While the Wang family was making careful preparations, the Xiahou family was not idle. At this moment, Xiahou Haotian had already prepared for the worst, gathering some young people from the family together and preparing to send them off.tofu novel

Based on his understanding of the Wang family, they will definitely not let go of this opportunity to overthrow their Xiahou family, so this battle is inevitable.

After all, after this battle, the possibility of their Xiahou family being defeated is extremely high. At that time, if some bloodlines survive, then there is hope for revenge.

It's not that they give up on themselves, but that their family's current strength is really not comparable to that of the Wang family.

"Brother, the Wang family has come, and they demand that we release Wang Gang immediately, otherwise, they will refuse to hand over the Millennium Ice." Xiahou Haoyun walked over and said.

"Hmph, they didn't mean to hand over the millennium-year-old ice. Keeping this kid can make them fight against the mouse and give us more time to prepare." Xia Houhaotian paused, and then said: "Well, you go Tell the people of the Wang family, just say, if they don’t call out the thousand-year-old ice, we won’t let Wang Gang go.”

"Is it okay to put it this way, what if they become angry and want us to launch an attack immediately?" Xiahou Haoyun asked.

"No, I am very familiar with Wang Honglie's character, and he is too cautious in doing things. At this moment, he must be investigating Zhang Cheng's identity. It will take at least a day for them to attack. So, don't worry for now. .” Xiahou Haotian replied.

"Well, I'll go and answer them like this!" Xiahou Haoyun felt relieved after hearing Xiahou Haotian's words, and then said.

"Well, go, but remember not to conflict with them now, otherwise, the situation may change." Xia Houhaotian reminded.

"Don't worry, brother, I know in my heart that I won't conflict with them." After saying that, Xiahou Haoyun walked out.

After a while, the younger members of the Xiahou family had already gathered, more than 50 people, standing in the family's martial arts training ground.

"Xia Houchong, these children will be handed over to you. You must ensure their safety." Xiahou Haotian looked at the children and grandchildren below, with a firm look on his brows. ,

"Don't worry about the patriarch, unless I die, no one will touch them." Xia Houchong also knew that these people were the hope of his Xiahou family, so he naturally wanted to protect them with all his might.

"No, you are wrong to think that way." Xia Houhaotian shook his head, and continued: "You can't die, if you die, then none of them can live, so if you want to live, only you live, they have a chance live."

"This..." Xia Houchong was stunned for a moment, but then he understood what Xia Houhaotian meant, nodded quickly and said, "It's the Patriarch, I understand."

"Just understand, let's go." Xiahou Haotian waved his hand, motioning for them to leave.

"Yes!" Xia Houchong took a deep look at Xia Houhaotian, as if he was looking at him for the last time, so he wanted to keep Xiahou Haotian's appearance in his mind.

"Hey!" Looking at the departing descendants, Xiahou Haotian felt helpless, shook his head, and walked back into the hall.

At the same time, in Xiahou Wan'er's room, Zhang Cheng stood by the window, looking at the people of Xiahou's family who were busy below, especially when he saw Xiahou Haotian gathering all the children of his family and sending them out When I was there, there was a burst of funny in my heart for no reason.

"It seems that they really lack confidence in me!" Zhang Cheng exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" Gongyang Xinyue walked over, glanced out of the window, and immediately understood what Zhang Cheng meant, but she also asked with some doubts: "Zhang Cheng, are you sure that your current cultivation base can Did you defeat that Wang family?"

Although Gongyang Xinyue has known Zhang Cheng for a long time, she is not very clear about Zhang Cheng's current real strength.Therefore, I am not sure whether Zhang Cheng can beat the Wang family.

Although she still believed it in her heart, she still hoped that it would be more reassuring to ask.

"Wan'er, is there any master in the Yuanying period in the Wang family?" Zhang Cheng didn't rush to answer Xia Gongyang Xinyue's words, but turned his head to look at Xiahou Wan'er who had changed into a purple outfit and asked this question .

"No, the highest cultivation level of their family is their current Patriarch Wang Honglie, who, like my father, is a master in the mid-Gold Core Stage. If they had masters in the Nascent Soul Stage, then our Xiahou family would have been annexed by them long ago. Yes." Xia Hou Wan'er replied.

"Since there are no masters in the Nascent Soul stage, then there is no problem." Zhang Cheng said confidently.

Now his soul power is very strong, very strong, and has reached the level of a master in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, coupled with "Nine Dragon Thorn", even if it is a master in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he will not be afraid at all.

Although according to his cultivation base, it is very difficult to kill a master in the Nascent Soul stage in one fell swoop, but he can easily damage his soul, thus greatly weakening his combat effectiveness.

In this way, as long as he is given a few more golden core stage masters to cooperate with him, then he can kill a Nascent Soul stage master.

As for the masters under the Nascent Soul Stage, he can easily destroy them by himself.That is to say, although Zhang Cheng's cultivation base is only at the Jindan stage, his strength is comparable to that of a Nascent Soul stage master.

"Really?" Not only Xiahou Wan'er, but even Gongyang Xinyue didn't quite believe it.

"Of course it's true. Brother Zhang Cheng never tells lies. As long as he says something, he will be able to do it." Before Zhang Cheng could speak, Ouyang Qianyun stepped forward to help Zhang Cheng make such a move .

Ouyang Qianyun had great confidence in Zhang Cheng, and it could even be said that he had reached blind trust, so he would not doubt any word of Zhang Cheng.Don't talk about destroying the entire Wang family, even if it is a master who killed the Nascent Soul Stage, as long as Zhang Cheng said it, then she would believe it.

"Look, the two of you are far behind Qianyun in terms of trust in your husband. You should learn from her more in the future!" Zhang Cheng stroked Ouyang Qianyun's hair and said.

"Then what you said before is true?" Xiahou Wan'er still couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's true, do I have to lie to you?" Zhang Cheng said angrily.

"Then I'll go and tell my father so that he doesn't have to be so nervous." Having said that, Xia Hou Wan'er was about to leave the room to tell her father about it.

"You'd better not go, I'll tell you this, you don't believe me, think about their performance before, do you still think they will believe me?" Zhang Cheng stopped Xiahou Wan'er, and then said.

"This..." Xia Hou Wan'er was taken aback, then stopped.

Indeed, what Zhang Cheng said was right. She didn't believe it at all when he said it just now. If it wasn't because he was her future man, she probably wouldn't believe it now, let alone someone else.

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