{The update is late today due to Xiaolong's personal issues, sorry. }

"Don't ask anything, let's go!" Zhang Cheng didn't wait for Shangguan Hongyan to finish speaking, and then directly performed "Nine Dragon Dance" to come to Shangguan Hongyan's side, grabbed the two of them and rushed towards Hailong City at high speed.

He knew very well that although the cultivation level of the person who assassinated him was not high, his concealment methods were much better than others. Moreover, since he made the move, he probably wouldn't let it go.

Moreover, they are in the light at the moment, they are in the dark, and there are Shangguan Hongyan and Liu Qing bound, so he can only choose to run away at the moment, otherwise, he will suffer a big loss.

"Hoo--" Sure enough, they had just run a few hundred meters when Zhang Chengyou heard a sound of breaking through the air behind him.

Zhang Cheng heard the direction of the flying knife this time, and kicked a stone directly towards the flying knife, only to hear a crisp "ding" sound behind them, and the flying knife was immediately changed direction by the impact, flying On top of a rock next to Leping.

"Shoot" "Shoot"...

The killer hiding in the dark saw that Zhang Cheng and the others escaped unharmed again, and then practiced to activate several throwing knives, and these three throwing knives shot towards the three of them respectively.

"It's really hard to deal with!" At this moment, Zhang Cheng was focusing on two things at the moment. While looking for a cover to block the attack of the flying knife and block the attacker's sight, he released his soul power and looked towards the direction of the flying knife. He wanted to find out who was attacking and killing them.

"It's strange." Zhang Cheng found that there was still no one within a few hundred meters behind him, which made him puzzled.

Judging from the strength and speed of this flying knife, the cultivation level of the person using the flying knife should not exceed the middle stage of the golden core, but how could the person in the middle stage of the golden core hide so deeply that Zhang Cheng did useless work twice.

However, the opponent didn't seem to give Zhang Cheng time to figure it out, and another throwing knife shot from their right side, making Zhang Cheng's heart skip a beat.

However, to Zhang Cheng's relief, there was a reef not far ahead, which was so big that he could just use it as a cover.

Then, without thinking about it, he quickened his pace and hid behind the reef, and then put a layer of restraint on the reef to prevent the opponent from piercing the reef with a throwing knife and causing damage to them.

"Shut up all of you, and leave the rest to me." As he said that, Zhang Cheng released all his huge soul power, centered on him, and searched around like a thunderbolt.

He still couldn't believe it, he couldn't find the killer hidden in the dark after such a carpet-like search.

"Hoo!" There was another sound of piercing through the air, and a flying knife appeared in Zhang Cheng's perception. Zhang Cheng's eyes lit up and immediately concentrated the power of his soul, and swept in the direction of the flying knife.

Suddenly, the power of his soul captured a figure.

He could only vaguely see a black figure of this figure, because the other party immediately turned around after releasing the throwing knife, and the speed was no less than his current "Nine Dragon Dance".

As for this person's aura, Zhang Cheng felt a little bit, but he didn't have any relevant information about this person in his memory. At this moment, he frowned, thinking in his heart: "Who is this?"

Then, Zhang Cheng slapped the reef with his palm, directly dug a big hole out of it, and then directly pushed Shangguan Hongyan and Liu Qing into the cave, while he himself stood at the cave entrance, mainly observing the front of the cave entrance.

At the same time, "Nine Dragon Thorn" is also always ready, as soon as he finds this person, he will use the Nine Dragon Thorn to deal with him, and see if he is still captured.

"Zhang Cheng, what's going on here?" Shangguan Hongyan didn't understand what happened until now because the incident happened too suddenly and his soul perception hadn't reached the corresponding level.

"We're being targeted!" Zhang Cheng didn't turn his head when he spoke, and was still looking at the direction of making money at the entrance of the cave.

"Being targeted?" Shangguan Hongyan was shocked, and immediately understood Zhang Cheng's meaning, and her expression became a little nervous. As the daughter of the head of the Shangguan family in the Tianlong Empire, although it was not the first time she had encountered such a thing However, in the past, there were guards by her side to protect her.

