Chapter 253 Strange Buddha Statue——

{I have to explain, I am doing hemorrhoid surgery, please don’t think about it.Otherwise, it's not that you can't sit for a long time.It is also because of this reason that my butt hurts when I sit down, and I don’t want to write, so I only finished writing one now. Chapter 2 is late at night, sorry. }

Zhang Cheng practiced for several hours, and his soul slowly recovered. However, the moment he opened his eyes, he saw three pairs of eyeballs the size of copper bells staring at him.

So, Zhang Cheng asked subconsciously: "What's the matter with you, why are you looking at me like this, it makes people feel a little embarrassed."

"Pfft——" Seeing Zhang Cheng pretending to be ashamed, the three girls couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and all burst into laughter. However, the immediate result was Zhang Cheng's face being sprayed with saliva, which made him very depressed .

"Come on, wipe your face." Xiahou Wan'er felt a little embarrassed, it was the first time she lost her composure like this, but her heart was very relaxed.

Moreover, Zhang Cheng no longer had the ruthlessness and decisiveness of killing people at this moment, and returned to the previous ease and humor, which made her feel relieved.

"What's wrong with the three of you, why are you looking at me with such strange eyes?" Zhang Cheng took the towel, wiped the drool on his face, and asked.

"Hey, tell me, what happened to that strange handprint you used earlier?" Gongyang Xinyue asked.

"Is this..." Zhang Cheng prolonged his voice on purpose, and seeing them slowly approaching, as if they were listening to the song first, he quickly said, "I won't tell you guys!"

"Damn it, you brat is so bold that you even dare to swipe me, you deserve a beating, don't you?" Gongyang Xinyue said with a small face when she realized that she was being tricked.

"Hehe, I was just kidding." After a pause, Zhang Cheng continued, "This is a set of handprints!"

"Nonsense, I'm not blind, can't I see if this is a handprint, please be serious!" Gongyang Xinyue said angrily.

"I'm very serious, I mean this is not an ordinary handprint..."

"It's still nonsense. If it's an ordinary handprint, can you still use it at this critical moment? Hurry up and get to the point." Gongyang Xinyue interrupted before Zhang Cheng finished speaking.

"I said Xinyue, can you listen to me? If you interrupt me for a while, why do you want me to talk about the main point?" Zhang Cheng said depressingly.

"Okay, I won't interrupt you anymore, just tell me." Gongyang Xinyue stuck out her tongue and said.

"En!" Zhang Cheng nodded, and then said: "This group of mudras is called the Tantric Mahamudra, and there are nine mudras in total, namely the Fudo Ming King Seal, the Great Vajra Wheel Seal, and the Outer Lion Seal..."

As Zhang Cheng spoke, he showed his handprints one by one. His intention was obvious, he just took this opportunity to pass this set of handprints on to them.

And Gongyang Xinyue and the others seemed to understand Zhang Cheng's thoughts, and they also started to study seriously.

Since the few of them are all in the foundation building stage, their memory is far beyond comparison, and they memorized the entire set of handprints in just one pass.

"Only these nine handprints?" Gongyang Xinyue tried it before, but this handprint had no effect at all, so she couldn't help asking.

"Yes, there are only nine fingerprints, but you should have noticed that fingerprints alone are useless. In other words, there is not much difference between fingerprints and nothing." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Then why are you teaching us this?" Gongyang Xinyue asked angrily.

"Don't worry, although this set of handprints is not very useful, it is the foundation!" Zhang Cheng replied.

"What does this mean?" Gongyang Xinyue was a little puzzled, but she seemed to want to understand something, and then asked, "Does it have any other ideas?"

"That's right, that's right!" Zhang Cheng nodded. At the same time, he felt that only Gongyang Xinyue, who came from the same world as her, could think of this.

"You've hit the point, but it's still a bit short!" Zhang Cheng paused and said again: "Actually, what it lacks is not a set of mental methods, but a Buddha statue to visualize, and the two must be combined You can only practice together, and it is impossible to learn one of them alone."

"Visualizing Buddha statues, what kind of logic is this?" Gongyang Xinyue asked in confusion.

"Don't worry about it so much. I will pass on the Buddha statue to you. As for whether you can practice, I don't know." Zhang Cheng is the first time to pass on the cultivation method of "Tantric Mahamudra", so he is a little uncertain Can other people also cultivate?

However, logically speaking, it should be possible. After all, when he first started practicing, he was just an ordinary person.

"Okay, then how do you pass it on, and draw it directly?" Gongyang Xinyue became more and more interested in Zhang Cheng's "Tantric Mahamudra".

"I would like to, but my drawing ability is not very good, and after I draw it, it's just a four-dimensional image. Therefore, I plan to give you the empowerment directly." Zhang Cheng replied.

"That's fine, your understanding is already very abstract, but after your abstract painting style, then I'm afraid we can't understand Ni Hua's work at all." Gongyang Xinyue joked.

"Okay, Xinyue, you come first." After speaking, Zhang Cheng waved to Gongyang Xinyue.

"Okay!" Gongyang Xinyue happily walked to Zhang Cheng's side, waiting for Zhang Cheng to give her initiation.

"Don't resist." Zhang Cheng stretched out his index finger, and gently tapped Gongyang Xinyue's eyebrows, and suddenly a delicate and cold feeling came from his fingertips, which made Zhang Cheng feel like he couldn't put it down.

"Now is not the time to enjoy it. Hurry up and pass on the Buddha statue to me, and then I will let you touch the head office." Gongyang Xinyue said angrily.

"Eh!" Zhang Cheng almost fell to the ground after hearing Gongyang Xinyue's words, and thought to himself, "This girl is too developed."

"Okay, hurry up, I can't wait." Gongyang Xinyue said anxiously.

"Hehe, okay, don't resist!" As he said, Zhang Cheng imprinted the image of the Buddha statue in his heart into Gongyang Xinyue's consciousness.

Zhang Cheng withdrew his finger and asked, "How, do you remember?"

Gongyang Xinyue didn't answer Zhang Cheng's words, but closed her eyes and thought about it carefully. After a while, she looked at Zhang Cheng in puzzlement and said, "Zhang Cheng, you lied, what kind of Buddha statue is there?" It's just a phantom."

"How is it possible? I clearly instilled the thoughts in my heart. How could I make a mistake?" Zhang Cheng was telling the truth. He really wanted to pass this set of exercises on to the three of them. Otherwise, he would have done nothing wrong. There is no need to tell them this.

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