{Today, try to update as much as possible, and fill in the previous chapters as soon as possible. }

On this day, a huge vortex of spiritual energy appeared in the sky above the Yin-Yang Demon Sect. The huge suction affected the flow of spiritual energy in a radius of a hundred miles. The spiritual energy here disappeared, and the surrounding spiritual energy spontaneously filled the gap.

After going back and forth like this, the scope of influence of this vortex became wider and wider, from the original radius of a hundred miles to a radius of thousands of miles.

These auras are like substance, instilled into the Yin-Yang Demon Sect at a speed visible to the naked eye, submerged into Zhang Cheng's dantian, and disappeared.

At this moment, Li Wuqing was a little shocked. He didn't understand why Zhang Cheng's body could store so much spiritual energy. You must know that the spiritual energy absorbed by Zhang Cheng at this moment had far exceeded that of the average golden core stage master.

Even if it is a master of the late Jindan stage, the true energy in the body cannot be compared with it.

"What kind of freak is this?" Li Wuqing said in shock.

However, suddenly he felt movement outside, so he raised his brows and disappeared in a flash.

At this moment, this change has attracted the attention of many monks outside. People from the top ten sects gathered in the Yin-Yang Demon Sect again, and Dan Chenzi was no exception.

"Boss Li, what did you do to my apprentice!" Seeing Li Wuqing coming out of it, Dan Chenzi immediately pointed to his nose and asked.

In his opinion, this situation must be due to what Li Wuqing did to Zhang Cheng, otherwise, such a big commotion would not have happened.

"Hmph, Dan Chenzi, don't push yourself too hard. You broke into my Yin-Yang Demon Sect again and again. It would be a great mercy if I didn't kill you. If you're talking nonsense, don't blame me for being ruthless." It made him upset, and he couldn't figure out Zhang Cheng's situation, so he was in a bad mood.

At this moment, Dan Chenzi stood up to provoke him again, which made him unable to bear it. If there were not so many people present here, he would have taken action to teach Dan Chenzi a lesson.

"Hmph, then you can try it. Although I am not your opponent, it is not so easy for you to kill me!" Dan Chenzi glared at Li Wuqing and said without fear.

"Don't you think I dare not!" Li Wuqing's temper was aroused, and he was about to attack Dan Chenzi.

"Junior Brother!" Daoist Danqing became a little angry when he saw Li Wuqing, and quickly stopped Dan Chenzi, and then said to Li Wuqing: "Fellow Daoist Li, we are here today for such a violent change in spiritual energy, other things are put aside for now. side."

"Hmph!" Although Li Wuqing could not give Dan Chenzi any face, he still wanted to give Danqing real face. After all, he is also the leader of a faction, and his status is equal to his own.

So, looking at Dan Chenzi, he snorted coldly, and then said: "Everyone, this matter is my Yin-Yang Demon Sect's own business, so I won't bother you, I won't send it off."

"Master Li, what you said is wrong. At this moment, the affairs of your sect have affected the stability of the entire cultivation world. If you don't give us a satisfactory answer, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you." Gu Yue, he also speculated that Zhang Cheng might have caused this situation.

If it was in the past, he definitely would not have waded into this muddy water. After all, the strength of his Medicine Valley could not be compared with other sects, and it would be a very unwise choice to offend any sect.

However, for the sake of Zhang Cheng, he had to stand up, even if he completely offended the Yin-Yang Demon Sect, he would not hesitate to do so.

Let's not say that Zhang Cheng saved his entire medicine valley, but that he was captured from his own people, and he couldn't just stand by and watch, so he stood up and said this at this moment.

"Master Gu Gu, what you said is a bit exaggerated. One of my disciples broke through and absorbed a little more spiritual energy. Do you have to say it so seriously!" Li Wuqing said while looking at Gu Yue with a somewhat unkind expression.

He is not a good lord, on the contrary, he is an out-and-out villain, if someone slaps him, he will slap him back.

At this moment, when Gu Yue said this, it was clear that he wanted to fight against his Yin-Yang Demon Sect, so if he was not a friend, he would naturally be an enemy.When dealing with enemies, he is ruthless as his name suggests, and he never softens his heart.

"Do you think we are three-year-olds? I think I didn't cause such a violent energy fluctuation when I broke through the fusion stage, so it is impossible for your disciples to cause such a large energy fluctuation. This must be caused by my apprentice. It is." Dan Chenzi still thought it was caused by Zhang Cheng.

"You have already said that you did not cause such a violent energy fluctuation when you broke through the fusion. Then let me ask you, what is your apprentice's cultivation level? Does he have a golden core stage? Do you think he can cause such a violent energy fluctuation? Already!" Li Wuqing said angrily.

"This..." Dan Chenzi was speechless for a while, and continued: "He is very talented, and he is the only one who can cause such fluctuations in the entire cultivation world."

"You put too much gold on your face. You think who you are, and you can do it if you say your apprentice can do it. Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense. Now my disciples are breaking through the key Time, forgive me for not being able to entertain you all, please come back." Here once Li Wuqing finished speaking, he went straight into the Yin-Yang Demon Sect, and at the same time, the Great Formation of Protecting Sect was also opened.

"What the hell is this old boy doing!" Even the sect master of the Demon Sect couldn't figure out what Li Wuqing was doing, even if they didn't agree to their entry, there was no need to open the sect protection formation.

"He must have some kind of conspiracy, or let's break his sect guarding formation together, and then go in and investigate." Li Wuqing's move made Danchenzi more sure that he was guilty of a crime. The precious apprentice was suffering inside, and he couldn't wait to rush in.

"I don't have time to waste here with you guys. Let's go." The person who spoke was a tall man with a stern face, dressed in a red robe, and his eyes were full of sternness.

He is the suzerain of the Nine Nether Demon Sect, Wang Ming, because he is the head of the Nine Nether Demon Sect, and he is decisive in killing people, so he is nicknamed the Nether King.

At the same time, his cultivation base is extremely high, on the same level as Daoist Danqing, and he possesses many secret techniques, making him one of the top extremely masters today.

He glanced at Dan Chenzi impatiently, and then disappeared in a flash.

After Wang Ming left, other extremely demon sect figures also left one after another.

They are both Demon Sects, and they are as connected as the four sects of Immortal Dao. Naturally, they will not listen to Dan Chenzi's words and take action against the Yin-Yang Demon Sect.

Even if he can make a move, it is impossible to make a move with the four immortals, because they are deadly enemies.

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