"That's not true. The main reason is that this guy's appetite is so good that he can't get enough to eat. He eats at twelve and eleven hours a day. Moreover, when he was brought here, he would All the small animals in our house were looted, including my sister's favorite sika deer." Mo Zaidao replied.

"Yeah, it's not enough for this guy to kill my sika deer. He even asked my brother Yu to bake it for him. Don't mention how annoying it is." Come on, "The most terrible thing is that after my brother Yu roasted the sika deer, he stopped eating after taking a bite. This makes me angry. I wish I could bite him to death."

"Hehe, I have spoiled this guy's mouth, and he can't get used to the food made for him by others." Zhang Cheng patted the kitten's head, feeling touched.

He knew that the kitten didn't need to eat so desperately. It probably felt that it couldn't help him, so it ate desperately, in order to improve its own strength and want to help him in the future.

The kitten seemed to feel that Zhang Cheng understood his "difficulties" in doing so, and let out a "ahhh", but at this moment, its voice was not as immature as before, but very thick.

As for what Mo Zaipao and Mo Zaitiao said, he didn't feel anything, and he could hear that Mo Zaitao and the others were not really angry, so naturally he didn't blame it.

"Yeah, the third brother's craftsmanship is really amazing. Ever since I ate your barbecue, I don't feel like eating anything. The food in a chain store called KFC that has become popular recently is still better. , so I ate some, but after eating too much, it was tasteless, after thinking about it, I still think my brother's barbecue is delicious." Mo Zaidao replied.

"Yeah, third brother, when are you going to fire up the fire for us again? I can't wait!" Mo Zaiti said with some longing.

Hearing this, the kitten's ears immediately perked up, licked its lips, and looked at Zhang Cheng expectantly, waiting for his answer, just like Mo said to them again.

"Brother, don't worry about the barbecue... Well, what did you mean by KFC?" Zhang Cheng heard the name, and immediately confirmed that the owner of the restaurant who used to be able to afford it was just like himself. For those who have traveled over here, this made him feel excited.

"It's just the boss who opened it before, who seems to be dissatisfied with the status quo. In the past two years, he has opened a few more, and he also called on others to join. He only needs to pay some franchise fees every year and he can continue to operate as usual. I don't know. What method did they use to open KFC all over the Tianlong Empire in just a few years, and now they are thinking about developing in other countries." Mo Zaiti replied.

"Brother, do you know who the boss behind this KFC is?" Zhang Cheng asked anxiously.

"I've heard of that before, it seems to be Gongyang Xinyue from Trick City." Mo Zaidao thought for a while and replied.

"It's her!" Zhang Cheng's body trembled, but soon there was a certain look on his face.

In fact, he should have discovered this long ago, because he could feel that the personality of this ram Xinyue was really out of tune with this world, but she was similar to women on earth, independent and strong.

Moreover, he also felt that he could talk to her, and he didn't have to worry about this or that when talking. It turned out that they might come from the same world.

"Why, third brother, you know her... Oh, I forgot, you went to the organ city to participate in the alchemy conference before, so you naturally know her, look at my memory." Mo Zaitao waved his hands.

"Well, I know her!" Zhang Cheng fell into deep thought. To be honest, he didn't want to accept this fact.

After all, the two times and three times he was arrested were all thanks to her ruthless rejection back then. Although he got a lot of benefits in the end, in comparison, he was more like a calm and quiet cultivation.

Moreover, if it was someone else, maybe he could have something to talk to him, but after knowing it was her, he didn't know how to face her.

Even if we meet, I'm afraid there will be no tacit understanding between me and her before, and it will be more embarrassing instead.

Originally, he wanted to find out who this person was, and then find him and have a good chat, but now it seems that seeing him is worse than not seeing him, so that it will be difficult for each other.

However, in this way, Zhang Cheng somewhat understood why Gongyang Xinyue was so resistant to marrying him at the beginning. Under the influence of monogamy, who would like to share her husband with other women.

"Third brother, third brother..." Mo Zaitao saw that Zhang Cheng was in a daze, and called out twice in a low voice.

"Huh? What's the matter, brother?" Zhang Cheng asked after waking up.

"Oh, it's nothing, I see you are meditating over there, what are you thinking?" Mo Zaidao asked.

"Just thinking about some trivial matters, nothing." Zhang Cheng said with a smile.

"By the way, third brother, what happened to you before, why did you let the kitten come here alone, and you stayed outside for so long alone, where did you go?" Mo Zaiti and Mo Besides, he didn't know that Zhang Cheng was captured by the Yin-Yang Demon Sect.

Although Yan Yu knew about it, he didn't tell them because he was afraid that they would worry about it, and they only asked at this moment.

"It's a long story. I will tell you in detail when I have a chance. In this way, big brother, I won't stay here any longer. I have been away from the sect for such a long time. I have to go back to the sect to report to the master and them that they are safe." Zhang Cheng remembered that there were still many things to do, so he couldn't stay here for a long time.

"Ah, why did you leave right after you came here? Play for a few more days!" Mo Zaitiao was reluctant to hear that Zhang Cheng was leaving soon.

"Little sister, don't make things difficult for the third younger brother. Moreover, he has just returned, and he should hurry back to the sect to report his master's safety or something. This is what a disciple should do. In the future, the future will be long. I'm afraid I won't see him." Is it?" Mo said clearly what Zhang Cheng meant, so he didn't try to keep him, but instead persuaded Mo to mention it again.

Of course, he was also reluctant to let go. After all, after so many years, it was hard for them to separate without saying anything.

"Okay, okay, third brother, you have to come back soon, we're still waiting to eat your barbecue." Mo Zaiti said a little slanderously.

"Okay, I will." Zhang Cheng nodded, and then said to Mo Zai, "Big brother, second sister-in-law, I'm leaving!"

"Well, go!" Mo Zaitao waved his hand and said.

"En!" After Zhang Cheng finished speaking, he took the kitten and left Mo's house. After leaving Tianlong City, the cool breeze in the early morning blew over his body, and his mood improved a little.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared within his range of perception.

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