{Sorry, the internet was disconnected at home before, but the novel has been written, and it can be uploaded after modification. }

"It says that the Void God Tower is in the endless void, invisible and matterless, and it only appears in the void every thousand years, so it still exists." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Ouyang Qianyun on the side didn't understand what they meant, so she asked curiously.

"Oh, it's like this..." At that moment, Zhang Cheng told Ouyang Qianyun what happened before in detail, and Ouyang Qianyun's eyes shone brightly. A hint of sadness.

"Silly girl, what's the matter?" Zhang Cheng knew this girl very well, so he knew what was on her mind at a glance.

"I also want to go on an adventure with Brother Zhang Cheng, but my cultivation base is so low, going together will only drag Brother Zhang Cheng down. What do you think I should do?" Ouyang Qianyun replied.

"Your cultivation level is not low, and you're already in the middle stage of foundation establishment. It's not much better than your elder sister Xinyue. So, how about I take you on a good exploration in the future?" Zhang Cheng comforted.

"Really?" Ouyang Qianyun was overjoyed when she heard Zhang Cheng's words, with a happy smile on her face.In fact, she doesn't care whether she can take risks, what she cares most is whether she can experience those things with Zhang Cheng.

"Of course it's true!" As he said, Zhang Cheng scratched Ouyang Qianyun's little nose affectionately.

"Me too!" Seeing Zhang Cheng and Ouyang Qianyun being so close, Gong Yang Xinyue felt jealous, and subconsciously said this.

"Ha!" Zhang Cheng was stunned, unable to react for a long time.

"I said, I want it too, will you give it to me?" Gongyang Xinyue said with a pouted mouth.

"Here, here!" As he said, Zhang Cheng also scratched Gong Yang Xinyue's little nose, and the latter was satisfied.

"By the way, what is the name of that scroll of yours, and is there any more? If so, send each of us a copy. In case we encounter danger in the future and you are not by our side, we have to save ourselves. " Gongyang Xinyue said.

"This scroll is called Lingyun Disk, but I only have two scrolls in my hand now, but I have to keep one, so now I only have one for you." Zhang Cheng was a little embarrassed. Not for anyone.

"Brother Zhang Cheng, you can give this scroll to sister Xinyue. I have the talisman you gave me. It is enough to protect myself in case of danger, but sister Xinyue has nothing, so you still give it to her." Ouyang Seeing that Zhang Cheng was in a bit of a dilemma, Qianyun quickly said empathetically.

"That's right, I'll give you this Lingyun disk. In case of any danger, you can open it immediately, and you will be able to teleport to the first floor of the Void God Tower. You have entered it before, so I don't need to introduce it to you again." What's the matter?" Zhang Cheng directly handed the Lingyun dish to Gongyang Xinyue, and said.

"I know!" After Gongyang Xinyue accepted the Lingyun dish, she suddenly remembered something, and then asked: "By the way, Zhang Cheng, I remember that when I was on the third floor, I tried my best Tiger Power didn’t even exchange this thing, how did you exchange it?”

"Only those who have obtained the inheritance of the Wu Clan can exchange the Lingyun Disk, so naturally you can't come out." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Ah, you have obtained the inheritance of the Wu Clan!" Gongyang Xinyue's eyes widened.

Others may not know about the Wu Clan, but because she was not from this world before, she wanted to understand the world thoroughly since she was a child, so she read a lot of ancient books, so she knew about the Wu Clan. things.

You know, the Wu Clan was the only existence that could compete with the Xuanyuan Clan in ancient times, and its inheritance is naturally extremely precious.

In particular, "Nine Dragons Secret Art" is even more ancient and modern, but it has been lost at this moment.

But at this moment, my future man got such an adventure, got the inheritance of the ancient ancestral witch, what a great opportunity this is.

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng nodded, and then said: "Only you and I know about this matter, and you must not tell the fourth person, otherwise, I will be killed."

"Four people... Oh, I see." Ouyang Qianyun was startled for a moment, then remembered that there was Xiahou Wan'er, so she understood why Zhang Cheng said there were four people instead of three.

"Don't worry, we will never say anything about it." The importance of Gongyang Xinyue's Way of Nature, even if Zhang Cheng didn't say it, she wouldn't tell others.

"Well!" Zhang Cheng nodded, and he also believed that they would not tell anyone, otherwise he would not have told them both before.

"However, Zhang Cheng, you have obtained the inheritance of the witch clan, have you obtained the cultivation method of the Nine Dragons Secret Technique?" Gongyang Xinyue asked.

"I got it, but if you want to practice the Nine Dragons Secret Art, you need a Horcrux first..."

"Brother Zhang Cheng, there is a big family down here, and someone seems to be getting married." At this moment, Ouyang Qianyun interrupted Zhang Cheng's words with a loud shout.

"Huh?" Zhang Cheng looked down and found that there was indeed a big family among the mountains. "This should be the Xiahou family."

However, when he saw the red festoons here, he didn't feel uneasy.

"Xinyue, go down." Zhang Cheng said this to Gongyang Xinyue.

"Okay!" Gongyang Xinyue nodded, and then controlled the organist to land directly in front of the gate of Xiahou's family.

At this moment, the guard of the Xiahou family was stunned when they saw a group of people descending from the sky, and then stepped forward and asked respectfully: "Why do you dare to come to my Xiahou family for three immortal masters?"

Although Zhang Cheng, Gongyang Xinyue, and Ouyang Qianyun are not very old, they are considered to be of high status to be able to have such an organ person. They can serve as the guards of the Xiahou family, so they naturally have some knowledge, so their attitude is very respectful.

"This is the Xiahou family?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Yes, this is the Xiahou family." Nursing courtyard replied.

"Then let me ask, is Xiahou Wan'er the young lady of your family?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"May I ask what is your relationship with my lady?" The nurse was startled when he heard Zhang Cheng's words, and then hurriedly asked.

"I'm your lady's friend. I happened to pass by here and wanted to see her. Why, isn't she at home now?" Zhang Cheng saw them asking this, so he felt that Xiahou Wan'er might not be at home.

"Hey, little brother, I wish you had come here a little earlier. At this moment, the young lady is probably already married." The nurse immediately said with some regret when she heard that Zhang Cheng was Xiahou Wan'er's young lady.

"Married?" Zhang Cheng was stunned.

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