Don't you, that kid is not resistant to beating. With your current strength, you might beat him to death with one punch. If you really beat him to death, then you will make a big deal out of it. Just relying on the temper of the Patriarch, even if there is Second Uncle protecting you, you still have to kill this kid."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, go over and see if that kid is dead." At this moment, the young man came out from the house again. He interrupted everyone's conversation and said this, and then walked directly through the crowd. Go outside.

"Brother Zhang Hu, wait for us..."

"Father, come quickly, my brother has fainted again." A crisp voice rang out in the mansion, full of anxiety and self-blame.

After a while, a middle-aged man sprang out from the house, and the door of the room was turned into pieces of wood because of his actions.

After the man came out and saw the woman and the unconscious boy on the woman, his expression changed, and he immediately took three steps in parallel, and came to the boy's side in the blink of an eye.

The middle-aged man looked at the boy who was sleeping on top of the girl, then he swung his hands and hugged the boy in his arms, and then quickly went into another room.

"We really guessed it right. Alas, it's impossible to die. It seems that our Zhang family will still be dragged down by him." A man couldn't help but whispered when he saw this situation.

"Zhang Lei, what did you just say? Say it again if you feel like it." The girl's ears were very sensitive. Although the boy's voice was very small, it couldn't escape her ears.

However, as soon as she heard the other party say bad things about her younger brother, she immediately became angry, walked to his side, looked at him with wide eyes, and said.

If it weren't for the fact that she was at home and there were some elders around, she wouldn't have talked so much after she passed, but would have beaten her up.

"Did I speak?" Zhang Lei was taken aback by the woman's name, and quickly pretended to be stupid: "Sister Xin, you got it wrong, I didn't speak!"

Zhang Lei didn't dare to admit that this woman was a famous tigress in the Zhang family, with a very violent temper, and his younger brother was her backlash. No one was allowed to say anything, otherwise it would be a slap in the face.

Moreover, the most important point is that her kung fu is not low, and she has still reached the strength of a second-rank warrior at a young age. Among her peers in the Zhang family, except for Zhang Long and Zhang Hu, no one is her at all. opponent.

If he admits it, then one can imagine what will happen to him, at least he will have to lie in bed for a week.

"Hmph, don't let me hear you speak ill of my brother again, otherwise, you will know what will happen." Zhang Xin clenched his fists, glared at Zhang Lei, and followed the crowd into the room.

"Huh, it's dangerous." Zhang Lei breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Zhang Xin leave. He was really afraid that Zhang Xin would hit him just now.

"You really have the guts to speak ill of his younger brother in front of her. Isn't that courting death!" Several other teenagers walked up to him and smiled, then followed him in.

In the room, the middle-aged man put the boy on the bed, then gently lifted him up, and then he also got on the bed, and then put his hands on the boy's back. After a while, wisps of white puffs appeared from the top of the boy's head. smoke.

"Cough cough..."

After a short cough, the boy woke up slowly. After seeing the familiar decorations, he knew that he had returned to his room. When he turned around, he saw his father sitting cross-legged with a pale face. His older sister was standing by the bed, looking at him worriedly.

"Brother, do you feel better?" Zhang Xin saw the young man woke up, the eager look on his face eased a little, then sat beside him, took his little hand, and then said: "It's all my sister's fault. It's okay to take you out to do something, and you fainted again."

"Sister, I don't blame you. I pestered you to take me out. It's just that I didn't expect my health to be so bad. I couldn't stand it without moving my body a few times." Seeing the woman say this, the young man shook his head and said.

"Still blame me. Even if you beat me to death, I won't take you out again." The girl said firmly.

"Don't, why don't you take me out, I'm almost suffocated at home by myself, at most I won't move next time, just watch you practice martial arts." The boy heard that the girl didn't plan to take him out , hurriedly said.


At this moment, the middle-aged man breathed out a foul breath, and slowly opened his eyes, but a little tiredness could still be seen on his face.

"Cheng'er, how do you feel?" The middle-aged man asked with concern.

The man's name is Zhang Fang, the current head of the Zhang family, and the boy lying on the bed in front of him is Zhang Cheng, Zhang Fang's youngest son. The girl next to him is Zhang Fang's daughter, named Zhang Xin, who is younger than Zhang Fang. grown up for a few months.

In fact, Zhang Fang also has a son named Zhang Long, who is the eldest of the three of them, but now he is studying outside and not at home.

"My father, who is so evil, spent all his energy to save me. My son is really useless." Zhang Cheng's face darkened, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

"What are you talking about, kid? It's only natural for me to save my son. Besides, isn't it just a little bit of anger? I'll recover after going back to practice for a while, so don't think about it." Zhang Fang touched Zhang Cheng's little head , with a loving smile on his face.

Zhang Cheng knew that the reason why his father said this was because he didn't want to worry himself, but the tiredness in his eyes couldn't be hidden from his eyes.

"Well, I see." Zhang Cheng sighed in his heart and said, "Father, you go back, I'm fine, I'm tired, and I want to have a good sleep."

"Well, then you should have a good rest, Xin'er, let's go out." After saying that, Zhang Fang got up and left.

"Brother, are you hungry? Do you want my sister to get you some porridge?" Zhang Xin returned to Zhang Cheng's side and asked.

"Thank you sister, I'm not hungry, but I'm a little tired and want to rest." Chang Cheng shook his head and said.

"Oh, come to me when you're hungry, and I'll make it for you, you know!" Zhang Xin said.

"Well, I see." Chang Cheng nodded, feeling warm in his heart.

"Okay, Xin'er, don't disturb your brother's rest anymore, let's go, everyone goes out too." After speaking, Zhang Fang led Zhang Xin and others out.

But after everyone walked out, the boy lying on the bed sat up slowly, looked at his thin arms and legs, and showed a look on his face that did not belong to his age. decline.

"Hey... living like this is better than being hit to death..." The young man sighed, his voice full of helplessness.

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