So, she was a little scared at the moment.

"Don't worry, with me here, I will bring you back to Hailong City safely. As long as he enters Hailong City, he will have nothing to do." No matter how stupid Zhang Cheng is, he can tell that Shangguan Hongyan is a little scared. So he stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and at the same time said such a word to comfort her.

"En!" Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Shangguan Hongyan suddenly seemed to have courage, and she was not afraid at all. His words were more effective than soothing soup.

After about 5 minutes, Zhang Cheng found that the killer hiding in the dark and attacking him seemed to have disappeared.

"Strange, why is there no movement?" Zhang Cheng frowned, then dispersed the power of the soul again and spread it around.

However, there was no one within the four kilometers.

"What's wrong?" Shangguan Hongyan asked.

"That person disappeared." Zhang Cheng was still spreading his soul outward. When he reached 500 meters, his perception reached the limit, but there was still no human figure within this range.

"That person left?" Shangguan Hongyan continued to ask.

"I don't know either!" Zhang Cheng was not very sure at the moment, so he planned to wait, and if there was no danger, he would take them out of here.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt the ground tremble, and then his heart jumped, "No, this guy attacked from the ground."

Zhang Cheng was only looking at the surroundings before, but he ignored the place under his feet. In a panic, he punched out, directly shattering the reef, and then threw Shangguan Hongyan and Liu Qing towards Hailong City.

Then, a tingling pain came from the sole of his right foot, and then a hot feeling spread from the wound on the sole of his foot to his body, destroying his body functions.

"Not good!" Zhang Cheng immediately realized that he had been poisoned, and then jumped in front of Shangguan Hongyan and Liu Qing, and then took out a detoxification pill and took it.

However, the onset of the poison was much faster than he had imagined, and in the blink of an eye, his entire right leg lost feeling.

At this time, the medicinal effect of the detoxification pill also played a role, suppressing the onset of the severe poison, and at the same time, began to attack the toxin.

However, this poison is very tenacious, and it actually blocks the potency of the detoxification pill.

Then, a figure broke out from the ground, revealing the face he moved. This is an extremely pale face, the complexion is like white paper, without blood.

Moreover, there was no emotion in his eyes, only cold murderous intent.

The appearance of this person is not bad, but Zhang Cheng has never seen this person before, he can't understand why this person came to attack him.

"Zhang Cheng, are you okay?" Shangguan Hongyan stood in the distance with Liu Qing in her arms, seeing bright red blood flowing from Zhang Cheng's feet, so she asked worriedly,

"Leave me alone, hurry back to Sea Dragon City, and go!" Zhang Cheng stared at the strange man intently, and at the same time shouted loudly behind him.


"There are so many buts, let me go." Zhang Cheng was furious when he heard that Shangguan Hongyan was so hesitant.

"Oh!" Shangguan Hongyan knew that if she stayed, she would only be a burden to Zhang Chengping. After she returned to Hailong City, she could still ask Liu Yue for help. Thinking of this, she responded, and hugged Liu Jing. Stretch out and run towards Hailong City.

"Where to go..." The white-faced man told them to leave, and he was about to rob and kill them.

However, just as he was about to move, a figure stood in front of him, not Zhang Cheng or anyone else.

"Your opponent is me." Zhang Cheng said coldly to this person.

"Hmph, you can still go so fast after being poisoned. I underestimate you. If that's the case, I'll kill you first." The white-faced man was startled when he saw Zhang Cheng blocking his way. But soon the coldness returned, and at the same time, the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger.

As soon as the words fell, he shot directly, and a long sword glowing with green light was stabbed out by him, straight for Zhang Cheng's heart.

"It's the same thing again!" Zhang Cheng knew that the sword was tempered with the same speed as he was planting at the moment. Although his body was fine at the moment, if he was hit by a move, he would not be able to deal with it. So easy.

Moreover, this person's cultivation base is not low, and has even reached the early stage of Jindan. If he gets hit by a sword, he will no longer be this person's opponent.

