Alien Madness

Chapter 26 9 Turning Soul Cauldron

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"Of course, otherwise, I wouldn't be so eager to accept you as an apprentice." Xiang Tian paused, and then said: "The increase in the number of revolutions of the Nine-Revolution Soul Cauldron is directly related to the strength of the soul. , whoever said that the stronger the soul, the easier it is to cultivate. Therefore, there are only two ways to speed up the speed of its revolution."

"One is to refine more alchemy. As I said before, the alchemy generated when the alchemy is formed can increase the level of the soul. Moreover, the higher the level of refining the alchemy, the more it can be improved. However, this method is too costly, although Pills can be sold, but medicinal materials are not available all the time, which limits the speed of improvement."

"Is the other one a method to increase the strength of the soul?" Zhang Cheng contacted all the previous things, so he couldn't help guessing.

"That's right, that's exactly the case. This is also the fundamental reason why I am so eager to accept you as my apprentice, because only you can practice this exercise to the extreme." Xiang Tian said.

"So that's it!" Now Zhang Cheng finally understood why Xiang Tian had acted so strangely before, and suddenly wanted to accept himself as an apprentice.

Zhang Cheng then asked: "Then I have another question, what is the function of this number of revolutions?"

"The higher the number of rotations, the higher the level of refining pills. At the same time, there are more factors that explain the vitality of pills. My current level has reached the third turn, the yellow soul cauldron, so refining pills There is only a [-]% chance of taking the medicine and making it alive, if I can break through to the fourth turn, it may reach [-]%, understand!" Xiang Tian replied.

"Understood." Zhang Cheng nodded, but he had some doubts in his heart, so he asked: "However, it doesn't mean that only those who have both the natural attributes of fire and wood can refine a living creature with vitality. Is it the elixir, can it be said that it can be done without these two innate attributes?"

"That's not true. If you want to refine the elixir with vitality, you must have the two natural attributes of fire and wood. Otherwise, even if you master the nine-turn soul cauldron, it will be useless." Xiang Tian replied.

"Then master, do you think I have the two natural attributes of fire and wood?" Zhang Cheng became nervous. Earlier, Dan Chenzi only said that he had the attribute of fire, but he didn't know if he had the attribute of wood.

"Why, didn't your previous master give you a test?" Xiang Tian was ungrounded. It stands to reason that the first condition for a cultivator to accept an apprentice is to test attributes, so he asked this question.

"No, because of some things, I haven't returned to the sect with him, so I haven't tested it. However, I know that I have a natural fire attribute in my body." Zhang Cheng replied.

"Oh, so that's the case, then I will tell you clearly that you also have wood attributes in your body, because I have fire and wood at the same time, so I can feel your situation, as for other natural attributes, I can't feel it. "Xiang Tian replied.

"Great!" Zhang Cheng heard from Dan Chenzi before that the most ideal system for practicing alchemy is to have both fire and wood innate attributes. At first, he was worried that he only had one of them, but now he is worried. Finally dismissed.

"There is a test spirit stone in this storage cut-off, you can test it, so that you can determine how you will practice in the future." Xiang Tian pointed to the ring without storage, and said.

"Is this ring really a storage ring?" Zhang Cheng was startled, and immediately brought the ring to him, and observed it carefully.

Because Xiang Tian did that thing before, he naturally thought that Xiang Tian said that the ring storage was to deceive him, and now he heard him say that, and immediately knew that this is really a storage ring .

You know, after he learned about the function of the storage ring when he was reading novels, whenever the night was quiet, he fantasized that he could get such a storage ring. It's much more convenient when it comes to things.

Who would have thought that within a few years after coming to this world, I would get one. Although I couldn't take it back to the earth, I was a little excited.

"Of course, didn't I tell you before, and this ring has recognized you as the master before, and you can use it directly." Xiang Tian replied.

"Then how to use this thing?" Zhang Lima put the ring on his hand, as if afraid of being snatched away.

"It's very simple, you just need to think about entering the ring." Xiang Tian replied.

"Oh!" As he said, Zhang Cheng followed Xiang Tian's reminder and began to wear the ring, and then thought of entering it. Suddenly, the scene in front of him changed, and a space of about 100 cubic meters appeared before his eyes.

Moreover, the space of more than 100 cubic meters was divided into several areas, one of which contained various pill bottles, and there were many pills inside.

In another area, there are all kinds of weapons, including knives, guns, swords, etc. There are basically [-] types of weapons, and there are quite a few of them, and some of them exude a powerful atmosphere.

"This should be a magic weapon!" Zhang Cheng muttered to himself, then bypassed the weapons and looked at other areas.

There is another area where some small flags are placed. Zhang Cheng remembers that this chess piece is very similar to the few chess pieces that Dan Chenzi sacrificed when he was treating him before.

Then, there are some strange-shaped things, and it is impossible to see their function at first glance.

Then, he searched for a long time, but he couldn't find what Dan Chenzi called the spirit-testing stone, so he withdrew and asked, "Master, where does the spirit-testing stone look like, why didn't I see it?"

"The spirit measuring stone is in the last sundry area, that's the one that's the same as the crystal ball." Xiang Tian replied.

"Oh!" Zhang Cheng responded, and entered the storage ring again, found out the spirit-testing stone, and asked, "Is it this thing?"

"Yes, hold it with both hands, and then don't think about anything!" Xiang Tian reminded.

"Okay!" Zhang Cheng responded, and then put the crystal ball between his hands, calmly, without thinking about anything, looking at the crystal ball, waiting quietly.

After a while, Zhang Cheng suddenly felt a warm force seep out of the crystal ball, penetrated into his hands, and then swam around in his body before returning to his body again. Into the crystal ball.

Immediately, the crystal ball turned into a strange red light, and after the red light was a ball of green light.

"Fire and wood, it seems that I am really a natural material for alchemy." Seeing this, Zhang Cheng smiled happily.

But his smile hadn't disappeared yet, another ray of light flashed suddenly, and when he looked closely, he found that the crystal ball was lit up with a yellow-brown light again.

"It seems that you not only have two natural attributes of fire and wood, but also an attribute of earth, which is great!" Xiang Tian said, his eyes lit up when he saw this.

"I have three natural attributes, how is this possible!" Zhang Cheng looked at the spirit measuring stone in his hand in disbelief, and said involuntarily.

You know, Dan Chenzi told him before that most people have either one or two types of innate attributes. It can be said that there is no other possibility. Small, such a person exists only in legends.

But at this moment, I have three natural attributes. Could it be that I am the person who only exists in this so-called legend?

"How is it impossible? Although it is impossible for people with four attributes to appear at the same time due to the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements, there are still people with three attributes, such as you, fire, wood, and earth. Mutual growth, wood makes fire, fire makes earth, each other does not affect each other, but can promote each other. It can be said that it is a once-in-a-lifetime cultivation system. In addition, you have a soul cultivation method. It is really a collection of thousands of pets. I am a little envious of you Yes. But fortunately, you are my apprentice, otherwise, I would definitely not be able to resist taking your body as my own." Xiang Tian said excitedly.

"I didn't expect it either!" Zhang Cheng was also very excited. After all, he didn't expect that the body he didn't want once had such good aptitude.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and then asked: "Does the person who possesses the attributes of the five elements at the same time exist?"

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