After Liu Qing left, Zhang Cheng frowned, thinking about what Shangguan Hongyan asked him to do, and suddenly he remembered her previous promise to help him by himself, so he guessed: "She told me to go, no I want to fulfill the previous promise!"

After a pause, the more Zhang Cheng thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, and he couldn't help feeling distressed. Although such a beautiful girl was willing to dedicate herself to herself, and it was the first time for her, it was impossible for him not to be moved. That said, he is also a man, a man who has matured both in heart and body.

However, he is not a villain who takes advantage of others.

Moreover, he promised Shangguan Hongyan to help him, but he just felt that she was a little pitiful and had no other thoughts. Moreover, he never thought of getting any benefits from Shangguan Hongyan in his consciousness, let alone saying that she was the worst. Precious things now.

However, Zhang Cheng also knows that this matter must have a result, otherwise, if he feels comfortable, Shangguan Hongyan may feel uncomfortable. Everyone is embarrassed.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and closed the door, and then walked towards the place where Shangguan Hongyan lived.

Inside Shangguan Hongyan's room.

At this moment, Shangguan Hongyan was walking out of the bathtub, the skin on her body was hot pink from the hot water, really like a big apple, one couldn't help but want to take a bite.

After wiping off the water on her body, she put on a layer of gauze that was as thin as a cicada's wings, and then went to the door and opened the door latch. Then, she walked lightly back to the bedroom, lying half-lying on the bed. On the bed, it seems to be waiting for something.

Thinking of what was about to happen, Shangguan Hongyan's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a bit, and at the same time, a blush appeared on her face, which was really pretty.

In fact, at this moment, she is also very contradictory in her heart. Anyway, she is also an innocent girl, and she is more or less afraid of such things. Moreover, the atmosphere of this society is like this, very feudal, so that It is more difficult for a young girl to do such a thing than to kill her.

However, there was one condition she offered before, so no matter what happens in the future, she must do this this time, otherwise, she really doesn't know how to face Zhang Cheng.

However, she couldn't even figure it out for herself, besides nervousness and fear, she actually had the slightest expectation for what was about to happen, so she couldn't figure it out, how could she have such an idea.

"Could it be that I fell in love with him?" Shangguan Hongyan guessed in her heart, and as soon as she had this idea, she shook her head and rejected it: "It's impossible, I hated him very much before, even if I don't hate him now, it's impossible I like it, after all, I only met him a few times, and what happened in those few times was not very pleasant."

But after a while, her little mouth pouted again, and she said to herself: "Even if I really like him, I'm afraid he can't like me... It's better not to think about it, and wait until today We are still the same as before, no one knows anyone better."

"Dong dong dong..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then Zhang Cheng's voice came in: "Miss Shangguan, are you inside?"

"He's here, why so fast!" Originally, Shangguan Hongyan felt that she was already mentally prepared, but when Zhang Chengzhen came, her heart was beating very hard, as if it was about to jump out of her chest generally.

"Miss Shangguan? Are you in there?" After waiting for a while, there was no movement in Zhang Chengjian's room, so he asked again.

"What to do, what to do..." Slowly, Shangguan Hongyan became a little panicked. The words that she had thought up before were completely forgotten at this moment, and her mind was even blank. She didn't know whether she should answer Zhang Cheng's words or not. let him in.

"Hey, the door isn't locked." At this moment, Zhang Cheng's words came in again, and then Shangguan Hongyan heard the sound of the door opening.

However, in this way, Shangguan Hongyan calmed down on the contrary, with an aura of calmness in the face of danger.

"I... I'm in the bedroom!" Shangguan Hongyan sorted out her excitement, then called out, and then pulled the life next to her over to cover her key parts, so that she could feel I felt a little more relaxed.

"Oh." Zhang Cheng responded without thinking too much, and walked directly into me. After all, women in this world are very conservative. He never thought that there would be people like this in this world besides Gongyang Xinyue." open".

However, when he entered the bedroom and saw Shangguan Hongyan sitting on the bed in a gauze dress as thin as onion's wings, he was completely stunned.

It's not because he was attracted by Shangguan Hongyan's figure. After all, when he was on earth, he had more or less been exposed to some island country love action movies. Yes, they are much more revealing than she is at the moment.

The reason why he was so surprised was because of Shangguan Hongyan's boldness, he had never heard of a woman in this world daring to wear so little in front of a man.

Sensing Zhang Cheng's gaze, Shangguan Hongyan blushed, and then lowered her head, not daring to look at Zhang Cheng. However, seeing Zhang Cheng looking at her like this, although she was a little shy, she felt something in her heart. A feeling of joy.

"I said, you don't have to worry about catching a cold if you wear so little. Put on your clothes quickly. I'll wait for you outside." Zhang Cheng looked away, and then walked out of the room after saying this. He was afraid that he would stay inside for a while. I can't hold it.

When had he ever seen such bloody scenes? Although he had studied a lot of love action movies on a certain island country, they were completely incomparable with real people.

In addition, he is an innocent little virgin, and his resistance to this aspect is relatively... No, that is quite weak. If he can't control himself and does something worse than a beast, it will not be too good. Although this was voluntary, taking advantage of others' dangers was not his style, not to mention that he had no intention of doing anything to her.


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