The refining of soul pills is very new to Zhang Cheng. It can be said that he has no contact with him before, and there are no alchemy tycoons like Dan Chenzi and Xiang Tian to teach him, because they are only good at soul pills. layman.

However, he didn't feel anything wrong because of this, instead he felt a little excited, as if he had found something fun.

Zhang Cheng took a deep breath, calmed down, and threw the soul orb directly into the cauldron of the Horcrux.

Then a ray of pill fire burst out from between Zhang Cheng's hands, and directly penetrated into the cauldron of the Horcrux. After that, the soul orb immediately shattered and turned into a leopard in the state of soul.

This soul orb was made from the soul of a leopard after Zhang Cheng killed it. At this moment, the binding effect of the soul orb disappeared, and its soul was released.

However, he didn't seem to realize that he was dead. When he felt the scorching flames around him, he seemed to have sensed the crisis and stepped back subconsciously.

But behind him was a hard Horcrux wall, which directly blocked its path. Suddenly, he found an exit beside him, so he rushed towards the entrance as if he had tied a life-saving straw.

But will Zhang Cheng let it succeed? The answer is no.

Holding his hands in front of his chest, he made a few handprints at random, imprisoning the leopard's figure, and then casually threw the medicinal materials prepared in advance into the cauldron of the Horcrux, and made a few more handprints, and soon Zhang Cheng entered the alchemy The first stage of making a Horcrux, sacrificial to the soul.

Of course, with Zhang Cheng's soul strength, facing the soul of this animal, which is slightly stronger than ordinary beasts, he can easily erase the consciousness and soul without using medicinal materials.

But this time was his first time refining soul pills, and he wanted to get familiar with the whole alchemy process, so he didn't choose this method, but proceeded step by step, following the steps in his memory.

Instead, you have to eat bite by bite. If you haven't learned to walk, it's like learning to run. If you don't fall, you will fall.

After finishing all this, Zhang Cheng focused on two things in order to continue to imprison the leopard's soul. On the one hand, he used pill fire to refine the medicinal materials.

Perhaps the leopard's soul level was too low. After this medicine was injected, it seemed like he had been anesthetized, and he calmed down instantly. At the same time, Zhang Cheng withdrew the power that imprisoned his cultivation, and then released his soul power to press directly on the leopard. .

Under the oppression of his abnormally huge soul power, the leopard's consciousness was crushed in an instant, and then, this group of power seemed to become a group of non-attribute soul power, from a leopard shape to a circle spherical.

"No, it's so easy?" Zhang Cheng also couldn't believe it. After all, he was ready to fail before, but now he succeeded so easily, which was beyond his expectation.

However, after thinking about it, he thought of the key point, because his soul strength is much higher than that of ordinary people, and the level of the leopard he caught is too low, there will be no resistance in front of him, so it is so simple success.

If the level of the captured beast was higher and reached the panacea stage, then with Zhang Cheng's strength, it would not be so easy to erase its soul.

"I don't know how effective this soul pill is." Zhang Cheng made a set of handprints, directly shrinking the leopard's soul into a gray pill the size of a little finger.

The refining process of soul pills is also very different from ordinary pills. For example, the most important process in the refining process of soul pills is the second step of destroying the soul, because in this step, the alchemist will face beasts. Hun was on the verge of death and took the blow of the Jedi, and everything was fine. If he couldn't take it, the aftermath would be unimaginable.

Moreover, once this step is completed, there is basically no problem of too much fighting in the third step of Cheng Dan.

This elixir is different from ordinary elixir, this elixir has no smell at all, even if you bring it up to your nose, you can't smell it, it is completely incomparable with the ordinary elixir of Qianli Piaoxiang.

Moreover, there is another difference between soul pills and ordinary pills, that is, the effect of soul pills is very single, unlike ordinary pills, there are some that can restore true essence, some that can improve cultivation, and some that can detoxify and fake death, etc. Wait for many kinds.

The soul pill has only one effect, which is to increase the strength of the soul, restore and increase the reserve of soul power, no matter what level the soul pill is, there is only one possibility.

Of course, it may also be because the ancient witches are all soul bodies, without the burden of the body, naturally there would not be so many things.

Moreover, this pill is very light, almost weightless, Zhang Cheng tried to throw it up, and found that after the soul pill floated into the air, it was suspended there, and there was no intention of falling, which made him very upset surprise.

Using "Jiulongyin" to slim down the soul pill, and then took it directly, he immediately felt a pure soul power released from the pill and merged into his soul.

Although the improvement of the soul is not large, not even as much as the "Tantric Mahamudra" practice for a while, but this is only the most common elixir. Compared with the soul pill, the effect will be even crazier.

However, this thing is beyond his reach, so he doesn't dare to think about it yet.After all, even if he has a beast soul, he has no ability to refine it.

Then, he trained the remaining beast souls into soul pills.

Although these soul pills don't have much effect on Zhang Chenglai's hands, they have a great improvement effect on Ouyang Qianyun and the others. Although eating too much will affect the purity of the soul, it's okay to eat less, just like the sea. , can purify sewage.

Therefore, in order to increase their soul strength, he then hunted down a few beasts in the back mountain of Dao Dan Dao Sect, obtained their beast souls, and refined them all into soul pills.

In a few days, he filled a big bottle full of pills that he refined, more than 100 pieces. It can be said that he has almost given all the slightly spiritual spirit beasts in the back mountain of Dan Dao Sect these few days. killed.

Daoist Danqing found out about this later, and he almost lost his breath in anger. Of course, this is a story for later.

At this moment, 27 or [-] days have passed since Zhang Cheng entered the alchemy room, and he was still a few days away from the month he had set before. However, he didn't want to stay here any longer, so he came out early.

As soon as he went out, he saw Wu Di, that is, Danqing Daoist's big apprentice, coming out of the pawn room next to him, walking quickly, as if he had something urgent to do.

Although Zhang Cheng hadn't had contact with Wu Di a few times, he gave himself the feeling that he was a very calm person, and he was so panicked at the moment, something must have happened.

So, out of curiosity, Zhang Cheng stopped him and asked, "Brother, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Junior brother, it's you!" Wu Di was thinking seriously just now, so he didn't notice Zhang Cheng. When he heard someone calling him, he didn't realize that it was Zhang Cheng calling him. When he saw Zhang Cheng's I only recognized him when I saw him.

"Isn't it me? By the way, brother, what are you doing here?" Zhang Cheng asked angrily.

"People from the Dragon God clan are here. They are discussing with my master and uncle in the Alchemy Hall at the moment. My master and his old man sent me a voice transmission to let me go over." Wu Di saw that Zhang Cheng was not an outsider, and Fu Longmu He also brought it back, so he didn't hide the matter.

"When will they come?" Zhang Cheng was a little puzzled. He had made it very clear before that if the Dragon God Clan wanted to get back the Fulongmu, they had to come to Dan Dao Sect within a month.

And according to his guess about the Dragon God clan, they will definitely come as soon as possible, after all Fulongmu seems to be very important to them.

However, what Wu Di said meant that the people from the Dragon God Clan seemed to have just arrived.

"I just arrived today, but someone came to inform me that their patriarch is in retreat, and I will leave today and come here in person!" Wu Di replied.

"Ah, is the patriarch of the Dragon God Clan here in person?" Zhang Changchang asked with a bit of disbelief, his mouth wide open.

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