"How could it be? If you don't tell me these things, I'm afraid I won't know until a long time later. It's too late for me to thank you. How can I bother you!" Zhang Cheng laughed.

"That's good……"

"Whoosh..." At this moment, Gu Ye's words were interrupted by a piercing sound, and then an old man with a somewhat gloomy face appeared in front of them with his hands behind his back, blocking their way.

"Who are you guys?" Gu Ye quickly stopped Feijian and looked at the old man with a stern expression. At this moment, he found that he couldn't see through his cultivation, and his heart skipped a beat.

You know, his cultivation has reached the late stage of distraction, and even he can't see through his cultivation, so it means that his cultivation has reached above the fusion stage.

This kind of cultivation base is already a top master in the cultivation world, he doesn't know why this old man appears in this place.

"Could it be because of Zhang Cheng?" Furuno subconsciously thought of this, after all, he had nothing for this person to peek at, and Zhang Cheng was the only one who could be spotted by a master of his level.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you are not my opponent. If you keep him, you can get out." The old man said disdainfully.


"Get out!" The old man didn't give Gu Ye a chance to speak at all, he slapped Gu Ye directly, and then he flew to Zhang Cheng's side and grabbed Zhang Cheng's arm. He took Zhang Cheng and disappeared in place.

Furuno was seriously injured by the old man's blow. Fortunately, the old man was merciful. Otherwise, he would have to confess here, because he could feel that the opponent's strength was much higher than his own, and he was completely capable of killing himself. Lost ability.

However, he has basically seen all the masters in the Immortal Dao sect, but he has never seen this old man. For a moment, he thought that Zhang Cheng might be captured by the people of the Demon Sect.

Thinking of this, his heart skipped a beat. After all, he was captured from his own hands. If something happened to Zhang Cheng, then Yaogu would not be able to escape.

So he endured the discomfort in his body, and immediately urged Feijian to return to Medicine Valley.

This matter must be told to the owner of the valley as soon as possible, so that he can make preparations early, otherwise, Yaogu has just escaped a disaster, and will soon face another catastrophe.

At the same time, Zhang Cheng was led by the old man who appeared suddenly and flew at an extremely fast speed. He couldn't even see the retreating scenery below him clearly at the moment, and could only vaguely see thin black and white lines. Imagine how fast he was flying right now.

After an unknown period of time, Zhang Chenggong felt that the surrounding scenery suddenly stopped, and then he found himself at the entrance of a building complex.

Zhang Cheng looked around, and suddenly the four characters "Yin Yang Demon Sect" appeared in front of his eyes.

"Yin-Yang Demon Sect? Why did I come here, could it be..." Zhang Cheng subconsciously glanced at the old man, and at this moment he guessed his identity.

"If you don't want to die, come in with me." The old man let go of Zhang Cheng's arm, and walked over by himself first. Zhang Cheng was afraid of the old man's cultivation. Master, how could he be an opponent.

Moreover, in his eyes, the disciples of the Yin-Yang Demon Sect are lascivious to men and lascivious to women. If they walk carelessly by themselves, it may be more dangerous than falling into a wolf's den.

Therefore, he followed the steps of the old man and walked into the Yin-Yang Demon Sect.

As soon as he entered the Yin-Yang Demon Sect, Zhang Chengcheng saw four charming, plump women who did not wear makeup but were still beautiful standing in front of the door. After seeing the old man, these women immediately knelt down respectfully and shouted: "Disciple pays respects to Elder Li."

The old man ignored these women and walked in directly.

Zhang Cheng followed behind, looking at the four women cautiously. In his opinion, the women of the Yin-Yang Demon Sect should all be dissolute, because only in this way can they seduce men to get along with them.

However, at this moment, he found that the women here were basically the same as the women outside, and their clothes and dresses were not as coquettish as he had imagined. Therefore, this made him a little strange and a little disappointed.

After walking into the Yin-Yang Demon Sect, Zhang Cheng also found that the situation here was a little different from what he had imagined. In his impression, the Yin-Yang Demon Sect should be an extremely dark place that exudes a corrupt aura everywhere.

However, at this moment, he found that not only is the place not dark, but it is very elegantly built, and there are some flowers and plants planted around it, making it very quiet.

If it wasn't for the words "Yin Yang Demon Sect" written on the entrance, he would have thought he had come to the Immortal Dao Sect.

"This is really the Yin-Yang Demon Sect?" Zhang Cheng felt a little uncertain, because there was no obscenity in this place, and it was extremely decent.

"Go in!" The old man walked outside a room, opened the door, and said to Zhang Cheng.

"Oh!" The man had to bow his head under the eaves. Although he didn't know what was waiting for him in the room, he had no other choice at the moment, so he could only bite the bullet and walk in.

After walking in, he looked around to see if there was a woman inside, because he felt that he must be used as a cauldron when he was captured.

However, he quickly let it go, because there was no one else in the room at the moment.

However, just as she breathed a sigh of relief, the old man walked in and closed the door behind him.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng was startled, and then the hairs all over his body stood up, "No, does this old guy have special hobbies?"

"Wait for me on the bed!" The old man said casually.

"Fuck, why is my life so hard?" Zhang Cheng began to break out in a cold sweat, and then he felt his chrysanthemums itch, and for a moment he felt as if he wanted to cry but had no tears.

He never thought that one day he would be forced to have sex, and what's more, it was an old pervert who threatened him.Thinking of this, his heart is full of food.

"Hurry up, get things done early, I don't have so much time to spend here with you." The old man said angrily.

"Well, senior, do you know that I'm a man!" Zhang Cheng reminded him very friendly.

He had to confirm whether this old guy was a pervert. If he was, then he would rather die than let this old guy succeed.

But he must prevent him from being wrong, because if he is not, then if he resists again, he will suffer in vain, so he has to leave a way out for himself.

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