In the past few days, Zhang Cheng has been crazy with the three girls. In the past few days, he has visited the streets and alleys of the entire Tianlong Empire, eating all the delicious food, and playing all the fun things. After reading it again, I bought all the good-looking things.

Perhaps they knew that Zhang Cheng was about to leave. Although they felt a little bit reluctant, none of them showed it. They all acted as indifferent adoptive children, but Zhang Cheng could feel that their hearts were not what they could see from the outside. so peaceful.

At midnight, Zhang Cheng jumped out of the window alone, sat on the roof and looked at the bright moonlight in the sky, feeling a little hard to calm down for a while.

He found that the longer he spent with Gong Yang Xinyue and them, the less he wanted to be separated from them. He always thought of seeing them everywhere and hearing their laughter and laughter.

However, he is very clear that with his current strength, let alone going to the Endless Sea, even in this Heavenly Dragon Empire, he can't guarantee their safety. Nascent Soul Stage Out of Body Stage, Distraction Stage, Fusion Stage, Tribulation Crossing Stage, etc., are even more terrifying existences.

Although his real strength can compete with the masters of the Nascent Soul Stage, but after facing the masters of the Nascent Soul Stage, he may not be able to kill them, not to mention that there are even more terrifying existences in the world.

Suddenly, his thirst for power reached its peak, because he obtained absolute power afterwards, so that he would not be afraid of anyone or anything, and could create a safe living environment for his woman, his relatives and his friends.

After having this idea, Zhang Cheng's heart became extremely firm. He felt the women who were still pretending to be asleep, gritted his teeth, released the flying sword, and then disappeared into the sky in a stream of light.

The moment Zhang Cheng left, the three girls in the room opened their eyes at the same time. The corners of Ouyang Qianyun's eyes were already wet. She ran to the window and looked at the direction where Zhang Cheng disappeared. Unable to hold back, he fell down.

Xiahou Wan'er was feeling a little disappointed, at this moment, she felt as if her husband was sent to the border to fight on the wedding night.

Gongyang Xinyue's heart was a little heavy, but she was the oldest of the three girls in terms of mental age, so she took advantage of her age, took Xiahou Wan'er's hand, and came to the window, holding Ouyang Qian Clouds are in the middle.

Sensing Gongyang Xinyue's arrival, Ouyang Qianyun threw herself into her arms as if she had found a vent, and burst into tears.

Seeing this, Xiahou Wan'er and Gongyang Xinyue's noses were also a little acidic, but under such circumstances, she knew very well that she couldn't cry, otherwise, it would be out of control.


After Zhang Cheng left the Tianlong Empire, he went all the way east. After these few days of adjustments, he has been slowly liberated from the pain of parting before. The jade talisman was summoned, but he took it back without saying anything.

Because, at this moment, he really didn't know what to say to them.

A few days later, Zhang Cheng sat on the flying sword and had been flying for more than ten days. Judging by the speed of the flying sword, he had traveled millions of kilometers in the past ten days, but the road ahead was still endless. The mainland, the coastline is still not reached.

"How big is this continent?" Zhang Cheng secretly sighed in his heart. You must know that the location of the Tianlong Empire is still very close to the endless sea in the whole continent, but that's how it is, after walking millions of kilometers, it still hasn't reached the sea.

Now he finally understands why it is impossible for ordinary people to know about the Endless Sea, because there are no planes or other high-tech means of transportation here, and everything is the most primitive tools, such as horse-drawn carts, ox carts, etc.

However, this thing seems to be very fast, but if it wants to travel millions of kilometers, it may take several years to travel with hundreds of horses halfway.

For such a long time, unless it is a person who seems to be a pain, they go back and walk aimlessly in one direction, so it is impossible for them to know that there is such an existence as the endless sea, except of course, except for the people on the beach.

After more than ten days, with a distance of several million kilometers, Zhang Cheng suddenly felt a stench in the air.

After smelling this smell, Zhang Cheng's eyes lit up suddenly. He knew that he was not far from the Endless Sea.

"Damn it, it's a good thing I asked my master for a flying sword before I came here, otherwise, I'm afraid I'd run to my death on the road." Zhang Cheng sighed dryly in his heart, and then saw a majestic monument thousands of miles away. The city, behind the city is a blue light curtain.

Zhang Cheng knew that this should be the Endless Sea.

The distance of thousands of miles is not a problem for Feijian at all, and he crossed it in the blink of an eye. However, Zhang Cheng did not stay near the city, but directly flew around the city and flew towards the endless sea.

Because he had never really seen the ocean, whether on Earth or in this world, so at this moment he seemed a little excited, so he came directly to the side of the endless ocean.

However, he discovered that the sea in this world is completely different from the sea on the earth. Although the sea on the earth is wide, what one feels when standing by the sea is tranquility. Of course, this is when there is no typhoon.

But in this place, although the sea surface is as calm as the sea on the earth, it gives people a strong sense of oppression, as if this calmness is just a disguise, and there are fierce waves surging beneath it. torrent.

"Ang—" At this moment, a voice similar to a dragon's chant came from the front, and the voice was accompanied by a strong sense of oppression. Zhang Cheng, who was pressing directly, took several steps back before stopping.

Looking at the sound, there is no sign of any sea animal in front of him, that is to say, the owner of the sound is really far, far, far away. However, such a long distance can still hold him back several steps. Yu Wei, what does this show.

Originally, Zhang Cheng didn't quite believe what Gu Ye and Chu Yan told him, but now he believed it.

"Little brother, go back quickly, this side will soon be submerged by huge waves." At this moment, an old man with a Kuanglou on his back came over, picking up shells on the ground while walking, and beside him was a An eleven or twelve-year-old girl looks very sweet.

"Grandpa, was that the cry of a shark just now?" the little girl looked up at the old man with her innocent face and asked.

"You're so smart, that's exactly the cry of a shark!" The old man looked down at the girl with a smile on his face and said appreciatively.

"Grandpa, has the shark made such a roar, and the waves are coming?" The girl seemed to be seeing such a scene for the first time, so she asked curiously.

"Yes, the shark makes such a sound that it is fighting the enemy, and judging from the loudness of the sound, it should be tens of thousands of kilometers away. Such a short distance, the aftermath of their battle will affect this sea area, so, Soon this place will be submerged by huge waves," the old man replied.

"No." Hearing this, Zhang Cheng was shocked. The distance of tens of thousands of miles, in his knowledge, even a whale might not be able to cause huge waves tens of thousands of miles away.

"Little brother, don't you believe it, my grandfather has been here for decades, he said yes, then it must be. So, you still go with us, don't be hit by the waves into the sea, at that time, in It will be difficult to come up." The little girl persuaded.

"That's right, young man, there's no need to make fun of your own life. With your cultivation base, if you fall into the sea, there's really no possibility of getting up." The old man agreed with the little girl's words.

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