Alien Madness

Chapter 16

{People say that when setting a goal, one should set a high one, even if one fails to achieve it in the future, one can still achieve quite good results.So, the goal I want to set now is to explode innocent chrysanthemums. I wonder if everyone can give me a helping hand? }

Another two days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was not long before Ouyang Qianyun went to the Bixia School. On this day, Zhang Cheng's mood did not know why, and he suddenly became very irritable, and he was quiet about everything he did. Don't worry about it.

Even when he practiced the Mahamudra of the Tantric School for the first time, he could not move the King Ming Seal, but it could only slightly weaken his restlessness, but it could not calm him down completely.

You know, he has practiced this first seal for nearly ten years.

Whenever he encounters something that he can't figure out or makes him feel irritable, as long as he doesn't practice Ming Wang Yin, his heart will calm down.

Even if he encounters any dangerous things, he can stay calm.

However, at this moment, the sense of irritability was stronger than ever before, so he guessed that it might be because Ouyang Qianyun was about to leave and was worried about her safety, that's why he was so irritated.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng's thoughts cleared up a little, then he walked out of the room, walked around, and unconsciously walked to the door of Zhang's residence.

"Brother Zhang Cheng..." However, just as Zhang Cheng was wandering around aimlessly, Ouyang Qianyun's voice came from the air.

Zhang Cheng was overjoyed, and looked up, only to see three figures standing on a long sword floating in the air, and then, the three of them appeared in front of Zhang Cheng in a flash.

These three people, two women and one man, one of the two women is his fiancee Ouyang Qianyun, and the other is a middle-aged woman.

This woman was arrogant, and when she looked at Zhang Cheng, she didn't even look straight at her, she just glanced at it with a sidelight, and from her eyes, Zhang Cheng could feel a strong sense of oppression.

"It's amazing!" Zhang Cheng was sure that this woman must be a master, and even more powerful than his father, otherwise, it would be impossible to have such sharp eyes.

"This should be the legendary fairy teacher!" Zhang Cheng recalled the figures of them standing on the flying sword before, and couldn't help guessing.

And the other was a very handsome man. When he looked at him at this moment, there was a trace of disdain and bursts of killing intent in his eyes.

"Damn, if you are handsome, you can just stare at me casually like this. Just wait, I will remember you, my lord." Of course, this is just Zhang Cheng's thoughts.

He clearly knew that at this moment, he was no different from an ant in the eyes of the man in front of him.

However, he was not worried at all. After all, he was about to become an immortal master, and he was still a disciple of Daoist Alchemy. After his master brought him into the sect, his future achievements would definitely not be worse than him. By then , stare back again.

Don't they all say that it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years?

"Brother Zhang Cheng!" Ouyang Qianyun walked over bouncingly, took Zhang Cheng's arm, and said, "Brother Zhang Cheng, let me introduce you. Master, this is ASRock, my master's big apprentice and my big brother."

"Boy Zhang Cheng, I have seen..."

"No need." Master Bishui glanced at Zhang Cheng, interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said, "Yun'er, you have already seen him, we should go."

"Ah, master, can you give me some more time? I want to stay with Brother Zhang Cheng for a while longer." Ouyang Qianyun couldn't help but tremble when she heard Bishui's real person say that. Thinking of leaving Zhang Cheng soon, she My heart is full of reluctance.

"No, our Bixia faction is hundreds of thousands of miles away from here. Even if we go back now, we won't be able to arrive until evening, so there can be no further delay." Said.


"There's nothing wrong with it, let's go." After saying that, Master Bishui stepped forward, grabbed Ouyang Qianyun's hand, and pulled her over.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, wait for me..." However, before Ouyang Qianyun finished speaking, the figures of the three disappeared from Zhang Cheng's eyes with a "whoosh".

"Qianyun..." Zhang Cheng looked at the empty sky, and felt a sense of loss in his heart, as if something had been pulled out by someone, feeling empty.

"Qianyun, just wait, I will look for you in a short time." Zhang Cheng looked at the direction where Ouyang Qianyun and the others disappeared, and said firmly.

At the same time, Ouyang Qianyun was being held in the arms of the Bishui real person with a sad face at the moment, looking at the Shaoyang city that was getting farther and farther behind her, and thinking that she would not see the person she liked for more than ten years. Unable to bear the pain, tears welled up one drop after another.

This scene happened to be seen by ASRock on the side. Immediately, there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes, but soon, this trace of jealousy turned into a stern look.

As if he had made up his mind, ASRock looked at Master Bishui and said, "Master, I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, and I need to go home. Please allow me, Master."

"You want to go home?" Master Bishui couldn't help raising his brows when he heard ASRock's words, then glanced at ASRock, seemed to have a little understanding, and said via voice transmission: "Boy, I know what your family means, but you'd better Don't make any crooked ideas, otherwise, I won't be able to protect you either."

"Master, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person, I really have something to go home." Seeing Bishui real person see what's in his heart, Huaqing couldn't help trembling, and quickly explained through voice transmission.

"Hmph, it's best." Bishui Master said again, and then opened his mouth and said: "You go, remember to come back soon, don't miss Yun'er's apprenticeship ceremony."

"Yes, disciple obeys." Seeing that Master Bishui agreed, Huaqing was in a good mood and said this.

"En." Master Bishui nodded, then he landed on a mountain peak, put ASRock down, and at the same time handed him a few talisman papers, and said, "These are divine amulets, there are two of them It's time to go back to the sect, so let's go."

"Yes, master, the disciple is going now." Huaqing said this, and then looked at Ouyang Qianyun who was full of sadness, and said in his heart: "Junior sister, soon you won't be so sad."

Then he put the magic movement talisman on his leg, and spit out a cloud of spiritual energy on the talisman paper, and then Huaqing turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of the eyes of the two of them.

"Yun'er, let's continue on our way." After finishing speaking, Master Bishui didn't wait for Ouyang Qianyun's answer, and then slowly abandoned the flying sword, disappearing on the top of the mountain in a blink of an eye.

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