{Hey, the more I want to write more, the more I can’t write it. I don’t need to write more tomorrow. After the fourth chapter, I will count as much as I write, and I will fill it up slowly.In addition, count the chapters that Xiaolong owes you, 2500, 3000, 3500, 2500, 3500, 4500, 5500, and I still owe you seven chapters. These dragons have not forgotten, I will slowly Make up, I believe even. }

"No, I can't give you the Fulongmu. Unless you kill me, you can't take it away." At this moment, the other party's voice revealed its original voice due to anxiety.

This voice is not rough at all, but very pleasant to hear, just like the name of an oriole, clear and sweet, and melodious.However, what made Zhang Cheng depressed was that it was a woman's voice,

"Are you a woman?" Zhang Cheng said in shock.

Originally, he saw that this person was tall and didn't have the slightest feminine aura, so he thought it was a man, but suddenly "he" became "she", which made him a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, he thinks that if this is really a woman, then she must be ugly, otherwise, how could she have such a masculine figure, and her chest is flat and scary.

"Yes, so what!" Seeing Zhang Cheng's shocked appearance, the woman was annoyed for a while, especially when she saw the disappointment in his eyes after he looked at her, she was even more annoyed.

In the past, she was always favored by thousands of people. When was she seen with such eyes.

However, she changed her mind, in order not to reveal her identity, she purposely changed it in a special way before coming back, and it was right that he couldn't see it, so her annoyance eased a lot.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little surprised, you are a daughter, why do you pretend to be a big man." Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

"It's none of your business, just tell me if you want me to go." The woman said bluntly.

This made Zhang Cheng speechless for a while, the change was too thorough, he even changed his temper after becoming a woman, and even played tricks on him.

"It's great that you are a woman. Originally, I wanted you to take your things away for the sake of being a woman, but now, there is no door." Zhang Cheng grabbed it with his big hand, and "Jiulong Yin" resorted to it one after another. He directly grabbed the Fulongmu in the wooden box, and without waiting for the woman's reaction, he threw the Fulongmu into his storage ring.

Fulong wood is actually a piece of wood, but the color is golden, and there is a faint golden halo on it, as if it is made of gold.

"You, how can you do this?" The woman was a little anxious.

The family inheritance treasure that she finally found, her family had hope, but now it was lost from his hands, which made her very angry.

"Okay, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first, goodbye!" After speaking, Zhang Cheng raised his true essence and rushed into the city.

"Boy, do you dare to tell me your name?" The woman was afraid that if she could not find Zhang Cheng in the future, she would lose Fulongmu's whereabouts, so she asked this question, and then she could find him to visit Fulongmu in the future. .

"My name is Zhang Cheng. You are welcome to trouble me at any time." The voice came from a distance, but Zhang Cheng was no longer in the sky.

"Zhang Cheng is, hehe, Miss Ben remembers you." After finishing speaking, the woman angrily removed the black cloth from her face, revealing a baby face.

To be honest, this face is really perfect. The perfect face shape and perfect facial features make up a perfect face.However, because her face looks a little immature, others cannot see her age.

At the same time, her body also slowly changed, her body gradually became shorter, the originally flat place gradually protruded, and the layer of black clothes on her body became a little bigger because of this.

She tore the black clothes casually, and then revealed the long purple dress she was wearing inside.

However, her figure is different from her face, not only does not look jerky, but rather plump, with big buttocks, big breasts and small waist, quite a few of them.

Whether it's her immature face or her almost hot figure, they are all extremely attractive, especially when these two different temptations are combined, it is even more fatal.

"You wait for me. Although our Dragon God clan has been in decline for a long time, it is not something you can provoke. I will make you regret it." The woman said this harshly, and then jumped out of the city wall, Fly away towards the outside.

Zhang Cheng stopped before walking far, then sat on a house, contacted Xiang Tian, ​​and asked, "Master, have you heard of the Xia family of the Dragon God clan?"

"I heard that, why did you meet people from their family? You didn't fight them?" Xiang Tian asked when he heard that the family seemed a little flustered.

"Master, what's the matter with you? Could it be that this Dragon God clan is very powerful?" It was the first time Zhang Cheng saw Xiang Tian so nervous, and he couldn't help being curious about this Dragon God clan.

"Of course it's very powerful. In my time, there were only Nine Sects. Trick City and Medicine Valley had just appeared at that time, so they couldn't be considered a big force. Apart from the advanced Eight Sects, the other Sect was this Dragon God Clan, and, back then, the Dragon God clan was the most powerful sect, or family, among the nine sects." Xiang Tian replied.

"No, the Dragon God Clan is really that powerful?" Zhang Cheng was a little shocked, but soon he thought of another question, so he asked, "But, why haven't you heard about the Dragon God Clan?"

"I don't know the details, but before I was about to cross the catastrophe, the Dragon God clan suddenly disappeared collectively. As for the reason, no one knows. However, it is rumored that they are descendants of the dragon blood and have the powerful physique of a real dragon. Cultivated to the extreme, they can forcibly resist immortal artifacts alone. Moreover, they can also use many secret methods of the dragon clan, which is very powerful." Xiang Tian replied.

"It's impossible to resist the immortal weapon alone!" Zhang Cheng said in shock.

"This is what I saw with my own eyes, there can be mistakes!" Xiang Tian replied.

"My God, aren't they invincible in the world?" Zhang Cheng was a little shocked. You must know that the fairy weapon is the highest level magic weapon in the cultivation world today.

Even immortal weapons can't do anything to them, doesn't that mean that their bodies are harder than immortal weapons?

Originally, he thought that he was already blessed, but now that he looked at it, he realized that there are many people who are more powerful than him.

By the way, Master, you just said that they were descendants of dragons at that time. Does that mean that they are dragon people? " Zhang Cheng asked curiously.

"It can be said that their ancestor is rumored to be a transformed real dragon, so his descendants all have dragon blood in their bodies. Their bodies are also far superior to ordinary monks. After passing through the catastrophe, the real dragons in their bodies The bloodline will be fully activated, and at that time, they can become Jackie Chan, very powerful." Xiang Tianhui said.

"Is the member of the Dragon God clan surnamed Xia?" Xiang Tian asked immediately.

"You know, why, you have really met people from the Dragon God clan." Xiang Tian asked in shock

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