"My uncle told you?" As soon as this idea came up, Shangguan Hongyan wanted to vote it down: "No, no, he is very insidious, and it is impossible for him to slap himself in the mouth, so how do you know?" of?"

"If I guessed it, do you believe it?" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile.

"I believe it." Shangguan Hongyan nodded seriously.

"Hehe, this is indeed my guess. I somewhat understand why your uncle wanted you to marry that Xue Long, but what I don't understand is why you didn't refuse, and also, didn't your mother stop him? Or Say, she also agrees with this matter!" Zhang Cheng asked the question in his heart.

"I can't refuse. He used my mother to threaten me, so I can only do what he wants." Shangguan Hongyan said such a sentence that Zhang Cheng didn't expect.

"Your uncle threatened you with your mother. Aren't they brothers and sisters?" Zhang Cheng thought of many possibilities, but he didn't expect such a result. His own brother used his sister to threaten him for the benefit of the family. Niece, this matter sounds ridiculous, but it actually happened.

"Brothers and sisters?" Shangguan Hongyan sneered, and then said: "My mother regards him as a brother, but he doesn't regard my mother as a younger sister. In his eyes, only his family can be sacrificed, and the younger sister is considered a What!"

"There are people like this!" Zhang Cheng was completely speechless to this Wang Yun. He had seen a ruthless one before, but he had never seen such a ruthless one. Such a person, why did you bring you here?"

"My mother is different from him. She has been away from home for so many years. He wanted to come back to see his family, but after returning, she was put under house arrest by her brother..." At this point, Shangguan Hongyan couldn't continue. The corners of the eyes are already moist.

"Then your mother should be the saddest person." Zhang Cheng sighed, and then said: "I still don't know one thing, since your uncle used your mother to threaten you to marry Xue Long, why did you ask me to help you?" You, aren't you afraid that your uncle will poison your mother?"

"This is what my mother asked me to do. She didn't want to see me unhappy. Moreover, at that time, it was a done deal. Even if my uncle got angry again, he wouldn't make things difficult for my mother. So, I asked you to help me. "Shangguan Hongyan replied truthfully.

"So that's it." Only then did Zhang Cheng figure out the cause and effect of this matter, and then said: "Don't worry, I will find a way to help you with this matter."

"Thank you, Zhang Cheng!" Shangguan Hongyan felt relieved when she heard Zhang Cheng say this. At the same time, she had a feeling that as long as Zhang Cheng was around, there was nothing he couldn't do.

"You're welcome, how should I say, I'm also your husband here in Hailong City, so I should help you." Zhang Cheng smiled and said.

"En!" Shangguan Hongyan nodded, but when she heard "I am also your husband in Haolong City", her eyes showed a hint of disappointment, and she thought to herself: "If you are in other places It would be great if it's also my husband."

However, she also knew very well that this might not be possible.

"Okay, smile, don't always be frowning, such a beautiful face is always frowning, it's a waste." Zhang Cheng didn't know what Shangguan Hongyan was thinking at the moment, otherwise, he wouldn't have said that .

"Yeah!" Shangguan Hongyan nodded, with a small smile on her face.

"Look, you look good when you smile, and you are frowning all day long, you are a little witch." Zhang Cheng admired sincerely, Shangguan Hongyan at this moment is really beautiful.

"What is a witch?" Shangguan Hongyan asked in confusion.

"You can be understood as an old woman." Zhang Cheng thought for a long time, but really didn't know how to describe the witch, so he used an old woman instead.

"You are an old woman..." Shangguan Hongyan suddenly thought that Zhang Cheng was not a woman, so she shook her head and said, "No, you are not an old woman, but an old man."

"Hehe, you are an old woman and I am an old man. We are quite a match." Zhang Cheng laughed.

Shangguan Hongyan blushed when she heard this, and didn't say anything. Seeing Shangguan Hongyan like this, Zhang Cheng also realized that his joke was a bit too much, and smiled awkwardly: "You ask your mother to prepare , Tomorrow at most the day after tomorrow, I will go to the City Lord's Mansion with me to live for two days."

"So fast?" Shangguan Hongyan asked in surprise, her eyes widened.

"Quick?" Zhang Cheng didn't expect Shangguan Hongyan to say such a sentence, and asked a little depressed: "Why, do you still want to live here?"

"But my uncle..."

"Hey, let me take care of your uncle's affairs, you just have to talk to your mother about it, don't let anything happen again!" Zhang Cheng interrupted Shangguan Hongyan.

"Oh, I see." Shangguan Hongyan nodded, for some reason, she just believed that Zhang Cheng could handle it well, so she let go of the last stone in her heart.


At night, Sea Dragon City is close to the coast, and the sound of waves beating against the coast can be heard from a distance. Everything is so calm and beautiful.

However, under the calm appearance, there is an invisible and intangible crisis hidden.

In the distance, a thing like a hill slowly surfaced from the deep sea, and then was brought to the shore by the waves. Under the moonlight, it could be seen faintly that it was a fish.

At this moment, a figure jumped out of Hailong City and came directly to the side of the fish. When he saw the face of the fish clearly, he was startled.

This person is none other than Liu Jing, the number one expert in Sea Dragon City. The reason why he is so shocked at this moment is because of this fish at this moment, because it is not an ordinary fish, but a tyrant tiger shark in the nearby sea area.

This tiger shark that used to gallop across the sea was killed by its own kind at this moment, and Liu Jing discovered that this tiger shark was killed by a single blow from a more powerful sea beast.

It can be seen from this that the sea beast that killed the tiger shark is definitely several levels higher than the tiger shark, otherwise, it would be impossible to kill the tiger shark so easily.

And the tiger shark is a sea general-level monster. Sea beasts higher than it are sea masters and even sea king-level sea beasts. However, it is impossible for masters of this level to appear near the coast, and most of them exist. In the deep sea, generally it will not come to the shallow sea.

This is like rich people who generally don't know how to shop in some small shops.

"What's going on?" Liu Jing frowned, a sense of crisis arose from the depths of his heart, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Shaking his head, Liu Jing put the tiger shark's body into his storage ring. Although the tiger shark is dead and the animal pills in his body have been taken out, its body itself is an extremely precious material, so he cannot wasted.

Then, he returned to Sea Dragon City.

In the blink of an eye, the next day, the atmosphere in the entire Sea Dragon City was a bit different from usual. In the past, at this time, the entire Sea Dragon City was quite lively, because almost every day at this time, ships from various continents would arrive, bringing in a lot of Specialties from other continents.

But today, there were no ships arriving at the major ports near Sea Dragon City, and news came from some other cities that they did not find any ships arriving, which made them a little confused about the situation.

The nearest port outside Sea Dragon City was full of people. One of them was a middle-aged man standing in front of the crowd, dressed in gorgeous clothes and standing on his back, like the monarch of a country, with extraordinary momentum.

"City Master, what's the matter? It stands to reason that the ship from Xuanchi Continent should have arrived two hours ago. Moreover, in the past, even if there was trouble on the way, it would be half an hour late at most, but now it is two hours late. Time, I'm afraid..."

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