So, he didn't keep his hand anymore, and the "Nine Dragon Thorn" was activated instantly, and the soul power directly turned into sharp steel spears, directly piercing into the soul of this person.

There was a hint of pain on the white-faced man's face, and his figure paused for a moment. Zhang Cheng would not give him the slightest chance. With a move in his heart, a long sword appeared in his hand, and he stepped on it directly from the man's body. Wear it on your body.

"Puff——" A bloody sword shot out from the man's chest, and he said: "You can attack with a soul, I deserve to die!", then fell to the ground and lost his vitality.

After killing this person, Zhang Cheng immediately sat down on the spot, and circulated his true energy to attack the toxin in his right leg.

This toxin is very stubborn, the detoxification pill can only suppress it in a small part, but it can't completely expel it, and just now, it took the opportunity of killing this person by itself to break through the encirclement of the detoxification pill, towards its own body The body rushed over.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng mobilized his true essence in time to block it back. Otherwise, the toxin would rush into his body and destroy his internal organs, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

Therefore, he tried his best to control the true essence in his body and combined with the medicinal power of the detoxification pill, completely eliminated the toxin from his body according to the way it came.

"Grandma, I want to see who you are." Zhang Cheng suffered a lot from this kid this time, so he planned to find the mastermind behind it.

He will never let anyone who dares to hit his attention, even if his own strength is not enough now, he will take revenge ten times in the future.

As he spoke, he stood up from the ground, walked to the side of the white-faced man, and searched his body, but found nothing except for a few useless throwing knives.


At the same time, several sounds of breaking through the air came from far and near, and then Liu Yue and Ji Hailong City's masters appeared beside Zhang Cheng, and seeing that Zhang Cheng was injured, they hurriedly asked: " Zhang Cheng, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I just got stabbed by this kid and got poisoned, but I've already expel it and it's okay, but this kid was killed by me in a hurry, and I can't ask this person The main messenger, I agree with him." Zhang Cheng said a little depressed.

After doing it for a long time, he still suffered such a blow, but he didn't even figure out who was going to kill him, how could he not be depressed.

"Let me take a look!" Liu Yue walked up to the white-faced man's body, carefully identified it, and soon frowned, and said, "If I remember this person well, he should be from the Wang family!"

"The Wang family?" Zhang Cheng was startled, and immediately asked, "The Wang family?"

"There is only one royal family in Hailong City, and their patriarch is Wang Yun, who is your wife's uncle." Liu Yue replied.

"How?" According to Zhang Cheng's guess, this person should most likely be sent by the Xue family. After all, the Wang family still has something to ask of themselves, and if something happens to them, then what they ask of themselves will be in vain.

"According to my opinion, this person should not be sent by someone from the Wang family?" Liu Yue thought for a while and said, "If I were Wang Yun, even if I wanted to send someone to kill you, I'm afraid I wouldn't use it to show it in front of others." People with faces. After all, if they miss, wouldn’t that be exposing them.”

"Not from the Wang family?" Zhang Cheng was a little confused, and asked: "The people from the Wang family are not from the Wang family, so who could they be?"

"I'm not sure about this, but I know that each of their families will insert some of their own ears and eyes, so that they can understand their movements. I think you should understand when it comes to this." Although Liu Yue didn't Whoever was named, but as soon as the words came out, the target was undoubtedly narrowed to the limit.

He is worthy of sinning the Xue family in the whole Hailong City, I am afraid that this person should be sent by the Xue family.

"I think I understand who did it." Zhang Cheng nodded and said.

"It's good to understand, but now that you are not their opponent, you should keep a low profile. After all, my father is not in Sea Dragon City. With my strength, I can't suppress everyone, so...you understand what I mean." Liu Yue replied.

"Well, I understand." Zhang Cheng still didn't understand, he could tell that Liu Yue had already guessed that it was a member of the Xue family, and what he was referring to could not suppress everyone, presumably it was the one Liu Jing explained before he left The old man of the Xue family.

"Hehe, okay, come back to the city with me." Liu Yue nodded, and then led Zhang Cheng back to Hailong City, while the few people left threw the white-faced man's body directly into the sea.

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