In the afternoon, Zhang Cheng asked Liu Yue to help Shangguan Hongyan bring his mother, Wang Feng, out of the palace and directly moved into the city lord's mansion. However, Wang Yun also got what he wanted, because Liu Yue promised to give his family a development opportunity. opportunity.

As for the opportunity, Zhang Chengcheng didn't care too much. After all, he and the Wang family were on the wrong side.

At this moment, he was practicing in his room, packing his things at the same time, planning to get up and return after a while, after all, Liu Jing didn't know when he would come back, and he didn't want to wait here for so long.

Moreover, he also wanted to take this opportunity to practice well, improve his strength, and go back to see Ouyang Qianyun and the others, and play with them.

Also, deal with the remaining matters. After all, there is still a big rock in his heart that has not been resolved, and that is ASRock, which he did not kill before.

It has been five or six years since that time, and he doesn't know how far this guy has reached, so he plans to investigate and investigate after he goes back, and deal with him after he is found, so as to avoid future troubles.

In this way, when he went to the ancient continent, he would have no worries.

However, at this moment, a terrifying force suddenly pressed down from the sky, and the huge pressure made him breathless.

"What's going on?" Zhang Cheng was startled, he was a little confused about the situation, where is this, the City Lord's Mansion of Hailong City, who would have the guts to rush here to make trouble.

"Boy Zhang, come out for me." At this moment, there was an explosion in the sky, and then the majestic pressure suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Boy Zhang? Could it be me?" Zhang Cheng was stunned. He remembered that he seemed to be the only person surnamed Zhang in the entire city lord's mansion, but he remembered that he didn't seem to have committed such a terrible master.

"Could it be that the masters of the Xue family saw Liu Jing leaving and came to trouble me again?" Zhang Cheng was startled, and just as he was about to open the door, he heard a knock on the door.

Then, he opened the door and saw Liu Yue appeared at the door.

"Zhang Cheng, don't go out, that old guy from the Xue family is here to trouble you." Liu Yue immediately pushed Zhang Cheng in, and then closed the door behind him.

"No, that old guy is so shameless. He didn't dare to come when Mr. Liu was here. He came as soon as Mr. Liu left." Zhang Cheng was a little depressed. It had been more than half a month since that incident, and he didn't know what to do. I almost forgot about this matter, but this old guy came to make trouble, really shameless.

"That old boy never talks about rules, but he is extremely powerful. He only fears my father in the whole Hailong City. Now that my father is gone, he is the only one in Hailong City who is a master of the tribulation period. And you hurt his grandson before, so he won't let you go." Liu Yue replied.

"Then what should we do now?" Zhang Cheng was also a little confused, he thought he would leave Hailong City immediately, and with Liu Jing accompanying him, even if the members of the Xue family wanted to make trouble for him, they had to weigh it carefully.

However, who would have thought that Liu Jing's sudden departure would make him so passive.

"Don't worry, my father told me to take care of you before he left, then I will guarantee your safety. Although this old guy is very strong, but with the sword charm left by my father, it is not difficult to deal with him. Alright, I won't tell you anymore, I'll go out and pester him immediately to see if there is room for relaxation." Liu Yue replied.

"Then I'll be the city master." Zhang Cheng could only rely on Liu Yue at this moment, otherwise, if he faced the masters of the tribulation stage with his strength, he would be looking for death.

"Well, you stay here, no matter what happens, don't go out, remember." Liu Yue reminded again and again.

"Remember." Zhang Cheng nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Okay, I'm going out." Saying that, Liu Yue opened the door again and went out, but just as Zhang Cheng wanted to close the door, a slim woman walked outside.

"Zhang Cheng, what's going on here?" The person who came was Shangguan Hongyan. She was taking a bath just now when she heard someone shouting Zhang Cheng's name, so she put on her clothes and came out. She didn't even comb her hair at the moment. The water on her body was not wiped, it directly soaked her outer clothes.

The soaked skin was attached to Shangguan Hongyan's body, and a perfect curve appeared in front of Zhang Cheng's eyes. The most deadly thing was that the two points on Shangguan Hongyan's chest protruded slightly due to the fact that there was no restraint, and the wet The clothes were a little transparent, and Zhang Cheng only felt his mouth dry and couldn't help swallowing.

Because Shangguan Hongyan had some doubts that people from the Xue family had come to seek revenge on Zhang Cheng, and was worried that he would be in danger, so she didn't pay attention to her situation.

But when she saw Zhang Cheng's appearance, she subconsciously glanced at her body, and suddenly saw her body looming in front of Zhang Cheng's eyes.

"Ah!" Shangguan Hongyan yelled, then ran out as if fleeing, and disappeared in front of Zhang Cheng's door in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Liu Qing just walked in from the outside, and she turned towards the direction Shangguan Hongyan left in a strange way. When he saw Zhang Cheng, he asked, "Brother, what's wrong with sister Hongyan?"

"Cough's okay." Zhang Cheng also coughed twice in embarrassment, and then said, "Why are you here?"

"I heard someone yelling outside, and it seemed to be calling for brother, so I came over to take a look!" Liu Qing replied, and then asked: "Brother, what happened?"

"The old man of the Xue family has come and said he wants to avenge Xue Long. If your father has already left and he can deal with it, there shouldn't be any problem." Zhang Cheng replied.

"The members of the Xue family are too shameless. Why don't you dare to come when my grandpa is around, and only pick when my grandpa isn't around, what a coward." Upon hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Liu Qing immediately opened her mouth to curse.

"Okay, don't talk about this, go ahead and have a look, and come back and let me know if there is anything." Zhang Cheng was a little worried about Liu Yue's safety, so he wanted Liu Qing to be his "eyes".

"Okay, brother, you wait for me." Saying that, Liu Qing ran out of the room.

"If I knew this, I should have run away last night." Zhang Cheng said depressingly.

"Zhang Cheng, what the hell is going on here? Could it be that people from the Xue family have come to trouble you." At this time, Shangguan Hongyan returned, but at this moment she had already put on her clothes, and her hair had been let loose by her. Tie up, but there is still a little shyness in the eyes, not daring to look directly into Zhang Cheng's eyes.

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