{Haha, four twos, a very auspicious number. }

"Okay, the second turn is actually possible in the golden core stage, but when I condensed back then, it was a bit difficult, so I didn't let you improve. Now your soul strength has reached the same level as the Nascent Soul stage. There is no problem with counting." Xiang Tian replied.

"That's it, that's good, just take this opportunity to improve!" Zhang Cheng nodded quickly.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time. Although the first turn is good, it is still not as good as the second turn. Moreover, after the second turn, he should be able to see more, which is not only helpful for him to refine ordinary pills. Help, it also has a great role in promoting the refining of vitality-filled elixirs.

Moreover, the benefits of the second turn are more than that. After the second turn, the soul will become more cohesive. The advantage of agglomeration is that the penetrating power is stronger, and it can even be stronger than the souls of ordinary Nascent Soul early stage masters.

In addition, the efficiency of absorbing alchemy at the second turn is much greater than that at the first turn, so the speed of soul improvement will increase accordingly, and it will increase geometrically.

Furthermore, after increasing the number of rotations, the total amount of souls will not decrease in the slightest, as much as there was before, there will still be as much after.So, no matter what, breaking through to the second rank is beneficial and harmless.

"Well, you go, I just take advantage of this time to study the Wu Clan's cultivation skills and improve the strength of the soul." After Xiang Tian finished speaking, he floated back into the storage ring.

Zhang Cheng slowly closed his eyes, recalling in his mind the promotion method of the second round of "Nine Turns of the Soul Cauldron", and with a movement in his heart, he summoned the Soul Cauldron as soon as he turned it.

The upgrading of the first-turn soul cauldron to the second-turn soul cauldron is not as simple as changing from the first turn to the second turn. What changes is the essence of the soul. Although there is only one word difference between the two, there is a fundamental change.

This is like carbon and diamonds, both of which are composed of carbon, but apart from this point, there is nothing else in common.

However, it is not difficult to upgrade from one turn to turn, that is to continuously input the soul into the first turn soul cauldron, and use both sides to cause qualitative changes.

This is not just the case when upgrading from the first rank to the second rank, but also from the second rank to the third rank, from the third rank to the fourth rank, and so on.

To put it bluntly, it is very simple to increase the number of rotations of the Nine-turn Soul Cauldron, but the key is to see if your soul strength is enough. If the soul strength is enough, it will be easy to break through. If it is not enough, then no matter how hard you work, it will be useless. Do useless work.

Therefore, the nine-turn soul cauldron is extremely dependent on the soul, so it is both simple and difficult. Otherwise, Xiang Tian would not have cultivated for hundreds of years and only reached the level of three turns.

But Zhang Cheng is a freak, within a few years of practice, the realm of the soul has soared all the way, and in a blink of an eye, he has reached the early stage of Yuanying, which is several realms higher than his own cultivation base.

This is something that Xiang Tian can't even imagine.

However, because of this, he was even more sure that his apprentice would be able to learn all the six passes in the near future.

Zhang Cheng took a deep breath, and with a thought, the huge soul power in the soul space rushed towards the soul cauldron like a tide.

But Yizhuan Soul Cauldron turned into a sponge for a while, constantly absorbing Zhang Cheng's soul power, and constantly changing itself.

With the incorporation of strands of soul power, the color of the Soul Cauldron gradually became darker, from the original light red to red, and then dark red.

Slowly, this crimson began to fade slowly again, and the color began to change towards orange.

After about a stick of incense, Zhang Chenggong felt a sudden shock in the depths of his soul, and then the red soul cauldron completely turned orange.

So far, the first turn of the soul cauldron has successfully transformed into the second turn of the soul cauldron.

Then, Zhang Chenggong felt that when his soul was formed in the second-turn soul cauldron, all the power of the soul seemed to be attracted by the second-turn soul tripod and merged into the soul tripod.

However, soon, these souls were released again by the soul cauldron, but the souls after they came out were stained with a layer of orange, and they felt much more solid than before.

Zhang Cheng knew that this should be the benefit of the second turn of the Soul Cauldron. Compared with the first turn, he had the effect of consolidating the soul.

Moreover, the next three, four, five, etc., all have such effects, and this is also the most precious point of the nine-turn Soul Cauldron.

Whether the soul is strong or not depends first on the strength, and secondly on the degree of solidification. The higher the strength, the stronger the degree of solidification, the stronger the soul, and vice versa.

And "Nine Turns of Soul Cauldron" can not only increase the strength of the soul, but also solidify the soul. Its value can be imagined. Although "Tantric Mahamudra" can also increase the strength of the soul, it is not as good as "Nine Turns of Soul Cauldron" in terms of solidification. ".

"I don't know how it feels to make alchemy after the second turn, I really want to try it!" Zhang Cheng was eager to try, but although he had enough medicinal materials, he had not yet broken through the middle stage of the golden elixir, so there was no elixir fire in his body, so he couldn't escape The earth's inner fire refines the elixir.

Therefore, at this moment, he can only think about it and cannot put it into action.

Gathering his mind, he scattered the second-turn soul cauldron to gather his soul, and then concentrated his thoughts on his Horcrux.

Nine Dragons Lihuo Cauldron is also a Danding Cauldron, and there is Nanming Lihuo in it. However, this fire is one of the top flames in the world, far from being comparable to Earth's Heart Fire. With his current fire control ability, he cannot control it at all. Therefore, he cannot use this cauldron to make alchemy.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about alchemy, then he started to control the Horcrux, began to absorb the soul power around him, and began to refine the Horcrux.

The so-called soul refining is not what Xiang Tian said before. The soul refining here is a special treasure refining method of the witch clan. Ascension, slowly let your imprint form a spirit-like existence in its body.

In this way, this Horcrux can only be owned by himself, and if he is killed by someone in the future, even if his soul is destroyed, then he can still be resurrected with a ray of imprint in the Soul Cauldron.

Therefore, the soul refining here is more advanced than the soul refining mentioned by Xiang Tian, ​​and the magic weapon refined by this method is easier to control than the ordinary method, which is equivalent to a part of one's own body.

It's a pity that this method can only be used with Horcruxes, otherwise, he really wants to practice more of them, so that he won't be able to die even if he dies so many times.

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