The pain became more and more severe, and Zhang Cheng, who had no way to save himself, had to go to the doctor indiscriminately, and continuously performed the Fudo Mingwang Seal, the Great Vajra Wheel Seal and the Outer Lion Seal.

The three kinds of fingerprints kept changing on Zhang Cheng's hands, and the speed was getting faster and faster. In the end, even Li Wuqing could only see a group of finger shadows.

"What is this?" Li Wuqing frowned when he saw Zhang Cheng displaying these handprints.

Although he had never seen this set of handprints and didn't know what it meant, he saw that Zhang Cheng still did not forget to use this set of handprints at this critical moment, so he guessed that this might be Zhang Cheng's secret method to save his life, and it should be his biggest secret. secret.

Immediately, he secretly decided in his heart that after Zhang Cheng broke through, he must get this set of fingerprints.

However, Zhang Cheng didn't know what was going on in Li Wuqing's mind at this moment. He only felt that his consciousness was slowly weakening with the formation of the fingerprints, and the severe pain was slowly disappearing.

Gradually, the previous realm of harmony between man and nature reappeared at this time.

Then he felt that his soul slowly separated from the body and spread around, his consciousness gradually became blurred, and the pain disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, he felt that he had become a swimming fish, in the middle of the sea, swimming freely, a cheerful and relaxed feeling filled his heart, making it difficult for him to extricate himself.

What Zhang Cheng didn't know was that at this moment, his handprint was fixed on the lion's seal outside the third seal. At the same time, his soul was also improving rapidly. This situation made Li Wuqing stunned.

The soul is considered a blind spot in today's comprehension world, and everyone has tried their best to increase the strength of the soul.

But all people don't know the method of soul cultivation, they can only hone and experience step by step, only in this way can the soul be improved.

On the other hand, Zhang Cheng, in just the blink of an eye, his soul has increased by nearly three times, three times, this is something that Li Wuqing can't even dream of.

"This kid must have secrets in his heart that he doesn't know, for sure!" Li Wuqing has already confirmed that Zhang Cheng still has a lot of secrets that he hasn't told himself, and even the half of the fairy-level exercises he gave him before may be possible. It was just a cover he used to lie to himself.

Thinking of this, Li Wuqing's eyes glowed with fiery light. In his eyes, Zhang Cheng was no longer a person, but a huge treasure house.

Originally, he thought that he paid a little too much this time. Four seventh-rank spirit stones and nine-rank spirit stones were also absorbed by nearly one-tenth, which is equivalent to thinking about ten seventh-rank spirit stones.

Adding it all up, he lost a total of fourteen seventh-rank spirit stones this time, not counting the spirit stones consumed by opening the protective array, just fourteen seventh-rank spirit stones were enough to make his heart hurt up.

But he felt that if he could get all of Zhang Cheng's secrets, then not only could all the previous losses be fully recovered, but even a lot more could be gained.

But after reaching the golden core stage, can Li Wuqing catch Zhang Cheng?the answer is negative.

In the state of harmony between man and nature, Zhang Cheng not only felt no pain, but also couldn't feel the passage of time. He didn't know how long it had passed, but he only knew that when he was swimming happily, the suction force was generated again, directly Pull him back into the body.

The moment his consciousness returned to his body, the pain faded away like water. Zhang Cheng found that his soul power had broken through again, and it had been completely consolidated at the stage of Jindan late stage. In comparison, but it is much stronger than the masters of Jindan's later stage.

Feeling this, there was a burst of excitement in his heart.

After concentrating his mind for a while, he focused his attention on his dantian again. He found that the vortex inside his dantian still existed, but the speed was much slower than before.

Moreover, at the center of the vortex, a bead the size of a bean floats there.

Immediately afterwards, as if they had found the organization, the zhenyuan in the surroundings rushed towards the round bead in the middle without Zhang Cheng's control, and turned into a part of that round bead in a blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, the dantian, which was full just now, is now empty.And in the middle of the dantian, there appeared a round bead the size of a thumb, exuding bursts of strength.

"Is this the golden elixir?" Zhang Cheng controlled the direct thoughts to contact the golden elixir, and immediately, he felt a majestic wave passing through the direct thoughts.

There was a movement in his heart, and the brilliance on the golden core flashed suddenly, and then a wisp of golden gas floated down from the golden core, filling Zhang Cheng's body immediately.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng felt that his direct body was full of strength. He felt as if he could punch a hole in Tiandu with one punch.

"It's done, it's really done, wow!" Zhang Cheng laughed loudly, he is now sure that this round bead is the golden pill, otherwise, it would not be able to have such great power.

In the Jindan stage, the realm that others dream of, just this made him break through inexplicably, which made him scared and surprised at the same time.

But it's more about fear. After all, the previous situation was too dangerous. If he continued to absorb it, his dantian would definitely not be able to withstand the pressure and burst.

Once the dantian is broken, his cultivation journey will come to an end.

Moreover, before that, he had prepared for the worst. At this moment, not only did he not get hurt because of this, but he was blessed by misfortune and formed the golden core that others dreamed of. How could he be unhappy.

Although he suffered a little bit of pain, compared with forming a golden pill, it was simply something that could be ignored directly.

After calming down his excited mood, Zhang Cheng slowly opened his eyes, but what caught his eyes was a cold face.

"Master Li, why are you here?" Zhang Cheng asked strangely.

"Of course I'm going to be here. If I wasn't here, how would you know that you still keep so many secrets from me!" Li Wuqing said with the corner of his mouth curled up.

"What's the secret? Master Li, I don't understand what you mean!" Zhang Cheng's eyes deliberately dodged, and at the same time his soul had already sensed the existence of Lingyun Disk through the storage ring. As long as he had a thought, he could Take out the Lingyun dish and leave here.

However, he didn't want to leave so soon. After all, this group of guys captured and imprisoned him. It would be too cheap for them to just leave like this.

So, he planned to do it again to make them bleed, and then left.

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