Alien Madness

Chapter 18

{Yesterday, "Tianshi" was written until two o'clock in the morning, so I got up late, sorry. }

At this moment, Zhang Cheng was being carried by ASRock, he could only feel the ground receding rapidly, the speed was simply beyond his imagination.Because, he never thought that the speed of a human being can be as fast as that of an F1 car, almost as fast as flying.

Due to the increased speed, the original soft wind seemed to go crazy at this moment, and it suddenly poured into his nostrils, ear holes, eyes, and mouth, choking him extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, after Dan Chenzi's treatment, and the practice during this period, his body is much stronger than before, otherwise, he would not just pass out.

After about a few minutes, the wind stopped, and the fast-moving ground also stopped.

But he felt that his blood and heart were moving forward under the influence of inertia at this moment. It felt like riding a roller coaster and suddenly stopped, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

Then, he was stunned by the scene in front of him, because at this moment he was hanging on a cliff, and below was an invisible abyss.

"You really want to kill me, aren't you afraid that my master will take revenge on you?" Zhang Cheng made the last resistance, but he was ignored at all.

"Boy, remember, if there is an afterlife, don't choose to be my enemy, otherwise, you will end up like this." ASRock ignored Zhang Cheng's threat at all, and after finishing speaking, he let go of his hand suddenly.

Zhang Cheng was taken aback by this situation. He never thought that this ASRock was so ruthless that he didn't dare to kill himself, but instead used such a despicable method.

Now Zhang Cheng really felt that he was shooting himself in the foot. If he really died like this, even if Dan Chenzi found his body, he might not be able to avenge him.

Thinking of this, he began to struggle, grabbing his hands behind his back, trying to grab ASRock.However, as he fell, there was still something for him to grab, and the whole person began to fall freely.

"God, why are you still playing with me like this? Do you have any humanity?" Zhang Cheng was completely depressed this time.

You know, his body has just been healed, he has just escaped from the shadow of death, and he just wanted to do something big, but before he can breathe a sigh of relief, he will face death again, which is too cruel for him .

Originally, he fantasized about doing something earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods, but who would have thought that before these things were done, he would end up dead without a whole body.

This feeling is like suddenly falling from heaven to region. Who can bear this kind of gap.

Thinking of this, he felt very reconciled, and at the same time, his hatred for this ASRock reached the peak in history. He raised his voice and shouted towards the top of the mountain: "ASRock, wait for me, I will I swear, as long as I, Zhang Cheng, don’t die this time, I will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces and turn your bones into ashes—"

The voice floated up from the valley and entered ASRock's ears, but ASRock shrugged indifferently when it heard the voice, and said, "Hmph, you want to smash me into pieces and blow my bones into ashes? Can you survive?" Come down and talk."

ASRock didn't care about Zhang Cheng's threat, sneered, and then turned into a breeze and disappeared on the cliff.


Falling down from the cliff, Zhang Cheng only felt that his body lost all his weight for a while, and his whole body was supported by the wind, but he didn't feel comfortable at all.

He looked at the fast-moving rocks and the vegetation growing on the cliff, and instinctively wanted to grab them, but he couldn't grasp them with his arms.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the bottom of the cliff, he knew that this time he was really done.

However, just when Zhang Cheng closed his eyes and was ready to die, suddenly, a beautiful figure appeared in his consciousness. This beautiful figure was none other than his fiancee Ouyang Qianyun.

The moment he saw Ouyang Qianyun, Zhang Cheng's heart twitched suddenly. Although he was a little bit reluctant, he didn't have any ability to change his current situation at this moment.

However, at this moment, a suction force suddenly appeared, and then tightly entangled him.

Then, this force directly pulled him to the side of the mountain, which felt like bungee jumping, but the place where the spring was tied was not the legs, but the waist, which almost broke his waist.

Before Zhang Cheng had time to see what the force holding him was, he felt his vision go dark, and then, he heard a "wow", and then his whole body was wrapped in a ball of liquid.

The huge impact hit Zhang Cheng's head a little dazed, the whole person was unconscious, and slowly sank to the bottom of the water.

After about a minute or two, Zhang Chengcai slowly woke up.

But after waking up, he immediately felt as if his chest was pressed against a stone, and subconsciously opened his mouth to breathe, but the air didn't come in, and a stream of liquid poured into his mouth and nose, making him cough repeatedly.

At this time, he realized that he had fallen into a pool of water, and knowing that he didn't have to die this time, he immediately relaxed, and then he surfaced quickly with all four limbs.

The moment he came out of the water, a cave appeared in front of his eyes.

The interior space of this cave is huge, and the top is about 30 meters from the ground, which is very spacious.And the water pool he was in only occupied a small part of the entire cave, which shows how big this flicker is.

However, what shocked Zhang Cheng the most was that there were several lotus flowers growing in the pool, and they were also blooming with colorful rays of light, which was very beautiful.

Not only that, but on the shore, there are many unknown flowers and plants blooming with colorful light and strange fragrance. Although it is still far away, Zhang Cheng can still smell it clearly.

"Where is this place?" Zhang Cheng was a little confused as to where he had come, a fairyland on earth?Or Xanadu?

Zhang Cheng crawled out of the pool, lay on the edge of the pool panting heavily, and began to look around this place again in the excitement of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

After resting for a while and calming down, he raised his head and looked around.

Because everything here is completely beyond his cognition, just the lotus flower that blooms in the pool and emits colorful light, which he has never seen before.

"Could it be that this is the cave of a hidden master? These flowers and plants are also the legendary treasures of heavenly materials?" Zhang Cheng couldn't help guessing.

After all, he had read some fairy tales when he was in college, so he couldn't help thinking about it.

"Hey!" Suddenly, Zhang Cheng found a dark cave not far behind him, but from a distance, it didn't look like a cave, but an arched stone gate.

Driven by curiosity, Zhang Cheng stood up slowly, and soon came to the edge of the cave.

Just in case, he didn't go directly into the cave, but leaned on a corner of the cave and carefully probed in, but the inside was pitch black, and with his eyesight, he couldn't see what was inside.

"Is there anyone inside?" Zhang Cheng called out tentatively.

However, this cave seemed to have no bottom, and there was no echo at all, which made Zhang Cheng feel a little afraid of this cave.

In desperation, he ran to the vicinity of the cave entrance, picked up a relatively large stone, and threw it inside.However, the moment the stone entered the entrance of the cave, it was engulfed by the darkness inside the cave without even making a sound.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng's heart felt a little hairy, and he couldn't help but backed away.

For unknown things, people will have a little sense of fear, and Zhang Cheng is no exception.

Moreover, he had just escaped from danger and survived with great difficulty. He didn't want to die in this ghost place for no reason. Even if he died, he had to go back and die with his relatives by his side.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng finally decided to find an exit and leave here, and then come back to have a look when his cultivation base is high.

After all, no matter how good something is, it is useless if it is useless.

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